167 - Does your Etsy shop target a specific demographic? Over my 167 episodes here on The Naptime Hustle Podcast, I have gone over making sure that you know who exactly is “your people” This week's episode answers a question I have been getting asked a lot; and the announcement you have all been waiting for… My new course is FINALLY out Designing for Sublimation in Adobe Photoshop EPISODE NOTES: https://kaseyclin.com/blogs/podcast/should-i-add-my-new-product-to-my-existing-etsy-shop
Published 06/08/23
Published 06/08/23
166 - Last week we spoke about sublimation and this week we are doing the same. Sublimation is hot in the crafting world right now and with my new course coming out here soon Sublimation in Photoshop I felt like it was needed to cover some of the questions I have been asked about by several in the community. This episode is short but sweet! EPISODE NOTES: https://kaseyclin.com/blogs/podcast/how-handmade-businesses-are-using-sublimation
Published 06/02/23
165 - I have been asked frequently about sublimation, where it is going, and is really different than svg files. The answer is not a  simple yes or no, in this episode I really dive into the difference between files and just what sublimation is all about. Get a pen and paper or your phone's notes app handy as we break down some crucial information that will help you make the most of your knowledge with sublimation. EPISODE NOTES:...
Published 05/26/23
164- This part two of my interview with Angie Holden from The Country Chic Cottage is where we continue the discussion around sublimation and why it’s a thriving growing area. We talk about everything from materials to print on, printers to use to how to design the best sublimation files for your customers. EPISODE NOTES: https://kaseyclin.com/blogs/podcast/whats-the-deal-with-sublimation-what-exactly-is-sublimation-with-angie-holden-part-two
Published 04/14/23
163 -Sublimation has been quite the buzz in the crafting industry. As a digital seller we need to understand what it is, how our customers use these files and other useful tidbits so that we can design for this growing niche of buyers. Tune into the first part of the interview in this week’s episode where I bring on Angie Holden with the Country Chic Cottage to answer all our questions regarding sublimation. EPISODE NOTES:...
Published 04/07/23
162- I have been following Elle for a while since, before 2019, when she used to send all of her images through a drop box, wow, and now has turned it into a full-blown website-based membership. We use Styled Stocked Society here at Pen and Posh, and we love everything it offers. We wanted to give you the chance to know about it and love it too!  EPISODE NOTES:https://penandposh.com/blogs/podcast/growing-a-membership-site-from-the-ground-up-with-elle-drouin-from-styled-stock-society
Published 03/31/23
161- This week, learn usable techniques on how to ditch the doubt, crush the crutches, and get back to doing what you do best—shining in your personal and professional life. EPISODE NOTES:https://penandposh.com/blogs/podcast/lost-your-mojo-follow-this-exact-process-it-works
Published 03/24/23
160- Did you freak out? If you are reading this, there is a good chance that you've heard about the Silicon Valley Bank Collapse last week. In this week's podcast, I am going over 5 simple things that you can do to be "prepared" during times like this. I hope you enjoy this week's episode! If you loved it or hated it I would appreciate an honest review on whatever platform you are listening on. Much Love, Kasey Clin EPISODE...
Published 03/17/23
159- Have you ever wondered what to do when something is selling well in one place but not in another? One of my students is having this issue right now, join me to hear my answer on this week's podcast, hosted live within my private Facebook group you get to hear what I told my student Sandy about what I would do if this was me! EPISODE NOTES:https://penandposh.com/blogs/podcast/product-transition-when-to-add-to-an-existing-product-line-and-follow-the-trends
Published 03/10/23
158-Have your sales been super slow? Why? What am I doing wrong? It is probably not your fault and I go over all of this in this week's podcast what the real reason is behind the slow or no sales.. and yes, there is something that you can do about it and things you can be doing to grow your business even MORE during these slow months. This episode goes over all of this and a little bit more get. Grab your pen and paper and let's get to this episode! EPISODE...
Published 03/01/23
157-This week's episode we have part two from last week's episode Digital Downloads and Product Trends of 2023 and How to Stay on Top of Design Trends as a Designer: Part One. Did you know that listening to interior designers and the style of clothes is one way to know what is trending? Sounds silly right, I explain why in this episode!  EPISODE NOTES:https://penandposh.com/blogs/podcast/digital-downloads-and-product-trends-of-2023-and-how-to-stay-on-top-of-design-trends-as-a-designer-part-two
Published 02/17/23
156- If you want in on the predictions that could help you get a leg up in your Etsy shop, join me on this week’s episode and hear about where digital downloads and products that are trending are headed. EPISODE NOTES:https://penandposh.com/blogs/podcast/digital-downloads-and-product-trends-of-2023-and-how-to-stay-on-top-of-design-trends-as-a-designer-part-one
Published 02/10/23
155-In this week's episode, I interview Steph Tuss, the CEO of the multimillion-dollar global consulting company Life Is Now, Inc., and cohost of Business Daily News and top-ranked podcast - The Successful Mind Podcast - The Successful Mind. For us moms who work from home, even though it's a business where our products are digital and a bit more passive, mom guilt is still VERY real. Steph goes over this in this episode! So grab a pen and paper!! EPISODE...
Published 02/03/23
154-You guys are well aware, at the beginning of each year, I choose a word that I focus on for the year. For this year, it's going to be automated. I want to create even more of a passive type of business than I already have. Transitioning to this single mom status, I am finding that my time has been cut in half even further. I have less time than I ever have had before. And so this is going to be my year to automate as much as I can, put as much as I can on autopilot. And I felt like this...
Published 01/27/23
153- In this week's episode I share how I went from a new stay-at-home mom who made $0, to earning 27K in a month within just a few years. We go over the three stages of a digital product business that gets those new to this area, producing income quickly and at the fullest magnitude possible.  So if you are a crafter, DIYer, handmade artist, or motivated to sell digital products that sell themes over and over again so you can focus on more important things, then this is for you! EPISODE...
Published 01/16/23
152- I have many good reasons why selling digital downloads is perfect for us naptime hustlers. For those of you who are starting out that aren't very confident in yourselves that also don't have much support, know I've got you, we here at the naptime hustle podcast got you! EPISODE NOTES:https://penandposh.com/blogs/podcast/why-selling-digital-downloads-is-the-solution-for-overwhelmed-moms
Published 01/06/23
151- Have you ever wondered what the numbers look like from Hobby Lobby or Michaels? During this episode I dive into the information I found on these sites about the crafting machine categories and why digital downloads are not going anywhere anytime soon! I am also hosting a FREE and LIVE Etsy masterclass. Details are inside! EPISODE NOTES:https://penandposh.com/blogs/podcast/why-digital-downloads-for-crafting-are-exploding-and-why-this-isnt-going-to-change-stats-included
Published 12/13/22
150-We are back again this week with Whitney for her part two episode. This episode was so jammed pack with lots of info we had to make it into two parts. Whitney has lots of goodies in this episode to share with you all about market research, juggling her time while still being a stay-at-home momma and her plans for the future! Whitney also talks about her and her husband's passion project that; they are working hard on! I hope that this podcast speaks to you as it spoke to me! EPISODE...
Published 12/02/22
149- In this interview with Whitney, you are bound to leave with so many good takeaways. Whitney met with me a year ago as a new shop owner making $500/month a few months after launching. Now we reconnect with her to see where she's at, what has helped and how she's been able to see significant growth in just one year in her digital download shop. EPISODE...
Published 11/25/22
148-  Ever wish you could find one product design that you could just sell over and over again, without having to start from scratch each time when it comes to design concepts?  This is exactly what Marie from Glow Your Design did. She had a few handmade shops selling physical products that she would send to buyers, this eventually led her to selling digital SVG files so after launching her shop in 2021, she was able to hone in on her customer, offer custom orders, set her products apart from...
Published 11/18/22
147 - The Naptime Hustle is BACK ❤️, you guys... I am pumped about this episode! I have taken a much-needed break, regrouped, and I am ready to bust out some new episodes for you guys! This one I poured my heart and soul into. I hope you love it! WELCOME BACK!! EPISODE NOTES:https://penandposh.com/blogs/podcast/and-were-back-steps-to-becoming-limitless-plus-the-game-changer-to-increasing-your-etsy-sales
Published 11/11/22
146 - Etsy came out with a significant change that impacts all of us digital download sellers, and second, I am taking a small break from hosting this podcast during this summer. Listen in to what's been going on in my life, how to gain clarity in your business and Etsy's latest change to their categories, and how this affects you and me. EPISODE NOTES: https://penandposh.com/blogs/podcast/etsys-new-craft-machine-categories-plus-nhp-is-taking-a-quick-break
Published 06/21/22
145-Whether you’re brand new to Pinterest or you’ve been marketing on there for a while you want to keep up with all the changes and put it to work for you! To help you do that I’ve invited Kate Ahl, Owner, and CEO behind Pinterest marketing agency, Simple Pin Media. Kate’s explaining all the changes that have come about for 2022, how you can optimize the different ways that Pinners are using the app, and how to utilize Pinterest to not only market our businesses but to grow our email lists...
Published 06/10/22
144- Did you know that in July all the experts you need to help you build your craft business are going to be in one place? And during that 2-day Virtual Crafters Summit, there will be chances to win prizes! In this episode, I’m sitting down with Chelly Ontis, owner of We Can Make That, and organizer of the summit. She is sharing what we can expect from the summit and giving you a sneak peek into the topics that will be discussed. We’re discussing ways to increase your bottom line, the...
Published 06/03/22