In this episode we cover the lore of the Darkoath Battletome Supplement. Get ready to hear a whole lotta sworn oaths, blood sacrifice, and savagery. And then if we have time after all that, we’ll talk about those true inhabitants of the realms!
Published 04/22/24
In this episode we cover the lore of Dawnbringers: Shadow of the Crone. Have these Dawnbringers founded a dang city yet? They have to have by now, this has to be the last book right? Dear listeners, please join us for what is almost certainly the final…wait, what’s that? There’s a crone who can tell the future, and she’s informing me we’ve got a ways to go yet. Let’s get into it, I suppose.
Published 04/15/24
In this episode we cover the lore of Dawnbringers: The Mad King Rises. Remember when we talked all about Ushoran a few episodes ago? Well guess what, we’re not done. Will we repeat some stuff from that episode? Probably. Will there be new stuff too? Maybe. Is there a whole other Dawnbringer Crusade outside of Ghyran? We’ll find out. Join us, won’t you?
Published 03/04/24
In this episode we cover the lore of the Tomb Kings of Khemri. Get ready to hear a whole lotta grand titles, creaking bones, and tales from the olden days. And then if we have time after all that, we’ll talk about those desert liches!
Published 01/29/24
Welcome to the Mortal Realms Sigmarnalia Spectacular Podcast Ultra Crossover!
Published 12/18/23
In this episode we cover the lore of the Flesh Eater Courts Battletome. Get ready to hear a whole lotta delusions, gas lighting, and insanity. And then if we have time after all that, we’ll talk about those knights of the realm!
Published 12/04/23
In this episode we cover the lore of Dawnbringers: The Long Hunt.
Published 11/13/23
In this episode we’ll chat about the Bear-Eater, the Champion of the Gods, the Force of Personality, and God’s Gift himself.  And then if we have time after all that, we’ll talk with critically acclaimed Black Library author David Guymer!
Published 10/23/23
In this episode we cover the lore of Dawnbringers: Reign of the Brute. The forces of destruction are not done yet, and they’ve come to close out the Era of the Beast with a slam. And a Bam. And like a kick and stomp and smash and all sorts of other destruction verbs. Let’s see how many we can come up with.
Published 09/18/23
In this episode we cover the lore of the Cities of Sigmar Battletome. Get ready to hear a whole lotta shots fired, spinning our wheels, and human-centric perspectives. And then if we have time after all that, we’ll talk about those free people!
Published 09/04/23
In this episode we’re chatting with Black Library author Evan Dicken about all things Warhammer, Black Library, and how far along he is on the path of glory.
Published 07/31/23
In this episode we cover the lore of Dawnbringers: Harbingers. Call us the ringers though we never linger, the Mortal Realms always the flinger and slinger of zingers and stingers that make you wringer your fingers. Charminger and cunninger, we’re the singer of this humdinger rumspringa for the Dawn and its bringers.
Published 07/03/23
In this episode we cover grudges, beer, long memories and short tempers, and after that, if we have time, we’ll cover Grombrindal: Chronicles of the Wanderer by David Guymer.
Published 05/22/23
In this episode we cover the lore of the Seraphon Battletome. Get ready to hear a whole lotta unintelligible growling, unfathomable plans, and heads in the stars. And then if we have time after all that, we’ll talk about those lizardmen!
Published 04/24/23
In this episode we cover the lore of the Blades of Khorne Battletome. Get ready to hear a whole lotta rage, axed questions, and high blood pressure. And then if we have time after all that, we’ll talk about those red bois!
Published 03/20/23
Today marks the general world-wide release of the fifth Pocket Realms Anthology!
Published 02/27/23
In this episode we’re chatting with Black Library author Noah Van Nguyen about all things Warhammer, Black Library, and why he has such a big problem with Sigmar.
Published 01/21/23
Welcome to the Mortal Realms Sigmarnalia Spectacular Podcast Ultra Crossover!
Published 12/25/22
In this episode we cover the lore of the Slaves to Darkness Battletome. Get ready to hear a whole lotta in-fighting, struggle for control, and asserted dominance. And then if we have time after all that, we’ll talk about those StD’s!
Published 12/12/22
In this episode we cover the lore of the Ogor Mawtribes Battletome. Get ready to hear a whole lotta mouth noises, belly aching, and frigid takes. And then if we have time after all that, we’ll talk about those Big Boys!
Published 11/07/22
In this episode we cover the lore of the Disciples of Tzeentch Battletome. Get ready to hear a whole lotta insidious plots, unrealized predictions, and #paultheories.. And then if we have time after all that, we’ll talk about those hankerin’ for a changekerin’!
Published 10/10/22
A special thanks to our guest, Doug from 2+Tough! In this episode we cover the lore of Arcane Cataclysm. You think Slaanesh is the only chaos god the Lumineth have to contend with? You think Sigmar is the only one leaving incredibly powerful artifacts haphazardly across the realms? You think that weird mole on your shoulder can’t possibly be whispering terrifying secrets to you while you sleep? Well you’d be wrong my friend! Join us while we find other things you’re horribly mistaken about...
Published 09/05/22
In this episode we cover the lore of Heart of Ghur. Whether you’ve got bull horns or swamp stilts, The Ravening Ruin calls to all, and we’re here to distill whatever lore we can from the newest expansion of Warcry.
Published 08/08/22
In this episode we cover the lore of the Sylvaneth Battletome. Get ready to hear a whole lotta about trees. Missing the forest for them, barking up the wrong ones, and pining after them. And then if we have time after all that, we’ll talk about those stone-cold birches!
Published 07/11/22