We talk a lot in our country about "Mental Health" and needing to do something about it. Yet, nothing ever really seems to happen. So, let's look at the real problem and how to address it. It's time.
Published 07/08/19
Anxiety, depression and ADHD diagnoses are at an all-time high. Are more and more people predisposed to these conditions in society, or are we missing something? Is there another explanation and therefore, another solution? I submit that there is, and the answer is much simpler than you might imagine. See what you think.
Published 06/03/19
What is the #1 driver of disease, premature death, and discord in our lives? In our society? What is the real source of 80% of health care visits and expenditures in our country? What is the #1 most preventable source of 'physical' and 'mental' illness that we know of? What it is, why you should care, and what you can do about it right here in this episode.
Published 05/23/19
How does the life you are living today stack up against the life you want to look back on and know you lived as you near the end? What needs to shift? What do you need to do? When will you do it?
Published 05/17/19
If I ask you where your stress comes from in life, you'd likely say your spouse, children, job, finances, health, family members, the political landscape, or any host of other factors. But, what is the common factor that binds each of these together for you? What is it that makes these things stressful? And what can you do about the stress you have, before it's too late?
Published 05/17/19
Have you ever felt like you were running through life as if you were on a treadmill, never really getting to the point where you finally feel truly happy or content? Do you wake up wondering why you are where you are? Do you feel like there must be more to life than what you are currently living? If so, you are in great company. Pete breaks down why this is, where it comes from, and how to beat it in this episode.
Published 05/17/19