Is that statement true . . . Can Sleep Apnea kill you? Are you or a loved one struggling with snoring or grinding your teeth while asleep? These symptoms could indicate an issue with your airway function linked to your jaw. The relationship between sleep apnea and sleep bruxism (teeth grinding) isn't clear yet, with various studies unable to conclude whether they are connected or occur independently. People with sleep apnea often suffer from sleep bruxism, and it is hypothesized that our...
Published 04/19/24
Published 04/19/24
How Much Sleep Do Kids Need? Parents know, that getting kids to sleep isn’t easy. It's hard to track how much sleep they Need. Uncovering sleep issues is crucial. A quarter of kids suffer sleep problems, potentially affecting their lifelong health and learning. Sleep quantity matters, but so does quality – poor sleep could signal disorders. Sleep troubles may stem from airway and breathing issues, impacting speech and dental health. Watch for these signs: Bedtime resistance, night waking, or...
Published 04/05/24
Ever considered how your oral health might be indicative of something much bigger? Serious conditions such as heart disease, auto-immune disorders, and even Alzheimer's Dementia may have deeper roots than traditionally recognized - roots that might lie in your oral health. Functional dentistry delves into these connections, probing the root causes of oral diseases. It's not just about your teeth; it's about the community of bacteria dwelling in your mouth, known as the oral microbiome. Over...
Published 03/22/24
In the world of holistic health, understanding the intertwining of oral wellness and overall developmental health is crucial. Particularly, when we talk about speech therapy for kids, it’s essential to appreciate how this intervention is more than just learning to articulate words clearly. It's about bridging the gap between the physical development of the mouth and the child’s ability to engage with the world around them effectively. Ensuring the health and correct development of a child's...
Published 03/18/24
If you've ever found yourself wondering, "Is there a myofunctional therapist near me?" you're in the right place. Myofunctional therapy, a technique aimed at enhancing tongue posture and nasal breathing, can significantly improve oral and sleep health. Symptoms such as mouth breathing, snoring, and chronic sinus congestion could point to the need for a myofunctional therapist. Renowned myofunctional therapist, Renata Nehme RDH, BSDH, COM, featured as our guest expert today, brings a wealth...
Published 03/03/24
The vital role of a child's breathing patterns is often underestimated, yet it plays a critical part in their overall development—impacting sleep, educational growth, behavior, and even the physical development of their jaws and face, not to mention their long-term health. Is your child grappling with snoring, attention challenges, ADHD-like symptoms, emotional regulation difficulties, recurrent ear infections, speech or feeding issues, teeth grinding or misalignment, etc.? These common...
Published 02/23/24
Did you know that the simple act of mouth breathing in children could be a silent culprit in causing crooked teeth?👄🦷 Today on our show, we explore this pivotal issue and the wide-reaching impact of proper nasal breathing on growth, development, sleep, attention, and even energy levels.👃💤 We're joined by a pioneering mind in the dental world, Dr. Dan Hanson, who not only understands the intricate connections between dental health and breathing but has also innovated with his myofunctional...
Published 02/17/24
Have you ever struggled with weight gain or low energy? Insulin resistance might be holding your metabolism back. Long-term blood sugar spikes lead to insulin resistance and are responsible for type II diabetes. However, emerging evidence suggests that low-carbohydrate diets can help manage weight and reduce insulin resistance. We discussed all this and more with Dr. Jessica Turton, who published her PhD in low-carb diets for type I diabetes. Dr. Turton will discuss the dos and don'ts of...
Published 02/08/24
Parents are beginning to understand that mouth breathing, snoring, and teeth grinding during sleep could pose serious harm to their health. Sleep is a foundation of growth and development and the airway is what keeps that foundation functioning to support the brain.  There is a growing body of evidence suggesting that behavioral issues in children often underlie sleep breathing problems.  Snoring and mouth breathing can have many causes or associated issues. If your child snores or has other...
Published 02/04/24
If you've struggled with digestive issues, weight gain, and low energy then a change in your diet is needed. Could a carnivore diet be an effective weight loss and health tool? Recommendations to eat more fruits and vegetables is a well-known foundation of the food-pyramid for better health. The idea that we reduce red-meat, saturated fat, cholesterol, and salt has also been at the centre of dietary recommendations.  Yet, animal-based nutrition was prescribed by Doctors in the early 1900s...
Published 01/21/24
Visit www.drstevenlin.com for this episode and more Lack of chewing and mechanical use of our joints such as the jaw has a lasting impact on our physiology. Human movement is at an all-time low and our children are currently facing both a movement and nature deficiency, with physical, mental and environmental consequences. Movement is a part of a child’s growth and development. The good news is, while the problem feels massive, the solution is quite simple…and fun. This week I'm interviewing...
Published 01/10/24
Visit www.drstevenlin.com for this episode and more If your child struggles with sleep breathing then it’s important to understand why. If there is one topic we should all be talking about more regularly, is how are our kids breathing. A quick assessment may ask how they are they breathing during the day? How does this compare to when they are sleeping? Do they sleep with their Mouth open? Does your child snore? These questions need to be on every parent's lips, but the issue is that once we...
Published 01/10/24
Visit www.drstevenlin.com for this episode and more  Often the healing process can be more of a mental battle than a physical one. If your health is holding you back, are you suffering the impact of the toll it takes on your energy and mind? Today brain disorders like ADHD, anxiety, depression and autism are on the rise. How can lifestyle factors improve our health and mental wellbeing? Where does mindset fit into our health model, and what can we do to sharpen our brain for longer, better...
Published 01/10/24
Visit www.drstevenlin.com for this episode and more If your child eats too much sugar there are many health risks. One of the most immediate and visible effects is tooth decay. Tooth decay in children is the most common chronic disease in the world. Reducing sugar is one of the first strategies to prevent tooth decay in kids. However, sugar can also lead to obesity in children, which has numerous negative health consequences like type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, and joint problems....
Published 01/10/24
Visit www.drstevenlin.com for this episode and more Menstruation gingivitis is when your gums become inflamed before your period starts. It’s common for patients to complain of bleeding gums and tooth pain before and after their period. What does it all mean? The mouth shows us interesting warning signs of deeper issues in the body. Bleeding gums are known to be connected to shifts in sex hormones. If you check yourself for any of the following symptoms, you could have a hormone issue: ·   ...
Published 01/10/24
Visit www.drstevenlin.com for this episode and more Insulin resistance increases your risk for developing pre-diabetes and type 2 diabetes, and is now known to underlie many other chronic diseases. Gum disease is a classic example of a condition that worsens with insulin resistance. Low carbohydrate diets can be one approach to reduce the body’s release of insulin. Insulin is an endocrine hormone that responds to your diet, so understanding the connection between what you eat and your risk...
Published 01/10/24
Visit www.drstevenlin.com for this episode and more Kids today experience more allergy, inflammation, and gut health issues than ever before. How should parents approach these issues? Chronic inflammation can hamper a child's growth and development period, something that all parents wish to guide their children as best as they possibly can. Dr. Elisa Song, MD the holistic pediatrician who helps her patients use dietary, gut health, and functional medical principles to raise the best children...
Published 01/09/24
Visit www.drstevenlin.com for this episode and more Today we are watching our children suffer dental diseases as if it were normal. These issues associate with food choices and how the modern diet simply doesn't nourish or teeth as we are designed to. Modern dentistry can help to bridge the gap between what our ancestors knew as healthy. The role of vitamin D3 and K2 are central to metabolic issues Dr. Joel Gould, dentist and founder of the Modern Hunter Gatherer's Dr. Gould uses ground...
Published 01/09/24
Visit www.drstevenlin.com for this episode and more The gut-brain axis is the connection between your gut and the brain can talk to each other. There are a number of pathways that help them send messages back and forth. They include the gut microbiome, neurotransmitters, and nerve conduction pathways. New research is illustrating that the gut-brain axis is an extremely complex network of cross-talk. This communication is important for things like digestion, metabolism, and how we feel...
Published 01/09/24
Visit www.drstevenlin.com for this episode and more Parents are facing a growing epidemic of children who are not growing jaws that fit adult teeth. Modern Orthodontics is centred around waiting for crooked teeth, and correcting them through banded braces Does this approach miss the early warning signs? Can we spot the early signals of childhood dental growth to prevent these problems? Are they connected to mouth breathing and sleep disorders that many children experience today? This week my...
Published 01/09/24
Visit www.drstevenlin.com for this episode and more Eating meat served as the foundation for human health for generations, yet today we are seeing a growing conversation around removing meat from our diets. Can we really go without eating meat? What are the consequences? There are a number of arguments  including the use of plant-based meats which is another application of inserting processed foods into the diet, known to have poor impacts on health due to nutrient deficiency. What’s good...
Published 01/09/24
Visit www.drstevenlin.com for this episode and more Do you suffer from chronic headaches, neck pain, and jaw issues? What if head and neck pain was a request from the body for change? It's more and more often I'm hearing patients reporting pain. Whether it's headaches, jaw pain, neck or back pain, you cannot be at your best if your body is in agony. Chronic pain links to anxiety, depression, and sleep disorders, yet the solutions are very hard to find. Often the solutions lie in a...
Published 01/09/24
Visit www.drstevenlin.com for this episode and more People who suffer with chronic pain often have early signs in the mouth. Jaw pain, teeth grinding, jaw clenching and bad sleep can be warning signs of a structural issue that can be diagnosed with functional dental examination. If you suffer from teeth grinding, then it can affect your sleep and may associate with risk of sleep apnea. Headaches, migraines, jaw and neck pain may also often have a root cause in teeth grinding. This week I'll...
Published 01/09/24
Visit www.drstevenlin.com for this episode and more Nitric oxide (NO) plays a variety of important roles for optimal health. It functions as a signaling molecule and acts as a mediator for respiration. Benefits of Nitric Oxide Include: 1.  Vasodilation: Nitric oxide acts as a vasodilator, meaning it relaxes and widens blood vessels, helping to regulate blood flow and maintain healthy blood pressure. 2.  Neurotransmission: In the central nervous system (CNS), nitric oxide functions as a...
Published 01/09/24