Die Sonne entstand vor etwa 4,6 Milliarden Jahren in einer riesigen, sich drehenden Gas- und Staubwolke, dem sogenannten Sonnennebel.Als der Nebel unter seiner eigenen Schwerkraft kollabierte, drehte er sich schneller und flachte sich zu einer Scheibe ab. Alle Planeten bildeten sich innerhalb dieser Scheibe. Radioaktive Isotope helfen uns zu wissen, was zur Zeit der Entstehung […]
Published 05/05/24
Published 05/05/24
Wir alle wissen, dass wir in einer Galaxie namens Milky Way leben. Aber weisst du, dass esMilliarden anderer Galaxien in diesem Universum gibt? Alle Galaxien haben unterschiedliche Formen undphysikalische Eigenschaften. In dieser Folge werden wir besprechen, wie diese Galaxien aussehen.Was sagen uns die verschiedenen Formen über die Galaxien? We all know that we live in […]
Published 04/07/24
Tejpreet interviewed Dr. Nikos Prantzos, from the Institute of Astrophysics, Paris. He is a leading scientist in nuclear astrophysics, astronomy, galactic evolution and search for extraterrestrial life. In their talk, they explore the profound questions surrounding the existence of alien life. Dr Prantzos shares his perspectives on the methodologies employed in the quest for extraterrestrial […]
Published 01/07/24
This episode delves into the captivating realm of astrobiology, the science that seeks to answer the age-old question: Are we alone in the universe? From ancient speculations to cutting-edge techniques, we explore the quest for life beyond Earth. Tune in to discover the mysteries of distant exoplanets, innovative life-detection methods, and the future of this […]
Published 11/05/23
In this episode, Tejpreet will discuss the Interstellar medium also known as ISM in short. ISM is the celestial glue holding galaxies together. Discover its different types, the cosmic processes within, and its impact on space exploration. In dieser Folge spricht Tejpreet über das Interstellare Medium, auch kurz ISM genannt. Das ISM ist wie ein […]
Published 10/01/23
Explore the cosmos through a unique lens! In this episode, we have multi-talented Sydney as the co-host. She is a music teacher with a cosmic passion. Together, we delve into space science’s captivating intricacies, from space debris to time dilation and the universe’s expanding frontiers. Erforsche den Kosmos durch eine einzigartige Linse! In dieser Folge haben […]
Published 09/03/23
In this episode, we explore protoplanetary disks, swirling cosmic nurseries where planets are born and discuss their formation, composition, and role in creating the diverse planets in our universe. Also, learn how astronomers study these distant disks and what the future holds for understanding our cosmic origins in this episode.  In dieser Folge erforschen wir protoplanetare Scheiben, […]
Published 08/08/23
In this episode, Tejpreet joins us on an enlightening journey exploring the transformative power of the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST). Tejpreet explores how the JWST will revolutionize our understanding of the universe. We experience the remarkable capabilities of the JWST as it peers into the atmospheres of distant exoplanets, unravels the mysteries surrounding the […]
Published 07/02/23
This episode explores the groundbreaking achievements and breathtaking images the Hubble Space Telescope (HST) captured. Its observations have unravelled the mysteries of galaxy formation and evolution, explored the life cycles of stars, and mapped the distribution of dark matter. The awe-inspiring deep-field observations have revealed galaxies billions of light-years away, offering a glimpse into the […]
Published 06/04/23
A new Era of Space Exploration: In this episode, we dive deep into the latest advancements in space exploration and how machine learning plays a crucial role in unlocking the mysteries of the universe. Our guest Dr. Brandon Panos, an astrophysics and machine learning expert, explores how machine learning techniques are revolutionizing various fields, from […]
Published 05/07/23
In this episode, we’ll be taking a closer look at the Exoplanet discoveries on how they’ve revolutionized astronomy and opened up a new frontier of exploration beyond our solar system. With the help of advanced telescopes and innovative techniques, astronomers have detected thousands of exoplanets orbiting distant stars, revealing the incredible diversity and complexity of […]
Published 04/02/23
In this episode, we’ll be taking a closer look at the gas giants – Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune. These massive planets, with no solid surface to stand on, have fascinated scientists and space enthusiasts for years. In addition to the gas giants in our own solar system, there are also exoplanets, or planets outside […]
Published 03/05/23
In this episode Tejpreet will take a closer look at one of the most mysterious and captivating objects in our solar system – comets. From the ancient Greeks to modern-day scientists, comets have inspired awe and sparked scientific inquiry for thousands of years. But what exactly are comets, and where do they come from? Join […]
Published 02/09/23
In this episode, Tejpreet will explore the fascinating world of the giant stars. From their birth and life cycle to their explosive demise. Massive stars are some of the brightest and most powerful objects in the universe. They are born from massive clouds of gas and dust, and their intense radiation and powerful winds shape […]
Published 01/19/23
In this episode Tejpreet discuss the evolution of low mass stars. As our Sun is a typical low mass star, she discussed the details of the evolution of Sun with an expert from the field. We invited Dr. Rohit Sharma who is a Solar Radioastronomer at Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz FHNW, Windisch.  In dieser Folge spricht Tejpreet über […]
Published 12/20/22
Do you ever wonder how all the elements around us came into existence? All the elements except Hydrogen and Helium in our Universe are formed inside the stars at a very high temperature.  Stars are the „element factories“. But how do stars do it? This is an introduction episode to the series of „the life […]
Published 11/21/22
Andromeda, also known as Messier 31 (M31), is a spiral galaxy about 2.5 million light-years away. The Andromeda Galaxy is visible to the naked eye from Earth. It is so bright that it is even visible from areas with moderate light pollution. Our Milky Way and Andromeda will collide and will merge to form a […]
Published 10/24/22
Nein, bei “The Milky Way Podcast” geht es nicht um den leckeren Schokoriegel, sondern um Schwarze Löcher, den Urknall oder das Sonnensystem. Auch wenn sich hier alles um Astronomie und Astrophysik dreht, brauchst du keinen Doktortitel, um mitzuhalten. Den bringt die Podcasterin Dr. Tejpreet Kaur schon mit. Jeden Monat präsentiert sie in ihrem brandneuen Podcast […]
Published 09/27/22
Schwarze Löcher, Urknall, das Sonnensystem – immer wieder erstaunen und faszinieren uns die neuen Erkenntnisse über das Universum. In diesem Podcast dreht sich alles um die Astronomie und Astrophysik. Und nein, du brauchst keinen Doktor-Titel, um mitzuhalten; den bringt die Moderatorin Dr. Tejpreet Kaur nämlich schon mit. Sie informiert dich über Details und Erklärungen zu […]
Published 08/29/22
Schwarze Löcher, Urknall, das Sonnensystem – immer wieder erstaunen und faszinieren uns die neuen Erkenntnisse über das Universum. In diesem Podcast dreht sich alles um die Astronomie und Astrophysik. Und nein, du brauchst keinen Doktor-Titel, um mitzuhalten; den bringt die Moderatorin Dr. Tejpreet Kaur nämlich schon mit. Sie informiert dich über Details und Erklärungen zu […]
Published 08/01/22