In this enlightening episode, we dive deep into the interconnectedness of stress management, the power of community, the joy of music, the potential of light therapy, and the foundational role of liver health and essential vitamins in overall well-being. It’s a holistic journey to understanding how various aspects of our lives and choices can significantly impact our stress levels and, ultimately, our health.
Published 02/29/24
Join Our Online Education Community "The School of Doza" Here:https://community.schoolofdoza.com/   In this new series, Nurse Doza tackles Nutritional Labels. In this episode, he talks about Organic Corn, its many benefits, how to know what to eat, and what kind of products contain the best kind.Featured in the video are Masa Chips with organic corn. https://www.masachips.com/discount/NURSEDOZACLINIC20Use Code: NURSEDOZACLINIC20 for a nice discount
Published 02/22/24
In this episode we unravel the intricate connection between liver functionality and estrogen management, highlighting the importance of diet, specific herbs, and lifestyle adjustments. From heart health to NAFLD, menopause, and beyond, discover actionable insights to support your body’s hormonal and metabolic health.
Published 02/19/24
Today on the Supplement Ingredient Series, we delved into the importance of SAMe (S-Adenylmethionine) for brain and liver function. SAMe is crucial for metabolism, liver health, antioxidant production, and neurotransmitter balance like serotonin and dopamine. Deficiency in SAMe can lead to neurotransmitter dysfunction. Pairing SAMe with trimethylglycine (TMG) is recommended as they are both methyl donors and play a role in the MTHFR gene and methylation cycle. Tune in to learn more about how...
Published 02/15/24
Today, we focus on the importance of liver health, discussing various herbs and practices beneficial for liver function. We explore the roles of milk thistle, DIM, quercetin, green tea, and resveratrol in supporting liver health, especially in the context of fatty liver development and NAFLD progression.
Published 02/12/24
Welcome back to our supplement series! In this episode, we’re diving into the world of Selenium, an essential trace mineral that’s gaining popularity for its numerous health benefits. We discuss how Selenium is crucial for thyroid health, aiding in the production and regulation of thyroid hormones. For those concerned about their appearance, we highlight Selenium’s role in supporting the health of skin, hair, and nails. Additionally, we touch on the importance of Selenium for liver function,...
Published 02/08/24
In today’s podcast, we uncover the crucial interplay between the thyroid and adrenal glands, exploring how they influence each other and overall health. From the role of adrenal androgens in the menstrual cycle to the impact of stress on thyroid function, we delve into the complexities of these systems. We also examine how optimizing adrenal and liver health can support thyroid function, especially in conditions like Hashimoto’s.
Published 02/05/24
In this episode, we dove into the world of omega-3 fatty acids, with a focus on DHA, a crucial component of fish oil. We discussed the importance of omega-3s for our body’s optimal functioning, highlighting that our brain is composed of 75% omega-3 DHA, making it essential for brain health as well as for our eyes, heart, and liver. Despite the benefits, many of us don’t consume enough fatty fish like salmon or sardines to meet our omega-3 needs. That’s where fish oil supplements come in as a...
Published 02/01/24
In today’s episode, we explore Candida overgrowth, a common yet often overlooked condition.
Published 01/29/24
In this episode, we dive into the essential trace mineral, magnesium, which plays a pivotal role in over 300 biochemical reactions in the body. We discuss its importance for nerve health, brain cell function, heart health, and liver function.
Published 01/25/24
In this episode, we dive deep into understanding the flu, its global impact, and effective strategies for recovery. .
Published 01/22/24
Liver Prime with ALA - mswnutrition.com Welcome back to our show! In this episode, we're diving into the incredible benefits of alpha-lipoic acid, an antioxidant that I've personally been using for years. Liver Health and Glutathione Production Alpha-lipoic acid is a champion for liver health, aiding in the production of glutathione, which is often referred to as the body's master antioxidant. This boost in antioxidants is crucial for combating inflammation and supporting overall...
Published 01/18/24
Welcome to our deep dive into Fibromyalgia (FM), a complex syndrome characterized by chronic pain and various other symptoms. In this episode, we’ll explore effective strategies for managing FM.
Published 01/15/24
This podcast discusses the benefits of milk thistle as a supplement for liver support. Milk thistle is a plant extract known as silimeric and is widely researched for its ability to reduce damage to the liver. It helps the body produce more antioxidants that aid in the detoxification process.
Published 01/11/24
Today’s episode explores five proven strategies to alleviate chronic pain. As part of our journey, we’ll also introduce ”Liver Boost,” a comprehensive liver detox supplement designed to optimize your body’s natural detoxification process.
Published 01/08/24
In this episode of the School of Doza podcast Nurse Doza discusses realistic and attainable health resolutions for 2024. He emphasizes the importance of putting yourself first and prioritizing your own needs for better health and well-being. He encourages listeners to get their labs done regularly to track their health and make educated decisions about their well-being. Nurse Doza also highlights the benefits of developing a sleep routine, trying monthly fasts, and cooking your own meals at...
Published 01/04/24
This podcast discusses the benefits of N-Acetyl-Cysteine (NAC), a liver antioxidant that reduces inflammation in the body.  NAC is a sulfur-based tripeptide that can detoxify the body and support liver health. It also serves as a precursor to glutathione, a master antioxidant.
Published 01/04/24
This podcast episode focuses on fatty liver disease, a common issue affecting a significant number of adults in the United States. Nurse Doza, who is passionate about liver health, shares his own experience and knowledge on the topic. He discusses physical symptoms of fatty liver disease, such as inflammation, bloating, weight gain, and digestive and hormone issues. The host dispels the notion that fatty liver disease has no symptoms and emphasizes the importance of taking action. He provides...
Published 12/29/23
In this episode, the host discusses the topic of the gallbladder, specifically for people who have had their gallbladder removed. The host talks about how there is a lack of information given to patients after their gallbladder has been removed and provides insights on how to support a healthy life without a gallbladder. The host also mentions a group consult where listeners can ask questions directly to the host and provides a link to sign up.   TIMESTAMPS: 00"00 START 01:10 Gallbladder...
Published 12/27/23
The podcast discusses the benefits of resveratrol, a plant-based extract found in grapes, cacao, and peanuts. It is known for its antioxidant properties and has been shown to promote heart, liver, and brain health. Taking resveratrol daily can also help with blood sugar and insulin levels, as well as promote mitochondrial health, which can lead to longevity.For the cleanest sources of resveratrol, find Mitochondriac at mswnutrtion.com/?ref=nursedoza
Published 12/21/23
In this episode, Nurse Doza discusses the topic of seasonal allergies and provides practical tips for managing and reducing their symptoms. He emphasizes the importance of vitamin D3 supplementation and explains how it can help strengthen the immune system. Nurse Doza also highlights the negative impact of dairy on seasonal allergies and suggests cutting it out of the diet. He recommends focusing on a clean, healthy diet and discusses the role of N-acetylcysteine (NAC) in detoxifying the body...
Published 12/18/23
In this podcast, the importance of vitamin B12 as an essential nutrient is highlighted. Many people are deficient in this vitamin, which can lead to various health issues. It is crucial to choose the right form of B12, such as methylcobalamin or hydroxycobalamin, and avoid inferior forms like cyanocobalamin. Nurse Doza recommends taking a daily multivitamin, like their Boost product, which contains a substantial amount of B12 to maintain sufficient levels.   For the best forms of all...
Published 12/14/23
The podcast delves into the science behind emotional eating, emphasizing the deep emotional connection we have with food. Nurse Doza explains how stress plays a role in emotional eating and highlights the tendency to eat unhealthy comfort foods when stressed. He also discusses the lack of recognition of stress in both men and women and how it can lead to skipped meals or a loss of appetite.TIMESTAMPS 00:00 START 04:48 Emotional eating is linked to stress. 09:47  Emotional eating increases...
Published 12/11/23
Glutathione is an essential antioxidant that can be obtained through supplements like S-Acetyl Glutathione or Liposomal Glutathione. Many diseases and health issues are associated with glutathione deficiency, and as we age, our glutathione levels decrease. Taking glutathione supplements can improve overall health and they are easy to carry and consume.
Published 12/07/23
In today’s episode of [Podcast Name], we explored the various foods that can trigger migraines, from artificial sweeteners to fast foods, and even some beloved items like cheese, wine, and chocolate. Understanding these triggers is vital for managing migraines effectively. We also introduced Mitochondriac, a supplement geared towards enhancing mitochondrial health, a key factor in overall wellness.
Published 12/04/23