Health is Wealth with Ryan Douglas
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Hello and welcome to another episode of the Perception Podcast with me your host Caroline Partridge. In today's eye-opening episode, I talk to Ryan Douglas founder and podcast host of 'Health Wealth'. Ryan reveals to us what health wealth really means and how simple shifts in our diet and lifestyle can have dramatic effects on our wellbeing, often reversing conditions previously believed irreversible. We look at ingrained beliefs about western medicine versus herbal and holistic cures, and examine the true the value we place on our health. Ryan also shares his views on the stranglehold that misleading marketing has had, and still has on our perception of what constitutes good nutrition and a healthy lifestyle. Please join me as we look at life through a different lens. KEY TAKEAWAYS Health is our most valuable asset - without it, we cannot enjoy anything else in life. Prioritising health leads to greater wealth. Herbal and natural medicines can effectively treat many common ailments, but marketing by pharmaceutical companies has conditioned us to overlook these options. Poor diet and lifestyle directly cause many metabolic diseases today. We have the power to prevent illness. The water supply is full of chemicals like fluoride, heavy metals, microplastics and hormone disruptors that should not be going into our bodies. Filtering provides some help. Packaged low-fat and diet foods simply replace fats with massive amounts of sugar and chemical additives, making them worse than what they replace. Constant snacking and grazing on foods all day long disrupts our body's natural metabolic cycles. We should adopt an intermittent fasting approach. Shift your mindset to value health over convenience. Gradually replace packaged and processed foods with locally sourced whole foods. BEST MOMENTS "Your health is the most important thing you have - by doing this, they could be cutting 20, 30 years off their life." "A lot of what we're advised to eat is not actually good for us. It's full of sugar." "Why does my kettle get full of scale so quickly? I'm putting that water into my body." "Physical symptoms in our bodies always have an emotional trigger." "Low fat, low sugar things have no nutritional value and are so bad for you." "We're kept so busy, we don't stop to think about what's actually in this water." "Sugar helps processed foods last longer." "Enjoy the process of cooking and eating."    ABOUT THE GUEST Ryan is the founder of Health Wealth and host of the Health Wealth Podcast. After becoming disillusioned with modern healthcare, and nutritional advice Ryan set out on a personal journey of discovery into the real truths of nutrition and human health. Over the next few years he delved deeper and researched further into the topic, widening his knowledge and expertise in not only how to eat the right foods for health but also the real causes of modern disease and how to reverse and prevent them using only diet and lifestyle.   After optimising his own health Ryan decided he wanted to help others and Health Wealth was born with the goal of not only educating as many as possible on optimal human nutrition but also working with clients through 1-1 coaching to reverse chronic health conditions with amazing results! Ryan continues to further his education and has since qualified as a low carb practitioner specialising in type 1 and type 2 diabetes as well as a qualification in the treatment of chronic illness through diet and lifestyle. SOCIALS & LINKS: Podcast: Website: Instagram: Linkedin: THE HOST Bio Caroline Partridge is a unique and creative individual. She is an actress, puppeteer, educator, and artist with funny bones. She loves a story and is an expert at conveying wit and wisdom with warmth, understanding, and em
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