Using the excuse for not studying because your to busy earning a livlehood is like someon weakend from not eating saying that he will eat when he gets strunger https://www.torahrecordings.com/rebbe/igroskodesh/012/005/4128
Published 02/22/24
There is no such thing as being unable to help yourself, as Hashem asks it of you and has given you the powers. You can't expect instant transformation; it's a step-by-step journey. The Rebbe gives him some specific guidance. https://www.torahrecordings.com/rebbe/igroskodesh/012/005/4127
Published 02/22/24
You need both simple belief as well as understanding. You start with the basis of simple belief, and then you have the mitzvah to know Hashem; exert your mind to understand as much as you can, and when you encounter what is beyond your comprehension, rely on Emunah. https://www.torahrecordings.com/rebbe/igroskodesh/012/005/4126
Published 02/22/24
The Rebbe makes two points. Firstly, he suggests including references in his book. Secondly, he emphasizes that to convey the message and achieve his goal effectively, the author needs to become more involved in his personal life. The possibility to ignite the Jewish soul could happen instantly through a spark that triggers. https://www.torahrecordings.com/rebbe/igroskodesh/012/005/4134
Published 02/22/24
The great privilege of disseminating the wellsprings brings physical and spiritual good to all involved. https://www.torahrecordings.com/rebbe/igroskodesh/012/005/4133
Published 02/22/24
I am against the use of judicial threats for not providing exit visas. This matter should be handled in a friendly and pleasant manner. Please provide the list of those in need for Pesach, as the list is growing and funds for this are limited. https://www.torahrecordings.com/rebbe/igroskodesh/012/005/4132
Published 02/22/24
If you fulfilled what I wrote to you earlier, it is clear and certain that her health improved. https://www.torahrecordings.com/rebbe/igroskodesh/012/005/4130
Published 02/22/24
The women were the first to contribute to the Mishkan, and they refused to participate in the golden calf. In our times of confusion, it is most essential for Jewish girls to receive an authentic Jewish education so they can set the tone and direction of their homes and the Jewish people. https://www.torahrecordings.com/rebbe/igroskodesh/012/005/4131
Published 02/21/24
As with Avrohom's kindness, which ultimately led to proclaiming Hashem as the God of the world. The greatness of Gemilut Chasidim brings spiritual fulfillment and physical abundance. https://www.torahrecordings.com/rebbe/igroskodesh/012/005/4125
Published 02/18/24
The Alter Rebbe utilized his students, who excelled in Niglah, to impress the audience, later drawing them into Chasidic teachings. Recommendations for mamorim to study and establishing a Kollel for young men. https://www.torahrecordings.com/rebbe/igroskodesh/012/005/4124
Published 02/18/24
Work to build the printing school in Kfar Chabad as soon as possible. https://www.torahrecordings.com/rebbe/igroskodesh/012/005/4123
Published 02/18/24
Please forgive me for intervening, but I noticed your wife's mood when she visited me. It's important to nurture peace at home. Make sure to treat her affectionately. https://www.torahrecordings.com/rebbe/igroskodesh/012/005/4122
Published 02/18/24
https://www.torahrecordings.com/rebbe/igroskodesh/012/005/4121 There are many other treatments with good results that are not as dangerous. Every one of the Chasidim needs to regard themselves as emissaries of our holy Rebbe's and needs to spread their teachings, guidance, and customs throughout the surroundings, the city, and their country.
Published 02/07/24
Even those whose only claim is that they have been created by Hashem. We must love them too. Bring them close to the Torah; don't bring the Torah close to them. https://www.torahrecordings.com/rebbe/igroskodesh/012/005/4120
Published 02/07/24
The young men are willing and able to help; they're looking for your guidance. Why isn't Tzach utilizing their talents? As always, start by strengthening the old projects, and add to them as soon as possible. https://www.torahrecordings.com/rebbe/igroskodesh/012/005/4119
Published 02/07/24
These gatherings bring great pleasure to the soul, especially when we are dealing with a Jewish Nasi (prince) who leaves behind his spiritual legacy, which is all the work that he did for those who connect to him with ropes of love. https://www.torahrecordings.com/rebbe/igroskodesh/012/005/4112
Published 02/05/24
Follow the trend of the Chasidim and send recordings of the farbrengens to the Rebbe. Keep one copy for yourself so you can utilize it to refresh the excitement of the farbrengen. https://www.torahrecordings.com/rebbe/igroskodesh/012/005/4113
Published 02/05/24
If you've paused for a while, it should increase your desire to participate. When you throw a stick into the air, it lands at its root. The further the stick from the ground, the quicker it comes down. https://www.torahrecordings.com/rebbe/igroskodesh/012/005/4114
Published 02/05/24
It is the responsibility of all Chasidim to strengthen Ohlei Yosef Yitzchak in Melbourne, both materially and spiritually. https://www.torahrecordings.com/rebbe/igroskodesh/012/005/4116
Published 02/05/24
It should awaken inner strengths to serve wholeheartedly, spreading the wellsprings until they reach beyond. We are assured that with effort, they will succeed. https://www.torahrecordings.com/rebbe/igroskodesh/012/005/4118
Published 02/05/24
Even when fasting and reciting kinot on Tisha Be'av, there should still be a sense of joy for the opportunity to serve Hashem. https://www.torahrecordings.com/rebbe/igroskodesh/012/005/4117
Published 02/05/24
Aaron the High Priest was incredibly holy, yet he loved even those whose only advantage was that Hashem created them. I wish for you to accomplish the above swiftly, without delays or obstacles. https://www.torahrecordings.com/rebbe/igroskodesh/012/005/4107
Published 02/02/24
As an educator throughout your life, seize every opportunity to continue educating and guiding your students towards Hashem. While you learn a lot from your teachers, the most is learned from your students. https://www.torahrecordings.com/rebbe/igroskodesh/012/005/4111
Published 02/02/24
No need for you to decide, as the Alter Rebbe already settled this after sorting through 60 siddurim. Your wisdom lies in upholding the words of the sages. Your explanation aligns with the one offered by the Shaar Hakolel. No need to apologize for discussing the above, as resolving doubts is part of upholding the words of the sages. https://www.torahrecordings.com/rebbe/igroskodesh/012/005/4110
Published 02/02/24
Having met him face-to-face, you can estimate which sefarim to suggest. It seems like he is open to whatever you suggest. https://www.torahrecordings.com/rebbe/igroskodesh/012/005/4109
Published 02/02/24