Book a call with Coach Frank - https://www.rebuiltrecovery.com/apply In episode 54 of The Rebuilt Man, Coach Frank Rich discusses the hierarchy of importance for porn addiction recovery. He emphasizes the need for a multifaceted approach and lays out the three pillars of recovery: having a roadmap, a supportive community, and real accountability. He compares the order of importance in recovery to other areas of life, such as physical transformation and building a business. He stresses the...
Published 04/05/24
Access the FREE training - https://www.rebuiltrecovery.com/12steps   In episode 53 of The Rebuilt Man podcast, Coach Frank Rich discusses how to stop sexually objectifying women and live a porn-free life. He emphasizes the impact of pornography addiction on men's perception of women and the negative consequences it can have on relationships. Frank introduces a framework that helps men appreciate and acknowledge women's beauty without objectifying them. He also highlights the importance of...
Published 04/03/24
Access the FREE training - https://www.rebuiltrecovery.com/12steps   In episode 52 of The Rebuilt Man, Coach Frank Rich discusses what to do when you relapse on porn. He addresses the crippling effect of relapse and how it can make individuals feel like they've failed and are starting back at square one. Frank provides five steps to help process a relapse, including having grace and forgiveness, identifying what happened, analyzing the choices made, preventing future relapses, and going out...
Published 04/01/24
Book a call with Coach Frank - https://www.rebuiltrecovery.com/apply   In episode 51 of The Rebuilt Man, Coach Frank Rich interviews AJ Ouellette, a professional running back in the CFL who has successfully completed the Reboot Your Life program. AJ shares his journey from struggling with pornography as a public figure and the impact it had on his relationships and success. He discusses the hesitations he had in reaching out for help and the importance of finding peace rather than chasing...
Published 03/28/24
Access the FREE training - https://www.rebuiltrecovery.com/12steps   In episode 50 of The Rebuilt Man, Coach Frank Rich discusses the three phases of porn addiction recovery. He emphasizes that growth is never linear and that recovery should be seen as a seasonal process. The three phases are awareness, action, and attainment. In the awareness phase, individuals must admit there is a problem, identify the negative impacts of porn, create a plan for a porn-free life, and seek support and...
Published 03/27/24
Book a call with Coach Frank - https://www.rebuiltrecovery.com/apply In episode 49 of The Rebuilt Man podcast, Coach Frank Rich discusses the use of fasting to overcome pornography addiction. He explains how fasting is used in their courses and coaching programs and its effectiveness in breaking the chains of addiction. Frank dives deeper into the science behind fasting and its four ways of aiding in overcoming addiction: physiological effects, psychological impact, use as a tool for...
Published 03/25/24
Access the FREE training - www.rebuiltrecovery.com/vision   In episode 48 of The Rebuilt Man, Coach Frank Rich discusses the challenges of overcoming pornography addiction and finding true freedom. He emphasizes the importance of belief and identity in the recovery process. The hardest part of breaking free from addiction is changing the way one sees oneself and creating a new identity as a porn-free man. Frank provides practical steps for developing the necessary tools, understanding the...
Published 03/22/24
Access the FREE training - www.rebuiltrecovery.com/vision   1 month FREE TRIAL with Covenant Eyes - https://covenanteyes.sjv.io/kKkXz - Use code 'superhuman'   In episode 47 of The Rebuilt Man podcast, Coach Frank discusses the use of porn blockers and internet filters for those struggling with pornography addiction. He emphasizes the importance of belief in overcoming addiction and questions whether relying solely on blockers and filters indicates a lack of belief in one's ability to be...
Published 03/20/24
Learn more about Stop The Movement - https://www.stopthemovement.org/   Follow Stop The Movement - https://www.instagram.com/stop_the_movement/   In episode 46 of The Rebuilt Man podcast, Coach Frank Rich is sharing a talk he gave recently at Mission City Church in Largo, FL for Stop The Movement. Stop The Movement is a non-profit organization who's mission is to stop exploitation and end human trafficking in the Tampa Bay area.  The event that Frank spoke at was called, "Human...
Published 03/18/24
Book a call with Coach Frank - https://www.rebuiltrecovery.com/apply   In this episode of The Rebuilt Man, Coach Frank Richt discusses the connection between porn addiction and erectile dysfunction. He explains the three common types of erectile performance issues that men experience due to pornography addiction: porn-induced erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation, and delayed ejaculation. Coach Frank emphasizes the importance of quitting porn and addresses the psychological factors...
Published 03/15/24
Get the complete Reboot Your Life program for just $99 today - www.rebuiltrecovery.com/nobrainer   In episode 44 of The Rebuilt Man podcast, Coach Frank Rich discusses the importance of changing consumption habits to break free from pornography addiction. He emphasizes the role of books in personal development and recommends four books that have helped him and many others in overcoming addiction. The recommended books are Surfing for God by Michael John Cusick, Wired for Intimacy by Dr....
Published 03/13/24
Access the FREE training - www.rebuiltrecovery.com/vision In episode 43 of The Rebuilt Man podcast, Coach Frank Rich discusses the impact of pornography on our lives and the importance of understanding our relationship with it. He introduces two key questions to ask ourselves when feeling triggered or tempted by pornography: What am I running from? and What am I running to? By answering these questions honestly, we can identify healthier alternatives to satisfy our needs and begin to...
Published 03/11/24
Access the FREE training - www.rebuiltrecovery.com/vision   In this episode of The Rebuilt Man, Coach Frank Rich discusses the importance of identifying who you're quitting porn for. He emphasizes that it's not about quitting for others, such as your spouse or parents, but rather for yourself. The host also highlights the significance of quitting porn for the future version of yourself and creating a legacy of freedom for your name and family. He encourages listeners to think about the...
Published 03/08/24
Book a call with Coach Frank - https://www.rebuiltrecovery.com/apply   In episode 41 of The Rebuilt Man podcast, Frank Rich interviews Brandon Boiling about his journey of overcoming pornography addiction. They discuss the epidemic of pornography addiction, Brandon's struggle and prior attempts to quit, and the lowest point in his addiction. Brandon shares his experience of reaching out for help and joining the Rebuilt Recovery program. He talks about his hesitations and doubts, and the...
Published 03/06/24
Access the FREE training - www.rebuiltrecovery.com/vision   In episode 40 of The Rebuilt Man podcast, Coach Frank Rich discusses the importance of continuous pursuit of freedom from pornography. He emphasizes that freedom from pornography is not a destination but a lifelong journey that requires new habits and ways of thinking. He then shares five daily habits that can help in living a porn-free life: not hitting snooze, having a gratitude practice, building self-control through fasting,...
Published 03/04/24
Access the FREE training - www.rebuiltrecovery.com/vision   In this episode, Frank Rich discusses the importance of identity change in successful transformation. He introduces a framework for a spiritual death and resurrection, emphasizing the need to identify the parts of ourselves that must die and the new parts we must create. He guides listeners through an exercise of writing down the aspects of themselves that contribute to their addiction and burning the paper to symbolize the death...
Published 03/01/24
Get the complete Reboot Your Life program for just $99 today - www.rebuiltrecovery.com/nobrainer   In episode 38 of The Rebuilt Man, Coach Frank Rich discusses the power of changing your environment to transform your life. He emphasizes that a messy environment is a reflection of a messy mind and that raising your standards and taking care of your surroundings is crucial for personal growth. Frank shares examples of successful businesses that prioritize cleanliness and organization in their...
Published 02/28/24
Access the FREE training - www.rebuiltrecovery.com/vision   In episode 37 of The Rebuilt Man, Coach Frank Rich discusses the importance of not solely focusing on quitting porn but also making a significant change in one's identity and mindset. He emphasizes that counting days without porn is not enough to break free from addiction. Instead, individuals need to shift their perspective, focus on personal growth, and develop new habits, beliefs, and standards. Frank highlights the need for a...
Published 02/26/24
Get the complete Reboot Your Life program for just $99 today - www.rebuiltrecovery.com/nobrainer In episode 36 of The Rebuilt Man, Coach Frank Rich discusses the importance of self-confidence in overcoming pornography addiction and becoming the man that God has called you to be. He emphasizes that lack of self-belief and confidence is a major obstacle for many men in breaking free from addiction. Coach Frank provides a formula for building self-confidence and explains how confidence is...
Published 02/23/24
Access the FREE training - www.rebuiltrecovery.com/vision   In episode 35 of The Rebuilt Man, Coach Frank Rich discusses the harmful effects of pornography and the lies that men believe about it. He emphasizes that pornography is evil and robs men of joy, passion, and purpose. Frank identifies the five most common lies that keep men addicted to porn and prevent them from living fulfilling lives. These lies include the belief that every guy looks at porn, that it doesn't hurt anyone, that it...
Published 02/21/24
Book a call with Coach Frank - https://form.jotform.com/213043920000031   In episode 34 of The Rebuilt Man, Coach Frank Rich discusses the cost of porn addiction and the impact it has on various aspects of life. He highlights the monetization of free services and the power of advertising in the pornography industry. Frank shares his personal experience with porn addiction and the financial consequences it had on his life. He invites listeners to seek help and make a change to become the men...
Published 02/19/24
Book a call with Frank - https://form.jotform.com/213043920000031   In episode 33 of The Rebuilt Man, Coach Frank Rich discusses the concept of the red pill and how quitting porn can be seen as the ultimate red pill. He shares his personal experience with quitting porn and the positive impact it had on his life. Frank also explores the accessibility of porn and its potential negative effects on mental health. He emphasizes the long-term effects of porn addiction and the importance of...
Published 02/16/24
Access the FREE training - www.rebuiltrecovery.com/vision   In episode 32 of The Rebuilt Man, Coach Frank Rich discusses the importance of embracing the identity of a porn-free man and the continuous pursuit of freedom from pornography. He emphasizes the need to build a foundation for freedom by understanding the root cause of addiction and developing new habits and belief systems. Frank also highlights the significance of daily gratitude practice, self-regulation tools, and...
Published 02/14/24
Access the FREE training - www.rebuiltrecovery.com/vision   In episode 31 of The Rebuilt Man podcast, Coach Frank Rich discusses breaking the addictive cycle pattern in life by introducing new stimulus, patterns, objectives, and pursuits. He emphasizes the importance of recognizing and understanding the patterns and triggers that lead to the consumption of pornography. Frank provides practical steps to create new patterns and habits, such as identifying triggers, finding alternative ways to...
Published 02/12/24
Access the FREE training - www.rebuiltrecovery.com/vision   In episode 30 of The Rebuilt Man podcast, Coach Frank Rich discusses the importance of precision of language and how it impacts our ability to achieve our goals. He emphasizes the need to define terms and understand their true meaning in order to effectively communicate and take action. Frank also explores the concept of struggle and challenges listeners to examine their approach to overcoming difficulties. He highlights the...
Published 02/09/24