Free Stuff: https://livemyhappyhealth.com/free Being afraid of failure is something I help clients with all the time. Because subconscious is wired to avoid an percieved threat, and most people are taught that failing is bad, of course mind will then learn to avoid failure. But think about the happiest people you know, they aren't letting fear hold them back. In fact, they're likely the people facing their fears and doing the scary thing, and loving it! Getting comfortable with discomfort is...
Published 08/15/23
Free Stuff: https://livemyhappyhealth.com/free One of the prices you pay for growth and healing is losing people along the way. That can be a painful experience, and it can make growth seem lonely (and honestly, sometimes it is). Healing and growth puts you into a different energetic state, which means you may no longer resonate with the people you used to vibe with. This is so normal! And it's something all my clients deal with at some point in their healing journey. Healing can be...
Published 08/08/23
Free Stuff: https://livemyhappyhealth.com/free Struggling with feeling like your life has no meaning? Let's give it some purpose. All most of us heard growing up was the advice to find our purpose to pursue our passions and to be useful. Somewhere along the way this got a whole generation of people feeling hopeless and dissatisfied. Finding and living your purpose is a skill, but most people have no idea how to do it. In this episode I teach you how to find it, and then how to start...
Published 08/01/23
Free Stuff: https://livemyhappyhealth.com/free Joelle and Alysa are literally a dream team, they run Beyond The Weights and they're married (happily, see what I mean by dream team?). They're fitness coaches who specialize in metabolism and working with the whole person. They discuss balancing all the things happening in life We talk their journey into fitness, where most people get into trouble physically, the role of metabolism in health and taking a holistic approach to health. ...
Published 07/26/23
Free Stuff: https://livemyhappyhealth.com/free Maybe you try and cover up your loneliness by becoming what you think other people will like. This is one of the fastest ways to lose yourself, to feel miserable and alone. Being palatable isn't the cure you think it is, and in fact it makes you more isolated because then no one knows the real you. "Yeah, Amanda, thats the point, if no one really gets to know me they can't decide they actually hate me." I hear that and I'll challenge it. If no...
Published 07/18/23
Free Stuff: https://livemyhappyhealth.com/free Perhaps you find yourself in crisis after crisis, situationship after situationship or constantly putting out fires. That can be so exhausting, and let me tell you why that's happening. Trauma retunes your nervous system for chaos. Humans are adaptable little gremlins, in fact we're so good that we will learn how to thrive in chaos. Because your system sets trauma as the default, when you start healing you may find yourself unconsciously seeking...
Published 07/11/23
Free Stuff: https://livemyhappyhealth.com/free Have you ever watched an animal wrapped up so tightly that they can't get free? And they struggle and struggle, and get more tightly wound until they immobolize themselves. Maybe you've done this too - struggled and strained and tried to pull away only to become more stuck and more entrenched? This is something I see all the time, and while it's a normal instinct, it only makes us more stuck. In this episode I talk about how more often than...
Published 07/04/23
Free Stuff: https://livemyhappyhealth.com/free Trauma changes you and leaves predictable patterns of behavior. The way the mind and subconscious processes an event determines if the event gets coded as traumatic or not, and if the event gets coded as traumatic there are predictable somatic responses and thought patterns related to the event. Mind has a goal of survival, always. When data about an event gets processed as trauma, mind will continue to prioritize survival and for many people...
Published 06/27/23
Free Stuff: https://livemyhappyhealth.com/free Maybe you struggle to hear your intuition. Maybe you wish you were someone who could make decisions with more ease and more knowing. Maybe you've been disconnected from your body for a while and up in your head too much. Perfect, this epidose is for you. Intuition is one of the most powerful sources of knowledge and once you learn to tap into it, you have access to so much wisdom. In this episode I talk about what intuition feels like, and how...
Published 06/20/23
Free Stuff: https://livemyhappyhealth.com/free If you have ever laid your head down on your pillow, ready to finally get some sleep after a long day of life-ing, only to find that your brain takes this opportunity to think about everything you've ever done and also tomorrows to do list and also that one really weird thing you said when you were 12? So frustrating right, like hello brain, we're trying to sleep here! In this episode I explain why this happens, what your brain is actually...
Published 06/13/23
Free Stuff: https://livemyhappyhealth.com/free People who operate from abundance just MOVE differently. When you have an abundant mindset, there is no need to worry or protect or brace; because you know and understand that there is always more then enough. More than enough money, love, opportunities, time. This mindset allows you to focus on you, take your time, trust that the things that are meant for you will always be yours. Operating in abundance opens you up. Compare that to a scarcity...
Published 06/06/23
Free Stuff: https://livemyhappyhealth.com/free Sometimes life be lifing, but a little too hard and you're like "Ok life, can we life a little less please?" Lucky for you, we know that you can have anything you want, if you're willing to ask the right questions. What I've found is that most people aren't very good at asking valuable questions. In this episode I'm giving you four questions to ask yourself to get clarity, figure out what to do next and to get you back on track. For those times...
Published 05/30/23
How does working out support mental health? Glad you asked, sweet. While the gym is not therapy, it does have a high volume of research linking the benefits of movement with mental health. So if you are wanting to heal anxiety, trauma, depression or looking to just feel better in general, movement is one of the most powerful tools there is. Many people enter the personal development world through the gym, yoga, running or another movement practice. The trouble is, some people use that...
Published 05/23/23
Free Stuff: https://livemyhappyhealth.com/free You can be doing all things in all the books, but if you aren't consciously choosing to avoid the things I talk about in this episode, you will still find yourself miserable. My dream for you is to be happy - truly, smiling ear to ear when you think about your life and how awesome it is - happy. In order to do that, there are some things you need to stop doing, because they actively sabotage your happiness. If you ask most people if they want...
Published 05/16/23
Free Stuff: https://livemyhappyhealth.com/free If you're feeling stuck or depressed or anxious, I encourage you to take a very close look at the words you use. Most people don't understand how powerful language is and how much the words you think and say impact your life. Language can either keep you stuck and spiraling, or it can help you manifest a life you adore. Because your brain hates being wrong, it will make whatever you say true. If you say "they broke me" your brain is going to say...
Published 05/09/23
Free Stuff: https://livemyhappyhealth.com/free Finding a really good business coach can be tricky, in the wild west that is the coaching industry, anyone can call themselves anything. Shady business coaches prey on you being ignorant of the industry and having a strong desire to run your own business, and they will sell you a dream that they say only they can help come true. This is garbage. You deserve a coach who uplifts you, teaches you, supports you and actually sets you up for success....
Published 05/02/23
Free Stuff: https://livemyhappyhealth.com/free If you've been feeling stuck lately and like you know you should be doing something different, you may be in a cycle of lying to yourself. I see people do this all the time. People will do all sorts of mental gymnastics to justify staying in a bad sitation, or continuing to be a toxic human. When people don't want to change, they will come up with all the excuses and lie to themselves constantly in order to protect themselves from changing....
Published 04/25/23
Free Stuff: https://livemyhappyhealth.com/free Thinking you "should by over it by now, it's been long enough" and then feeling bad about the fact that you're not healed yet is the result of a toxic narrative. That though keeps you stuck, grieving and feeling ashamed about not being over it yet, because you are only doing half of the equation. Time alone isn't enough, and in fact if you are waiting and doing nothing else then things will only get worse and whatever you're dealing with will...
Published 04/19/23
Free Stuff: https://livemyhappyhealth.com/free This work - whether you are building a business or healing - is hard and it takes time. Healing and growth are not linear. This work will test you, it can exhaust you and it can feel like you take two steps forward and three steps back. This is perfectly normal. What I see for you is that you navigate healing and growth with ease and with wisdom. This is one of the roles of a good coach/therapist, to help make this process easier and to help you...
Published 04/11/23
Free Stuff: https://livemyhappyhealth.com/free Self trust is foundational to a happy, aligned life. When you trust yourself to make the right decisions, to survive what life throws at you, to make the right choice - life becomes so much easier. Every single client I work with struggles with trusting themselves for differrent reasons. In my work with clients, teaching them to explore options and make decisions and then stand by those decisions is the foundation to learning to trust yourself. ...
Published 04/04/23
Free Stuff: https://livemyhappyhealth.com/free We all know a "realist" right? Someone who says things like "I don't want to get my hopes up" or "I don't really think it'll work out, but here goes nothing" and then when it doesn't work out, pretends they're not disappointed and isn't sure what made it fail? I guarantee that part of what made it fail was their mindset, their belief that it wouldn't work and their refusal to believe in themselves to the point of delusion. Let me be the person...
Published 03/28/23
Free Stuff: https://livemyhappyhealth.com/free If you want to grow then learning from people who are smarter than you is not optional. You can waste a lot of time trying to figure it out on your own, expirementing and being stubborn about your suffering; or you can use mentorship and courses to expedite your learning and your growth. With a good coach/course/book - whatever option you want to start with and learn from - you can collapse time and get results much faster and much easier than...
Published 03/14/23
Free Stuff: https://livemyhappyhealth.com/free As humans, we need external validation, but there is a point where it becomes a trap and it becomes a cup you can never fill. When you are always looking for someone else to validate you, you outsource your power to them and you become a slave to their praise. This means that they now have control over you, and they are able to manipulate you via praise or criticism. This is a dangerous place to be in. Is the answer to never ask for validation?...
Published 03/07/23
Free Stuff: https://livemyhappyhealth.com/free "I want to learn to love myself" is something almost all my clients say, all my girl friends have said at one point, and honestly I've lost count of how many times I've heard it. It's a great goal and its necessary, but most people get the actual process wrong. When I'm teaching clients and students to love themselves, first you need to understand what it looks like when you aren't operating in that space. This insight is going to help you...
Published 02/28/23
Free Stuff: https://livemyhappyhealth.com/free I see you - talking to your friends/partner all time, staying so busy that you never have time to think or feel, avoiding things you want to do because you don't want to go alone. All of that is keeping you from growing and healing, because in order to heal you need to be able to spend time alone and to be content doing so. If you keep running from spending time alone, you will continue making choices from scarcity instead of abundance and...
Published 02/21/23