Published 01/17/23
Here's my tips for branding yourself as an indie filmmaker
Published 09/09/21
Here's how I recoup some of my production costs every single year.
Published 01/01/21
The basics for marketing your film as an independent filmmaker. 
Published 01/01/21
Here are my recommendations for producing a film during a pandemic. 
Published 01/01/21
Here's what I have handy when it comes to distributing my film. 
Published 01/01/21
Here's how a producer is involved in the casting process. 
Published 06/19/20
Your team is everything. Here's who you need to include in your filmmaking process. 
Published 06/19/20
Post production is usually an afterthought. Here's what you need to include in your post production schedule 
Published 06/19/20
Here's what you need to include in your shoot schedule 
Published 06/19/20
Here's what you need to remember when creating your production schedule 
Published 06/19/20
#BlackLivesmatter  #Blackcreativesmatter  #Blackfilmsmatter
Published 06/19/20
Here are the 5 questions I'm asked on a weekly basis as a microbudget indie filmmaker. 
Published 04/21/20
Here's how to save a sh*t ton of money on your films. 
Published 04/21/20
Here's what you should include in your production budget. 
Published 04/21/20