proof? You can dig as many ditches as you want and it won't make you the world's greatest pianist. Yes, that's a "duh" but it's exaggerated to make the point.
Published 05/02/19
Published 05/02/19
and a welcome back to our host, who's correcting his habits.
Published 04/22/19
How might I flip the perspective of what I have to lose, and how i might be risking losing it, to get myself to MOVE?
Published 03/23/19
What's a dumbass question? "I want to make $22/hr after taxes.  Is that doable?" Our nanny candidate asked me...    I have no way of knowing your situation on deductions etc and am not an accountant so have no basis to determine what your after-tax pay would be. "Here's what I did.  Thoughts?"  (or "any feedback?")    Posted in a business forum. Look, if this is the best type of question you can ask.  YOU DON'T DESERVE A RESPONSE, MUCH LESS AN ANSWER." You want help?  You...
Published 03/20/19
Where do we get the solutions to truly move forward in life? It's not from our emotionally driven impulses, but from a deeper place.
Published 03/13/19
Whether driving a car, working out, or pursuing business goals, success requires us to marry up commitment to our end goal with awareness of the environment, ie feedback. Without that awareness and/or the flexibility to adapt, we'll eventually hit a wall.
Published 03/10/19
When I'm willing to question what I "know", I can learn so much from my 2.5 year old. What might you unlearn to that will improve your life?   
Published 03/08/19
Ever asked a child, spouse or colleague somethign to the effect of "Why haven't you ___?  I've told you a hundred times." This episode has what you need to finally break the cycle!
Published 03/06/19
What if life isn't A river, but rather a bunch of rivers? Why would I choose to make my trip on one smooth & easy, while choosing to fight the current in all the others??
Published 03/03/19
Clarity is not an endpoint.  Like our windows, we get a bit hazy each day.  Unlike our windows, we are bombarded and it happens way faster.
Published 03/01/19
Priorities, have-tos are a lie that guarantees you an unfulfilled feeling at night. Simplify, prioritize (to ONE) and FOCUS!
Published 02/26/19
Outside the comfort zone, our perception diverges from reality. And, what to do about it... Pt I.  The conclusion.
Published 02/23/19
How I learned to learn from others who KNOW what they're doing.
Published 02/22/19
Wait, isn't this the same as episode 8?  Yes, and no.  Same story, told differently.  listen in to find out why...
Published 02/21/19
What are we teaching our kids when we too frequently offer them help, especially when they're content working away at something? Is it helpful or detrimental to how who we want them to be in the long-run?
Published 02/19/19
Yesterday an exchange with my dentist highlighted how we can trap ourselves with the idea of waiting until we're "ready". What if instead, I just ask myself whether it's time to move? Join Rob Bell as he shares his journey as a man, husband, father and entrepreneur; trying to jump off the pendulum and finally hit and sustain success across the board...all at the same time!
Published 02/16/19
Sometimes, we invest into others solely for the sake giving, with no expectation of return.
Published 02/14/19
Talk does NOT change things, action does. Telling soemone you don't like how they're treating you will NOT change it.  Changing how YOU show up will. Explaining- ie talking - to someone why they shouldn't be upset with how you're showing up will NOT change it.  Changing how YOU are showing up will.
Published 02/12/19
Allowing time to pause - for you AND your wife - may not guarantee a great date-night, But, charging in at the last second will certainly kill your chances.
Published 02/11/19
Rob, This podcast sucks!  Aren't you embarassed?  Why are you doing this? No.  And, becuase I'm committed to NOT sucking.   Let's talk in 15, 50, 100 episodes, when you're probably finding this anyway.
Published 02/10/19
The origins of the Date Design Blueprint and Disaster-Proof Date Checklist
Published 02/08/19
The backstory of The Rob Bell Show...
Published 02/08/19