There is food for your Body! There is also food for the Soul!  What we see and what we hear, and the people we surround ourselves with steer our lives to be better, or worse.  What are you consuming daily that feeds or pollutes your heart and mind? TV, Radio, Books, News, Social Media, Video Games, Your Tribe, Your Family… The Good Word of the Gospel, and Christian Radio has been feeding George’s Soul for months, and the benefits have been overwhelming.
Published 10/02/19
Published 10/02/19
When communication happens, problems get solved, and everyone feels better.  This week George talks about an employee that considered taking another job without saying anything to him. He explains how communication and getting things off his chest opened the door to new possibilities the employee didn't even think about.  Solutions will never happen unless there is a problem communicated.  No matter how big or how small the problem may be, talk about it!
Published 09/25/19
Control is one of the biggest lies we tell ourselves! We are great at wanting to control situations and other people.  Reality...we can only control ourselves.  We Control our Actions, We Control our Reactions,  And...We Control how we influence others! Everything else is an Illusion!  Join George this week as he takes you on a journey through his beliefs on Control.
Published 09/19/19
We live in a world of instant gratification! Everything Right Now! In this episode, George describes the challenges he’s facing while waiting and praying that his marriage will work out.    So often, we give up before we hit the finish line, just because we cant see the finish line, doesn’t mean it isn’t right around the corner.    Keep digging...Keep going...Don’t ever quit!   What we desire most isn’t easy...In fact, the best things in life take time, require patience, and
Published 09/11/19
In a world today that relies so heavily on sedation to deal with everyday problems, George explains how Love is the one thing no one can control.  Pain is inevitable. We as people will be hurt, disappointed, let down.  Love is the X-Factor in everything we do! Use it daily, for others and yourself.  Men have b
Published 09/04/19
George celebrates his 100th episode, but even when things are going well, life happens! Things are constantly changing. George explains how his life is constantly changing and how he is willing to ride the waves and change with it. Sometimes we have to slow down and refocus where our lives need us most. Change is inevitable, will you resist it? Or find the gift of confidence and certainty in it?
Published 08/30/19
One of the worst things we can do is lie to ourselves. Our experience lines up with our internal compass. When we are in alignment, things seem to work well. When we are out of integrity things seem to go bad. When we keep the commitments and promises we make to ourselves, we live in the realm of peace. Things began to go crooked on the outside of us when things are crooked on the inside. Follow along today and learn how your inner world affects your outer world. 
Published 08/26/19
Have you ever felt anger and rage on the inside of you? This is the volcano within, and its underneath the surface and its just waiting to explode. We have two choices, we can ignore the ticking time bomb and have it explode upon us, or we can release the rage and actually let out our emotions in a healthy manner. Either way its coming to the surface weather we like it or not. It's better to deal with it on our terms. 
Published 08/21/19
We all fall off the horse at one time or another. We let our diet slip during vacation, or we fall out of our exercise routines. The best thing we can do during this time is simply to get back on the horse and to not beat ourselves up about it. As the old adage goes, “a just man falls down seven times but get back up again.” Maybe you have fallen down and need a helping hand to rise again. George is committed to helping you through that process. Go to www.warriorlighthouse.com for more info.
Published 08/19/19
Everything that happens to us happens for a reason. On this episode of The Power of Love Podcast George talks about the power in being present. The reality is... that everybody is going through some kind of difficulty, but many seek to escape from their present moment. George encourages his listeners to stop and experience what they are going through and to stop trying to avoid it. We can only learn the lesson by being present. 
Published 08/16/19
Our energy effects everyone around us. When we are filled with positive energy it has a positive effect on those around us. God and light is a creative force, and evil and darkness is a destructive force. Sometimes others are unable to stand in the light and they flee, and avoid being exposed. If you walk in the light you will be hunted down by the darkness. The closer you get to the truth, the more the lies come against you. Be prepared for the fight!!
Published 08/14/19
The old adage goes, “if you fail to plan then you plan to fail.” The ultimate question is where in your business and or your life are you failing to plan? Does this lack of preparation show up in the results you are getting in your life? Are you willing to do something about it? George talks about a powerful tool called, “The Generals Tent,” this is where you review and plan your week. Success is not left up to fate, it's left up to the execution of the plan. 
Published 08/12/19
We often go through hard times and begin to ask GOD what are you doing to me? In this episode of the POWER of LOVE, George drives home this point, just maybe GOD is not doing this TO you but doing this FOR you. This is a big paradigm shift because it removes us out of the complaining victim mode. Its your choice on which mindset you want to have. 
Published 08/09/19
Coach George shares that his mother does not like hearing him say cuss words as a child. George experiences difficulty with controlling his words, but knows that everything that comes out of his mouth does not glorify God. With his sister as a spiritual guide, George tries to remind himself that he has God within his life. He continues to remove the cuss words from his vocabulary to glorify God.
Published 08/07/19
Coach George tells a story of how he learned about the 3 F’s from a friend in Warrior Nation. The 3 F’s stand for Failing forward faster. In this episode, he talks about how his entire life is becoming an absolute craziness. He describes himself as “surrounded by challenges from all sides” without knowing where to start. In the end, he realizes that there’s no other way to move but forward. If he fails, he’s going to fall forward, get up and keep moving towards that direction.
Published 08/05/19
In the parable of the sower, Jesus talks about the different conditions of the soil when a seed is sown. The soil is a good representation of the condition of our hearts. Amazing fruit comes from good soil. We all want results, but those results are the fruit of the condition of our hearts. A mindset that is prepared to go all in and get out of the "safe place," will experience the desired outcomes. 
Published 08/02/19
Yesterday was Georges birthday and has decided to talk about all the things he is grateful for. George is very hopeful about his future and is grateful that he can step up and fight for what he wants. George is ready for the fight because he feels fully equipped to face everything that comes his way. The tools of the Core Four & The Stack have help him navigate through difficult waters.   
Published 07/31/19
Where are the dead branches in your life. Sometimes we go through life without a lot of dead branches. These are the things in our life that don't produce any fruit. These are the things that actually suck the life out of us. Its important to identify what these things are so, we can cut them out of our lives. 
Published 07/29/19
Sometimes people can't handle the truth. George has been very real and raw lately, some people have a hard time with that. Truth is often uncomfortable at times but we must face that discomfort to be able to grow and face the truth. We only grow as we abandon the lies and stories that we hold inside our minds. Truth is much like a bitter pill that we must be willing to swallow. 
Published 07/26/19
Have you ever asked yourself how can a person really have balance in all areas of their lives? In this episode George dives in deep into that topic. Being is just as important as body, and balance is just important as business. George discovered his body and business were doing pretty good, but there was one thing he needed to do to be in alignment within his being and balance. The choices we make, effect everyone around us. The way to get out from under the weight is to make a different...
Published 07/24/19
Are you going to do what or are you going to do what is easy? Most of the time the right thing is really hard to do. George gets very vulnerable in today's episode and shares how he has been living a lie for the last two years. Hearing the voice caused him to break up with his girlfriend to pursue fighting for his family. 
Published 07/22/19
Everybody at some time in their life experiences PAIN. Oftentimes we go through the fog and we can't see beyond our pain. We get distracted and the only thing we can see is what we are currently going through. George discusses a tool that he uses on a daily basis that gives him clarity and gives him the ability to get through the pain in a much quicker fashion.
Published 07/19/19
Many are called but very few actually answer the call. Sometimes we hear the call but don't believe we have the ability to carry it out. But the reality is we possess everything we need to fulfill the call already. Sometimes we can't see ourselves for who we really are. We still have this old perception of who we are and that needs to be released to move forward. Understand that you can be empowered today to fulfill that which God has called you to do. 
Published 07/17/19
Sometimes life just simply sucks. There are times in life where you don't feel like doing the work. There is no doubt that you will experience a day where you don't want to keep your diet or even work out. This shift often happens after a vacation or a major pattern interrupt, and it becomes difficult to get back on track. In this episode, George gets real about both his wins and his loses so you can get an inside scoop on what it really takes to fight through the stories.
Published 07/15/19