75 // Feeling Out of Control? 3 Anxiety Bible Verses to Help You Surrender
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Sometimes the feeling of control gives us a false sense of peace. Or maybe the lack thereof is convincing you that if you could JUST get your kids to listen, your husband to help you more around the house, and your boss to stop demanding so much that things would be so much easier.  When the anxiety disorder is in full force, it's easy to fall into the trap of thinking controlling more equals less stress. But the truth is, you can't ACTUALLY control anything. And often that desire for control is what is leading to the emotional dysregulation, the outbursts, and the motherhood overwhelm. The good news is--you CAN'T control anything BUT you serve a really great God who is not only IN control but cares tremendously about you, your life, and how things are going. He is intimately involved and wants you to surrender those things to him, so you can finally take that true rest he offers. So today, I'm sharing 3 anxiety bible verses to help remind you why God is trustworthy and how surrendering to him makes it that much easier to embrace calm motherhood.  So grab a sparkle water and maybe your Bible and let's dive in mama. blessings, Rach   BOOK A FREE DISCOVERY CALL Book a Coaching Session with me.  Go here to purchase. I'll chat 1-1 with you for one hour and together we'll develop a 30-day action plan for you to calm the emotional outbursts and reduce that anxiety naturally.  Or if you're wondering if coaching is right for you: Book a free discovery call right here to find out if coaching is the right fit for you. (If you're listening on your phone, click here to shoot me a message on Voxer instead!)   JOIN THE FREE SISTERHOOD: Pop on over to my free Facebook community and join other mamas healing their anxiety naturally to feel better and show up as better mamas! ➡️ Ditch Mom Anxiety for Christian Moms   FREE DOWNLOADS: Create More Calm and Be a More Present Mom: 8 Daily Habits to Reduce Anxiety Eat to Curb Stress Cheat Sheet 10 Nourishing Snacks
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