Welcome to Highgrade and this podcast series on the responsible sourcing of minerals. Over the last four episodes, we have looked at the main production steps in the supply chain of cobalt - a metal necessary for high-performing batteries, and as such key to support the transition to a future free of fossil fuels. Today in our final stop, we explore the role of regulators in responsible sourcing. As the public grows increasingly concerned about the human and environmental cost of the...
Published 08/15/22
Published 08/15/22
Welcome to Highgrade and this podcast series on the responsible sourcing of minerals. Starting at mine site, we have followed cobalt through the supply chain. Today, we'll look into the making of automobiles at a time in which the industry is being transformed by the growing craze for electric cars. Global sales are on the rise, and so is the demand for the cobalt that goes into the batteries that power these vehicles. The challenge is great: When a single car relies on the inputs from...
Published 08/05/22
Our ability to store electricity is central to the ongoing energy transition – and cobalt is a critical input into efficient batteries. But cobalt is a metal tainted by a reputation of human and environmental harm. Can battery producers reconcile the increasing social appetite for both cobalt and responsible mining?  We are joined by Gillian Davidson, Chair of the Global Battery Alliance. This is the third episode in our series on responsible sourcing. *** Highgrade Media is a...
Published 07/29/22
Our second episode in this podcast series on responsible sourcing puts the spotlight on commodity traders – the invisible hand moving natural resources around the world. Traders connect production from artisanal miners in DRC with global customers, and as such they are critical to improving the traceability and sustainability of cobalt supply chains. To understand the virtues and faults of commodity traders, join our conversation with James Nicholson, Head of Corporate Responsibility at...
Published 07/22/22
Are the products we consume responsible for human and environmental degradation?  To answer this question, this podcast series takes us on a journey through the supply chain of cobalt, a commodity that is critical to the global energy transition.  We start at mine site - but not any mine site. A significant proportion of cobalt is sourced from artisanal and small-scale mines in the Democratic Republic of Congo, where life is tough and often linked to child labour and environmental harm.  To...
Published 07/18/22
In February 2022, Russia invaded Ukraine. Oil prices surged overnight – reaching their highest level since 2008. Was this short-term stress or a structural shift? How will current events reshape the global energy agenda?  To help us look beyond the fog of war, we sat down with Professor Paul Stevens – one of the brightest and clearest thinkers on the subject of energy economics.  Together we make sense of this troubled energy market – and beyond. *** Highgrade Media is a not-for-profit...
Published 05/03/22
The Financial Times called it one of the best books of 2021. The World for Sale is an eye-opening dive into one of the most secretive and powerful business sectors in the world: commodity trading. Commodity traders pull the invisible strings that move natural resources around the world. Their dealings have long been kept in the shadows, but the industry is now being forced into the daylight. We are joined by Jack Farchy, Bloomberg journalist and one of the authors of the...
Published 02/03/22
Following dense weeks packed with global climate talks in Glasgow, Highgrade brings to you an executive summary of the climate change crisis; a digest of the discussions and all you need to know about COP26. To do this, we have called upon Tom Burke, climate change expert, founding Director of E3G – and an old friend of the house. *** Highgrade Media is a not-for-profit organisation that produces interviews and documentaries that identify, capture and disseminate analysis and insights in...
Published 12/02/21
Chile has often been praised as an example of how to use natural resources to foster economic growth. The industry is now at a crossroad - and Chilean society has made it clear that it expects to see more tangible benefits from it. Will it succeed? Our guest today has had a remarkable trajectory at the top of Chile’s copper industry:  Diego Hernández Cabrera is former CEO of Codelco, BHP Chile and Antofagasta Minerals, and is currently President of the National Mining Society.  Diego joins...
Published 11/05/21
For nearly a century, fossil fuels have been a key source of geopolitical tension.  How is international politics changing with the surge in renewables?  Join us in this fascinating conversation with Morgan Bazilian, Professor at the Colorado School of Mines and Director of the Payne Institute, and a global specialist in energy security and geopolitics. *** Highgrade Media is a not-for-profit organisation that produces interviews and documentaries that identify, capture and disseminate...
Published 09/16/21
Nobody knows what the future holds, but this may be the closest you’ll get - for the extractives industry anyway. Join the Highgrade Editorial team in conversation as we discuss five key trends that will define the industry in the years to come. *** Highgrade is a not-for-profit organisation that produces interviews and documentaries that identify, capture and disseminate analysis and insights in the field of natural resources and social progress. Our mission is to provide open and free...
Published 08/05/21
In 2001, the world's largest mining corporations created the International Council on Mining and Metals (ICMM) to improve the industry sustainability credentials. 20 years on, the Council sees change on the horizon and in response it has just appointed  Rohitesh Dhawan as its new CEO. His mandate is to steer the organisation through strong winds of global change. And he’s taking it personally. *** Highgrade is a not-for-profit organisation that produces interviews and documentaries that...
Published 07/06/21
You can't manage what you can't measure. Strange as it may sound, until recently, there has been no serious attempt to compare mining company performance across environmental, social and governance dimensions. Enter the Responsible Mining Index. Launched in 2018, the index has been gaining momentum since. Today we talk to Hélène De Villiers-Piaget, head of the Responsible Mining Foundation. *** Highgrade is a not-for-profit organisation that produces interviews and documentaries that...
Published 05/25/21
Do you want to leave a lasting mark on the world? Throw a plastic bottle into the sea – and chances are that it will still be there well after you are gone. In this podcast, we discuss our global plastic addiction and what we can do about it. We spoke with Denise Hardesty, an expert on plastic pollution at the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO). *** Highgrade is a not-for-profit organisation that produces interviews and documentaries that identify, capture...
Published 05/06/21
If you are interested in the field of natural resources and economic development, then you surely know Veronica Nyhan Jones. Currently at the IFC Sustainable Infrastructure Advisory, she has been central to the implementation of World Bank Group...
Published 04/08/21
Are there unethical companies, or economic sectors altogether?  Is the ethical choice down to the producer or the consumer?  In this episode, we tackle the thorny issue of morality in investment decisions.We discuss with John Howchin, Secretary General...
Published 02/26/21
La edad de piedra le daba el bronce. La Edad del Hierro. La manera en la que usamos minerales ha ido de la mano con el desarrollo humano. Hoy la humanidad contempla un futuro más allá de los combustibles fósiles y así crece la demanda por nuevos...
Published 01/28/21
For centuries the undisputed energy king, coal has made possible the great advancements of the industrial age. But coal is now tarnished with a dirty reputation, and both investors and consumers have started to avoid it.  We met Anne-Claire Howard,...
Published 01/11/21
Images of Australia, Brazil and California literally burning triggered global sorrow. And suddenly, we remembered the trees. The fires are now raging again and so we ask, what is happening to the forest?Daniel Nepstad, founder and director of the Earth...
Published 11/25/20
Germany is a key player in international cooperation in the extractives. Through its implementing agency BGR, they have launched the LION programme - a project aiming to improve local procurement in the mining supply chain.  Is data key to unlock local...
Published 11/25/20
In this episode we explore the world of minerals - all the way from Creation to the marketplace. We are joined by Kevin Fox, a geologist and senior executive in the mining industry.
Published 08/06/20
In most cases, the ultimate owner of underground resources is the State. Governments grant companies the privilege to exploit these resources. And for that privilege, companies pay - in the form of taxes. It is not the only thing that countries get for...
Published 06/23/20
If it’s not grown, it must be mined. Our societies rely heavily on the supply of metals and minerals. From copper to aluminium; from plastic to cement; mining is all around us.  Yet, mining is not loved - to say the least.  Are the extractives good or...
Published 06/11/20
Our seas are under pressure. Overfishing, acidity, pollution are decimating fish stocks. We all feel it is bad - but how bad is it really?In this episode of The Natural Resources Podcast we talk to Rashid Sumaila, one of the world’s leading researchers...
Published 05/24/20