For more than half a century, Bill Raduchel has been the Zelig of the technology world, involved in nearly everything and knowing everyone worth knowing. Bill has served as a high-level executive and strategic adviser for Sun Microsystems, AOL Time Warner, Xerox, and McGraw-Hill and negotiated deals with the biggest names in technology. Bill has worked with systems, software, and networks for decades at the highest levels and has remained at the forefront of the media, education, and...
Published 05/23/24
Published 05/23/24
Ximena Vengoechea has a new book 'Rest Easy: Discover Calm and Abundance through the Radical Power of Rest', that explores why we don't get enough rest and how we can get more of it at a time when so many of us are feeling burned out. Many of us ignore the signs that it’s time to slow down. We keep going because we believe ourselves unstoppable or because life’s responsibilities—work, rent, kids—make it feel impossible to stop. 'Rest Easy' is a practical guide on how to get the vital rest we...
Published 05/09/24
Katie Arnold is a writer, Zen practitioner and very successful elite ultrarunner. A longtime contributor for Outside Magazine, Katie has been featured in The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, ESPN, Elle and Runner’s World. At the age of 46, 2 years after she was advised never to run again, Arnold shocked the running world by winning the Leadville Trail 100 Run, the largest, highest and most challenging 100 mile ultramarathon in the country with one of the fastest times in race history....
Published 04/25/24
Dr Mark Cheng is a leading name in strength & conditioning for the body. He is also an authority for the strength and conditioning of the mind. Through a lifetime of learning, honing, refining, and distilling methods and practices from both the Western and Eastern world, Mark has developed a system that helps everyone from the office jock to top-performing athletes and c-suite executives to move better, perform better, feel better, achieve faster and shorter recovery times, and at the end...
Published 04/10/24
Oscar Trimboli is an expert at deep listening. Listening is a critical yet neglected skill, and in this interview, Oscar offers a practical and insightful guide on how to be better at this crucial skill. He works with executive leaders at any business level to help them unlock value through better alignment, understanding and communication to explore perceptions, seek out truths and differences, and, importantly, create shared understanding and meaning. None of this is possible without...
Published 03/28/24
Don Mann is a decorated combat veteran, endurance athlete and author. His autobiography 'Inside SEAL Team Six: My Life and Missions with America's Elite Warriors', is a bestseller. His new book 'Reaching beyond Boundaries: A Navy SEAL’s Guide to Achieving Everything You’ve Ever Imagined', shares the secrets behind his impressive achievements, detailing the lessons he learned from his training and endurance pursuits, the stuff that we can apply to our daily lives to push beyond our own...
Published 03/14/24
Charlie Gilkey is a 'teams' guy. After 20 years of fieldwork incorporating systems thinking, strategy, execution, leadership and organizational development, his experience includes leading 200+ soldiers in the U.S. Army and 14 years consulting leaders in various industries. As challenging as leading and working in teams can be, few things are as rewarding as seeing your team come together and do a great job. He believes every team, everywhere, has the potential to be that kind of team, and...
Published 02/29/24
Life is a process of making trades in a quest for a better life. In the gym, we trade an hour of exercise daily for energy and strength. In marriage, we trade novelty for loyalty. As a parent, we trade freedom for fulfilment. There is one trade, however, that becomes less and less appealing as you mature: trading your time for money. Lon Stroschein operates a movement called Normal 40, which is based on helping people make their own life's second half "Trade", where you consider what's next....
Published 02/15/24
Jeffrey Hayzlett is a primetime television and business podcast host on the C-Suite Network. Recognised as a leading business expert, Jeffrey regularly shares business executive insights on Bloomberg, Fox Business, and NBC. Jeffrey is also a former Bloomberg contributing editor and appeared as a guest celebrity judge on NBC’s Celebrity Apprentice with Donald Trump for three seasons. He is a turnaround specialist of the highest order, a maverick marketer who delivers scalable campaigns, a guy...
Published 01/31/24
Vinnie Tortorich, the highest profile celebrity trainer in Hollywood, has produced three films, has a best-selling book, and done over 2000 podcasts; he's an ultra athlete and is a guy who speaks the truth about health and wellness and how the big corporates and governments are leading us astray. This conversation challenges our constructs, assumptions, and beliefs on health, fitness, nutrition, and what we feed ourselves and our families. Vinnie is "the guy on the street" who steps up....
Published 01/17/24
During the break between seasons, we go to Gold School. The Gold School sessions are episodes I find myself referring back to and refer to in my keynote speeches and those I work with personally. Each one has given me 'gold' that I've adopted into my world or shared to help others be the best they can be, unlock their great ideas and get their Mojo working.   Luke Burgis, author of 'Wanting', writes about the study of French Polymath Renee Girard, who coined the term mimetic desire. From...
Published 01/05/24
During the break between seasons, we go to Gold School. The Gold School sessions are the episodes I find myself going back to and referring to in my keynotes.   Dr Jim Loehr is a world-renowned performance psychologist, researcher, and author of seventeen books. One of them is the bestseller 'The Power of Full Engagement', a book that changed my perspective and focus on planning, performance, time and management. By changing your focus from time management to energy management, it changes...
Published 01/04/24
During the break between seasons, we go to Gold School. The Gold School sessions are the episodes I find myself going back to and referring to in my keynotes. Each one has given me gold that I've adopted into my world or shared to help others be the best they can be, unlock their great ideas and get their Mojo working.   Erica Komisar, a leading New York-based psychoanalyst, shared how our actions as parents with a child today, regardless of how young they are, can have a massive influence...
Published 01/03/24
During the break between seasons, we go to Gold School. The Gold School sessions are the episodes I find myself going back to and referring to in my keynotes. Each one has given me gold that I've adopted into my world or shared to help others be the best they can be, unlock their great ideas and get their Mojo working.   Without question, Dr John Demartini's work has had a massive influence on my world. Dr Demartini is one of the world's leading behavioural scientists, a human behaviour...
Published 01/02/24
During the break between seasons, we go to 'Gold School'. The Gold School sessions are the episodes I find myself going back to and referring to in my keynotes. Each one has given me gold that I've adopted into my world or shared to help others be the best they can be, unlock their great ideas and get their Mojo working.   Logan Gelbrich, season 2, Ep 213, is one of my favourite guests of all time, and I have to say there's not a day when I don't make the decision: go left or go right, the...
Published 01/01/24
Over the four seasons of The Mojo Sessions, some definite themes have appeared. One of those themes concerns high performance, mental performance coaches, and higher standards. The guys at Doublestar, the production team behind The Mojo Sessions, suggested we lockdown a rewind with a collection of mental performance coaches who can share with us the right mindset, tools, techniques, rituals and routines to ensure that the season ahead is everything we hope it to be. It's a long-form episode...
Published 12/28/23
Some of the most profound feedback I have received over the four seasons of The Mojo Sessions from listeners worldwide is people wanting to find a sense of peace, contentment and ultimate happiness... finding a sense of self. This Megamix is a series of 5 episodes that get to the heart of this subject... How do we feel good about ourselves and our lives? As we close the season, it seemed appropriate to reflect on one of the biggest issues facing us: who we are, what makes us happy, and how we...
Published 12/21/23
Ryan Munsey, host of The Better Human Project podcast, is a best-selling author, a world-class high-performance consultant, and certainly a thought leader in the wellness and personal development space. His work has been featured in Fortune Magazine, Men's Health, & Men's Fitness. Ryan is on a quest to find the tools we need to elevate our lives. He's worked with professional and Olympic athletes, Navy SEALs, and entrepreneurs to help them optimise their minds and bodies, win medals,...
Published 12/14/23
There was quite a reaction to our last session with Dr Gregory Smith, the guy who faced extraordinary trauma, turned his back on society, walked into a forest and stayed there for 10 years. Over the four seasons of The Mojo Sessions, there have been some definite themes appear. The guys at Doublestar, the production team behind The Mojo Sessions, suggested we do a Megamix of five trauma-related conversations back to back as a holiday superset. It's a long-form episode containing five...
Published 11/30/23
Gregory Smith turned his back on society to live in a forest as a hermit, surviving for ten years on frogs, bats, ants and water from streams. Today, Gregory has a PhD in Sociology and teaches at Southern Cross University. This is a remarkable story of a man, once haunted by personal demons, who turned his life around. It's a universal story of hope, reminding us that there is always a way out, no matter how dark or desperate our circumstances are.   LINKS Dr Gregory Smith ...
Published 11/16/23
Eric Kapitulik was a Marine Infantry Officer and Special Ops Officer, 1st Force Reconnaissance Company.  In 1999, during routine training preparing to deploy to the Persian Gulf, Eric and his platoon were in a helicopter crash, resulting in the death of six of his Marine brothers. To raise money for college scholarships for the children of his lost teammates, he has completed 8 Ironman Triathlons and summited 5 of the seven highest peaks on each of the seven continents, including Mt. Everest....
Published 11/04/23
Michael Bungay Stanier, is best known for 'The Coaching Habit', the best-selling coaching book of the century. His new book, 'How to Work with (Almost) Anyone', does what it says on the label. The quality of our working relationships determines our success and our happiness, but often, we leave it all to chance. However, it doesn't have to be like this. Every working relationship can be better when we consider not just what we are working on but how we will work together. This conversation...
Published 10/19/23
Jessie Kanzer, author of 'Don’t Just Sit There, DO NOTHING' and the newly released 'Unlocking Your Inner Zelensky', was born in the Soviet Union as Asya Bronfman, a descendant of Holocaust survivors. As an 8-year-old refugee in the USA who only spoke Russian, Jessie (or “Asya” then) yearned to fit in, changing her name and much about herself. Experiencing depression and an eating disorder, Jessie pursued Hollywood fame, men, and the American Dream but always fell short. We discuss her refugee...
Published 10/05/23
Dr Gloria Mark is Chancellor’s Professor of Informatics, at the University of California, Irvine. Informatics is the intersection of people and computers. With a PhD from Columbia University in Psychology and a visiting researcher at Microsoft Research, Dr Mark has spent 20 years studying multitasking, interruptions & productivity in the digital age. She has published over 200 articles for the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, The Atlantic, and the BBC. We discuss her new book...
Published 09/21/23