Let's chat with one of our favorite people, Amber! Amber is a PR specialist who founded Azhar PR, a South Asian female-founded agency. Today we discuss... everything; we literally acted like it was a Facetime call. Grab your coffee and catch up with us!
Published 01/13/23
Published 12/15/22
The Ordinary Critics are back! Join us as we review Season 3 of Love is Blind. This one made our heads and hearts hurt & we have a lot of thoughts... 
Published 12/15/22
Let's catch up to begin season 4! Today we are talking about where we have been, what is new, and dealing with expectations...just your usual older daughter chats.
Published 11/12/22
Today we discuss Roe V. Wade and all of our feelings on the matter. This can be a tough time for a lot of people, so it’s important to keep empathy at the forefront of our minds. Reach out if you ever need support.
Published 07/18/22
We have talked about friendships plenty of times on this podcast but today we talk about the toxicity that we do see. These are learning lessons, sure, but sometimes we need to sit and address how we can all do better - join us as we assess friendships in 2022.
Published 05/11/22
Obviously, we loved Bridgerton...I mean at the end of the day, Zenab and Janani are just two hopeless romantic brown girls. However, today we are doing a deep dive into the characters, the plot, and our feelings about the representation on the show. Grab your coffee (or tea) & obsess about Bridgerton with us.
Published 05/05/22
Today, we talk about one of our guilty pleasures again and talk all things The Ultimatum. We are still on the dating show grind, so join us while we talk a little about the characters, the drama, relationships, and if we would ever or have ever issued an ultimatum.
Published 04/26/22
Today, we review our favorite dating shows at the moment and reflect on how maybe these shows aren't too far off from the truth?? We don't know... we just know we are addicted. Grab your coffee and let's analyze Love Is Blind, Too Hot to Handle & Love Island.
Published 03/31/22
Let’s sit down with Kiran today who also happens to be our co-host, Janani’s, boyfriend. Today we’re going in deep talking about emotions…Grab your coffee and listen to how we deal individually with our emotions, relationships, growth, and more.
Published 03/23/22
It's time for Season 3! Today we take a trip down memory lane and revisit all the highs and lows of the college experience. Our transformation within those four years was pivotal and we get into detail on how we experienced that time, our advice to you & how we changed since then.
Published 02/24/22
Let's catch up with Riya Varma as we discuss how the expectations of being a daughter in an Indian household change our dominant energy. We discuss femininity, our relationships, and how we are affected by our placement in the household.
Published 02/09/22
What if you outgrow someone, a situation or an idea? What if they outgrow you? Zenab and Janani sit down to discuss their current moment and how they are choosing to navigate this awkward period of life.
Published 02/02/22
Today we sit with Melaura Rice and reflect. 2021 was crazy and today we are talking about change, our feelings about new beginnings, and how much everything has shifted in us internally. Maybe grab a journal for this one - writing prompts are hidden throughout the episode. 
Published 01/25/22
It’s 2022!!! Do you feel different? Zenab and Janani are chatting about how we really feel in the new year, our personal goals, what we want to leave behind in 2021, and more. 
Published 01/14/22
We are catching up with Nivita Sriram today to talk about social media, Indian culture, our self-worth and so much more. Grab a cup of coffee and join us.
Published 01/10/22
Today we are talking all things Bollywood. The film industry in India has influenced much of our culture over the years, so Janani and Zenab sit down to debrief on how exactly Bollywood has affected their lives.
Published 01/04/22
Today we sit down with Abby Mason and discuss dating, hookup culture, and our journey with all forms of love. Join us while we reflect upon the last few years.
Published 12/11/21
Zenab and Janani came up with the inspiration for the podcast due to a conversation they had revolving around being the oldest daughter in an Indian family. Continue the conversation with us as we share our experiences.
Published 12/03/21
Today we talk about how we started our ventures, our childhood memories, and our general advice when it comes to starting a business. Join us as we walk down memory lane!
Published 11/23/21
Let's get into the topic of relationships. Romantic love, friendships, and the love we see in our families can really shape the way we view ourselves and how we create a secure mindset. Today we will talk about our experiences and what we have learned throughout our life.
Published 11/09/21
Today is all about Self-Concept. It can be recognized that this is a difficult understanding to grasp, but hopefully this conversation brings some illumination to what you are truly capable of. At the end of the day, how we view ourselves matters most. Listen to the episode, journal about it, say some affirmations and go out and have an amazing day.
Published 10/29/21
Let's talk about competition, self worth and how to mitigate your energy when it comes to dealing with the creative community. It can be tough to encourage positivity and growth, so Zenab and Janani sit down and discuss how they dealt with negativity regarding the rivalry within the creative space. 
Published 10/11/21
Welcome to The Ordinaries, where ordinary people talk about their ordinary thoughts. Zenab and Janani discuss their path and how they got to a place where creating content and being your own boss has it's ups and downs. Come join us to discuss openly the multiple facets of social media.
Published 10/01/21