On episode nine of The Philosopher's Guide to the Apocalypse,  I give my thoughts on today's decision regarding the overturning of Roe v. Wade. This was an impromptu episode, so I did not write a script or do any in-depth research. But I have thought about this issue a lot over a period of many years, and I wanted to get my voice out there during this trying time. This is one of those philosophical questions which has a real effect on public policy and everyday life.
Published 06/25/22
On the eight episode of The Philosopher's Guide to the Apocalypse, Karl Nord comes on the podcast to discuss the tenth essay in The Federalist Papers written by Publius (James Madison's chosen pseudonym) on the prevalence of factions, and how to mitigate their effects. Along the way we discuss collectivism vs individualism, the place for sacrifice in the social body, and whether America is more or less democratic than it used to be.   Note: In the intro I say that Karl Nord mentions French...
Published 12/16/21
After a good long hiatus, The Philosopher's Guide to the Apocalypse is back. I present the listeners with a conversation I had with my friend Mynaa Miesnowan. We discuss what it means to be a philosopher, how ideas affect (or don't affect) human history, and most importantly perhaps, the nature and methods of education, what it means to be educated, and why the smart people have the toughest time in formal education.    https://www.matchmaker.fm/podcast-guest/mynaa-miesnowan-3e7090  Music:...
Published 11/28/21
In one of the first YouTube Videos I made for my channel The Anti-Philosopher I talk about how I no longer identify as a liberal. My statement is more true now than it was when I originally said it. This podcast is a long rant in which I explore the challenges an individual faces when he questions the messaging his culture sends him, and/or questions formally cherished beliefs. But as difficult as these processes are, I think they should be embraced, because they will allow you to learn and...
Published 08/15/21
I read a New York Times article written on the topic of the Decadence, and although the article wasn't the best it got me thinking on the topic more broadly. It is in vogue now to speak about cultural and political decline. Unfortunately as much as I hate cliché I have to agree with the majority here, and this episode is my extrapolation on the issue (how to define decadence, what are the signs, and whether there is anything we can do about it). Also, this upload is a week late and I did not...
Published 08/08/21
In the fourth episode of The Philosopher's Guide to the Apocalypse, Matthew discusses why he thinks the study of history is important and how it can assist when talking about various sociopolitical and philosophical issues (a few examples being the protests in Cuba, reparations/race relations, and US foreign policy). To be alive means you are playing a part in history no matter how small. And if that isn't a good reason to study history, I don't know what is!
Published 07/25/21
In this episode I dissect the arguments made by the YouTuber CGP Gray in his video The Rules for Rulers, and I respond to them in turn. This is a very popular video, and his arguments are quite fascinating (very Machiavellian-hence why I chose this title). But at the same time that I respect and agree with his overall thesis, I think Gray's arguments lack a nuance which is warranted given the subject matter. While it is true that political leaders seek power, human motivation is very rarely...
Published 07/18/21
Hello internet! This is Matthew and welcome to The Philosopher’s Guide to the Apocalypse. In this episode I read the rough draft of an essay that I wrote on my religious views. Afterwards I discuss what I myself think about the essay and the conclusion that I have come to regarding the debate between critics of religion and defenders of religion. Also, I was greatly influenced by the New Atheists as a teenager, so this episode was like a trip down memory lane for me.
Published 07/10/21
Hello internet! This is Matthew and welcome to The Philosopher’s Guide to the Apocalypse. In this episode I read the rough draft of an essay that I wrote on my religious views. Afterwards I discuss what I myself think about the essay and the conclusion that I have come to regarding the debate between critics of religion and defenders of religion. Also, I was greatly influenced by the New Atheists as a teenager, so this episode was like a trip down memory lane for me.
Published 07/09/21