Transitioning towards a more sustainable society, biological desulfurization could play a major role in the future. When gas and oil extraction decreases, but the world’s need for sulfur as a base for fertilizer and fungicides remains, a more sustainable approach to extracting sulfur is necessary. In this episode PHD candidate Kestral Johnston and one of her supervisors, Jan Klok, tell us all about their discoveries and progress in biological desulfurization. This research project is...
Published 10/26/21
Published 10/26/21
Storing renewable energy, creating sustainable fuel: methanol is a very useful base for tons of applications. Making the synthesis of Co2 to methanol as efficient and scalable as possible is therefore of great interest to both science and business. It is super exciting to hear Tim van Schagen about his PhD research into this topic. He tells us all about the advances he is making in sustainable methanol synthesis. Let us know what you think about his research, or the podcast in general, via...
Published 06/28/21
How will we come to a waste-free future? Greencovery could be part of the solution. Founder and director Carlos Cabrera tells us all about how they valorize ingredients from the food industry’s low-value side streams. Yannick Severin and Ronald Wielinga from the board of NPT, ask all about Greencovery’s solution to upcycle valuable compounds into new edible products. Finding the right match for the sidestream is key. Find out how it’s done in this first episode of the NPT-podcast!
Published 05/28/21