This episode of the Nutritional Therapy and Wellness Podcast hits a topic many parents can relate to. "Eyeball Tastebuds" - picky kiddos - and the conundrum that comes with blended families accommodating a variety of flavor palettes. The mealtime food fight can be a real problem and holds the potential to create unwanted and unnecessary conflict. Mike and Jamie discuss various ways to address picky eating and share their experiences navigating this landscape with their five kids in their...
Published 06/07/24
In this episode of the Nutritional Therapy and Wellness Podcast, Mike throws Jamie a pop-quiz-style twist to the format as they dive into what's been coined "greenwashing" or "health halos" as the buzzwords Big Food uses to convince you to buy their foods because these words have become known to signify or indicate healthier food options. The problem is, the front of the package doesn't always align with what you see on the back when you flip it over to read the nutrition facts and...
Published 05/24/24
This episode of the Nutritional Therapy and Wellness Podcast features Hunter Schwietz, a Certified Personal Trainer, a Corrective Exercise Specialist, a Functional Patterns Human Biomechanics Specialist, and the founder of Form First in White Bear Lake, Minnesota. Hunter opens up about his own wellness journey and shares how he chased numerous physical symptoms down many rabbit holes with abundant research and expensive testing. He sought help from various allied practitioners before...
Published 05/16/24
In this episode, Jamie Belz, host of the Nutritional Therapy and Wellness Podcast interviews the CEO of The Nutritional Therapy Association (and her husband), Mike Belz. The two discuss the various credentials available through the NTA, program changes made over the past few years, including the return of the FCA, the future of the NTA, health freedom, nutrition freedom, and government involvement. 4:13 – Mike details his career background in higher education, then crossing over into...
Published 05/11/24
This episode brings host Jamie Belz and fellow FNTP, Thomas Gilliford together for a very real conversation about food and wellness. They dive into all things from the perspective of thriving within the navigational beacons of the aggressive pursuit of optimal wellness and setting realistic expectations for functionality and quality of life. Thomas covers his newly developed FCA (Functional Clinical Assessment) Program available to NTPs who desire to add the “F” on the front of their...
Published 05/03/24
In this Nutritional Therapy and Wellness Podcast episode, host Jamie Belz interviews Functional Nutritional Therapy Practitioner, AIP Coach, Functional Blood Chemistry Specialist, and Author, Sonia Sidle. Sonia, originally from France, saw a need for more resources and filled it by writing an AIP (Autoimmune Protocol) book in French.  4:00 - FBCS – Functional Blood Chemistry Specialist Credential, “normal” ranges 6:05 - AIP Coach – Autoimmune Protocol Coach, Hashimoto’s diagnosis,...
Published 04/26/24
In this Nutritional Therapy and Wellness Podcast episode, host Jamie Belz interviews Rachel Ballard, an RN who wasn’t willing to accept the prognosis of a slow, painful, premature death. Rachel is a Registered Nurse, farmer, and Food As Medicine teacher who is currently completing her Nutritional Therapy Practitioner (NTP) certification. After battling back from a rare, paralyzing autoimmune disease, she’s helping individuals use food as a tool so they can fight back against chronic...
Published 04/18/24
Optimal digestion is crucial for overall health and well-being. It ensures that the body efficiently breaks down food into nutrients, which are then absorbed and utilized for energy, growth, and cellular repair. Proper digestion supports a strong immune system, maintains a healthy gut microbiome, and helps prevent gastrointestinal disorders. Additionally, it plays a significant role in mental health, as the gut is often referred to as the "second brain" due to its impact on mood and cognitive...
Published 04/12/24
In this episode of The Nutritional Therapy and Wellness Podcast, host Jamie Belz, FNTP, MHC, brings back historical audio clips from a lecture originally given by the founder of The Nutritional Therapy Association, Gray Graham. Gray discusses the optimal function of digestion in a way you’ve never heard it explained. Listen to this, then hit the “subscribe” button to catch the next episode where Gray explains digestive dysfunction. Many embark upon their wellness journey by cleaning up their...
Published 04/05/24
In this Nutritional Therapy and Wellness Podcast episode, host Jamie Belz continues with internal interviews of NTA staff as she interviews Jasmine Lutes, FNTP and Admissions Representative for the Nutritional Therapy Association. She shares her personal health story, from being told she would "never have kids" to proving them wrong. Jasmine openly offers her life experiences and provides hope for others with commonalities in infertility, nutritional deficiencies, poverty, alcoholism and...
Published 03/28/24
In Part Two of this two-part episode, Jamie and Amy Lippert, FNTP, continue their discussion, picking up where they left off on Amy's inspirational health story. In Episode seven, Amy shared the symptoms she had experienced for years - symptoms her doctor said were "normal for a woman her age." He prescribed an anti-depressant for her. Amy tried to follow the direction of her physician, but she didn't feel well on the prescriptions, and she knew she wasn't depressed. After conducting her own...
Published 03/25/24
In Part One of this two-part episode, Jamie talks with Nutritional Therapy Practitioner Amy Lippert as Amy shares her personal health story. She tells of suffering extensive symptoms and receiving a false diagnosis from her doctor and, after several years, finding another doctor who helped point her toward the path to healing... but it still wasn't an easy road. 
Published 03/21/24
In this episode of the Nutritional Therapy and Wellness Podcast, your host, Jamie Belz, Functional Nutritional Therapy Practitioner (FNTP) and Master Health Coach, walks you through the incredible story of Dr. Francis M. Pottenger Jr., a physician and research scientist of the early 1900s.  Dr. Pottenger worked in a sanitarium, a medical facility found commonly in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, which approached the treatment of disease with exposure to fresh air and sunlight,...
Published 03/18/24
What is a Professional Health and Wellness Coach, and Why Should I Become One or Work With One?   In this episode, your host, Jamie Belz, interviews Shanna Nemrow, FNTP, NBC-HWC, and developer and lead instructor for the PHWC course about the Nutritional Therapy Association's hottest new credential.   Shanna teaches why the health coach service industry is one of the fastest growing career fields globally and how to earn your PHWC credential through the NTA, qualifying you to become NBHWC...
Published 03/14/24
Bioindividuality is the recognition that each of us is unique, with our distinct genetic composition, biological needs, preferences, and responses to various aspects such as lifestyle choices, diet, exercise, sleep, stress management – interpersonal relationships - mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being, geographical location, our gut microbiome, our socio-economic status - - - it spans virtually every area of our unique lives as we consider all of the unique inputs and our unique...
Published 03/11/24
  In this episode, Jamie, alongside Desiree Baptist and Heather McDonough, uncovers how nutrition serves as the critical missing piece in health and wellness. They discuss the foundational elements of a healthy lifestyle and share inspiring stories from individuals who've transformed their lives through nutritional therapy. This episode emphasizes the universal importance of nutrition, from personal health journeys to its integration into professional medical practice, highlighting its...
Published 03/01/24
In this episode, Jamie discusses the power of nutritional therapy and personal health journeys, emphasizing the goal of reversing preventable poor health trends. She highlights the concept of "wellness webs" for collaborative patient care and challenges current healthcare misconceptions. Urging community action and continuous learning, Jamie sets the stage for a future where health is a priority.   Key Highlights:   Mission to Reverse Preventable Poor Health Inspired by founder Gray...
Published 03/01/24
In this episode, Jamie Belz discusses her transition from healthcare marketing to becoming a Functional Nutritional Therapy Practitioner (FNTP) and Master Health Coach, emphasizing the critical role of nutrition in health and wellness. Highlighting the concept of bio-individuality, she shares how a personal health crisis solidified her commitment to nutritional therapy. Jamie introduces the Nutritional Therapy Association (NTA), detailing its holistic approach to nutrition education and its...
Published 03/01/24
Join Jamie Belz on a journey into the core of wellness, where she shares how making the right food and lifestyle choices, tailored just for you, can transform your health. It’s all about understanding that most health problems aren't just widespread; they're also avoidable. Jamie Belz is a Functional Nutritional Therapy Practitioner (FNTP) and Master Health Coach with a passion for guiding individuals toward their optimal health. Specializing in personalized dietary and lifestyle...
Published 02/23/24