Money Buys: A living, but not a life.⁣ A diploma, but not an education.⁣ A ring, but not a marriage.⁣ A vacation, but not freedom.⁣ A watch, but not time. ⁣A following, but not followers.⁣ A fan, but not a friend.⁣ A home, but not happiness.⁣ A diet, but not discipline.⁣ A tie, but not respect.⁣ A vote, but not integrity.⁣ A lead, but not loyalty.⁣ A book, but not application.⁣ A reputation, but not a good one.⁣ You can buy a lot of things, but the things that matter most, cannot
Published 09/22/20
Discernment Will Be the Key Competency of This Decade. Richie Teaches 5 Principled Concepts to Help You Discern Accurately. From Discernment Leadership and Discernment Entrepreneurship, Yet Leaders and Yet Entrepreneurs...The discerning truth sees asynchronous perspectives. The best way to protect the inside is to have self-awareness and other-awareness so you can discern — the essence of emotional intelligence. Discernment is an ability to recognize asynchronous truths.
Published 09/15/20
Richie's solocast on lifestyle brand vs lifestyle business vs lifestyle isn't something people talk about. The difference between a brand, a business, a lifestyle and a personal brand are very different things--but they can be congruent to support one another...but they don't have to. Today, too many entrepreneurs create a business they love to enhance their lifestyle and flexibility only to find out their flexibility and lifestyle disappear into a business they now hate. Listen in. Get your...
Published 09/08/20
Richie's aftercast following the amazing interview with McKenzie Bauer, Co-Founder of Threadwallets. This episode draws on that conversation and the Threadwallets powerful theme of "RELENTLESS PROGRESSION. FEARLESS EXPRESSION." Listen to this podcast episode to create your own "relentless progression" by leveraging existing resources that propel you forward. Time to create your own symbols of freedom as a success driver.
Published 09/08/20
Richie interviews internationally-renowned entrepreneur McKenzie Bauer, Co-Founder of Threadwallets. This podcast will teach you how to turn an idea into a business and into a lifestyle that exponentially helps more and more people. McKenzie says, "Through our venture, we have found an irreplaceable sense of freedom and happiness as we see our vision unfold." This podcast with Richie Norton and McKenzie is a transformational conversation that will help you be a more effective entrepreneur and...
Published 09/08/20
SOLOCAST: To escape fear, you have to go through it, not around. To crush fear doesn't mean you eliminate it; crushing fear means you literally crush it down into smaller, more manageable parts and tackle one piece at a time. You'll hear stories and metaphors along with research-based principles to crush fear and create high-success. If you're not afraid, are you trying to do anything outside your comfort zone where your dreams are? People who succeed transform fear into power and get to work.
Published 08/25/20
AFTERCAST: Richie dives into his chat with Chad Ford about Dangerous Love and discusses particular ponderings, principles and patterns from the book to help you uncover fear and overcome conflict with confidence. You'll enjoy the quotes and spontaneous metaphors shared on this one! Insights galore.
Published 08/25/20
Richie interviews Chad Ford about 'Dangerous Love: Transforming Fear and Conflict at Home, at Work and in the World'. Chad’s work with young people in the classroom, athletes on the basketball court, struggling families in the living room, executives in the boardroom, and divided communities in some of the most challenging conflicts in the world gives him a unique perspective and voice to the conflicts that plague our families, our organizations and the world.
Published 08/25/20
SOLOCAST: Few things made me happier when someone randomly posted this on my wall: "I first met Richie when he was a young, long haired musician from a small California country town. With all of his success, adventure, and teachings over the past 20 years, he still remembers and responds to the ones who were around before the success." Learn how playlist-loops can help you stay motivated, creative and in the zone. Learn the 7 ways I create projects and use music as my benchmark.
Published 08/18/20
AFTERCAST: Richie takes a deep dive into his conversation with Paul Cardall "I was born with half a heart. God made up the difference." This podcast goes into the effect of music on your mind, mood and movement—including studies from experts on scientific music and health. Learn how to leverage the power of music for good to create greater happiness, peace and prosperity. More: https://paulcardall.com/health-and-music
Published 08/18/20
Richie interviews world-renowned musician, Paul Cardall! Paul won widespread notice by setting author Richard Paul Evans’ No. 1 NY Times bestseller 'The Christmas Box' to music. His entrepreneurial activities include founding and directing the Stone Angel Music label and studio, promoting medical research, and providing scholarships for congenital heart disease through his foundation. This podcast will teach you how to leverage the power of music and broken miracles to create peace, joy, and...
Published 08/18/20
Richie interviews Peter Kozodoy about his new book: 'Honest to Greatness: How Today's Greatest Leaders Use Brutal Honesty to Achieve Massive Success.' So good! Peter Kozodoy is an Inc. 5000 serial entrepreneur, TEDx speaker, and business coach who works with organizations and their leaders to help them overcome self-limiting bullsh*t and use honesty to achieve greatness. This interview will prompt you to see honesty in a new way that will help you achieve greater success.
Published 08/11/20
The job of a dream is to set you free. Don't turn dreams into jobs. Are you patiently waiting or patiently working? Richie shares insights from Peter Drucker, Jim Collins, Warren Buffett and Stephen Covey on ways to simplify your life for high-results. If you actively act on your future dreams today, you inherently have more time for them to come true—and since you’re focusing on the one right activity for your highest priorities, they will come true sooner than later.
Published 07/21/20
Richie takes a deep dive into his conversation with Chris Ducker on this Aftercast and discusses to Get Results with an Accountability Partner Advantage. Listen to Richie as he discusses these Youpreneur insights along with his own context on how to get better results by using what Richie teaches as "Final Cause" so you can "Tip Time" with accountability. As Richie says, The job of a dream is to set you free. Don't turn dreams into jobs.
Published 07/21/20
Richie and Chris Ducker discuss their interactions from San Diego to London about creating a lifestyle business that supports the family. Powerful, unique stories including one Chris calls an exclusive about his love for Zig Ziglar and his teachings. Get ready to become a 'Youpreneur' and build your personal brand business right for greater freedom. Listen in to learn how to become a 'Youpreneur' and how to build a personal brand business.
Published 07/21/20
Richie interviews the amazing Kathy Caprino, M.A. is a career and leadership coach, a Forbes senior contributor, TEDx speaker, and host of the Finding Brave podcast (which has ranked in Top 100 Apple Career Podcasts in the U.S. and beyond). Her mission is to support the advancement of women in business around the globe. Kathy is a speaker on topics spanning women’s empowerment, overcoming workplace adversity, effective communication, entrepreneurship, personal growth, and navigating change.
Published 07/21/20
SOLOCAST: The pursuit of prosperity shouldn’t stop you from the pursuit of happiness. Stop with the "retirement mentality" that has plagued generations from taking advantage of present opportunity. Richie takes a deep dive into his Interview with Ramon Ray on this Solocast with an adjacent topic: waiting. Listen to what an old Investment Banker told the 24-year-old Richie and how the IB's (sad) example helped Richie change the trajectory of his own life and help others not make the same life...
Published 07/14/20
AFTERCAST MINI-TRAINING: Richie takes a deep dive into his conversation with Ramon Ray on this Aftercast and discusses ways to prioritize attention with first principles to create greater success in life and business. Must listen as we discuss: Fear, Pride, Procrastination, Authenticity, START: Serve, Thank, Ask, Receive, Trust, and Leveraging Existing Resources to turn your stupid idea into your smart reality.
Published 07/14/20
Ramon is a sought after global keynote speaker, event host, best selling author, and entrepreneur. He's started four companies and sold two of them. Ramon is the founder of Smart Hustle Media and is an in-demand commentator on marketing, technology, mindset, startups and more. His latest book is "Celebrity CEO - How Entrepreneurs Can Thrive by Building Community and a Strong Personal Brand." He loves burnt pancakes and bacon, on the weekends. :-)
Published 07/14/20
Richie interviews Rhett Power on entrepreneurship, leadership amidst chaos, creating a life of freedom and meaning with family, living around the world and finding your own entrepreneur's competitive advantage. Rhett co-founded Wild Creations in 2007 and quickly built the startup toy company into the 2010 Fastest Growing Business in South Carolina. Wild Creations was awarded a Blue-Ribbon Top 75 US Company by the US Chamber of Commerce and one of Inc. Magazine’s 500 Fastest Growing US Companies.
Published 07/08/20
Selling is a sacred trust between buyer and seller. Not just sales with money, but bonding with others and uniting others to a common cause--it's a sacred trust. When access to everything is at your fingertips, you receive full responsibility for self-education and your inevitable success when you apply it. This power podcast has valuable entrepreneurial, leadership and sales insights for you to take action.
Published 06/30/20
Richie takes a deep dive into his conversation with Donald Kelly on this aftercast and discusses ways to become a transformational seller. Learn how to avoid toxic salespeople, toxic teams and toxic managers by moving from transactional rat-race games and into transformational experiences. How to create meaning at work, life and with your clients as opposed to just "closing deals." Discover the art of creating congruent value and create transformational business relationships that last a...
Published 06/30/20
Richie interviews Donald Kelly, the Sales Evangelist. Donald helps sales professionals and entrepreneurs find more prospects, build stronger value, and close more deals. In addition to training sales professionals in workshops, online courses, and keynote presentations, Donald is the host of a popular sales podcast called “The Sales Evangelist”. Discover how to "gain the confidence in your ability to truly run a world class business." and how to sell "like a mango."
Published 06/30/20
Richie Norton is a social entrepreneur and this podcast shares principles and life lessons learned from his social entrepreneurial ventures that you can apply in your daily life. This podcast includes musings from a cashmere company he started in Mongolia, discussions on respecting money while creating meaning and how you can think through solving social ills with business skills. Learn how to serve others "out there," create meaning "in here" and turn your "stupid idea" into your smart...
Published 06/23/20
#50 Richie Norton interviews Marj Desius, CEO of Blooming BizandMind, Award Winning Mindset Coach and Creator of Black Leadership Academy. Listen to this powerful conversation about leadership, racism in America and how to be a proactive anti-racist. Listen to this podcast to be aware and then listen again and again and do something about it. Support the Black Leadership Academy. Go here to contribute to the BLA scholarship funds: https://blackleadershipacademy.lpages.co/
Published 06/16/20