In this important episode, Dr. James Odell delves into the metabolic havoc that sugar wreaks on our bodies. You'll learn how sugar is concealed in many of today's processed foods, and how it directly contributes to modern health issues. Dr. Odell will explain the harmful effects of sugar on our physiology, advise on how much sugar consumption is too much, and provide tips for reducing your sugar intake. This is an episode you won't want to miss, as Dr. Odell shares critical insights into...
Published 04/09/24
Published 04/09/24
Join us in this fascinating episode as Dr. James Odell shares his knowledge about the captivating world of bee products – honey, bee pollen, royal honey, and propolis. With a history spanning over 40 million years, honeybees have perfected the art of creating a variety of potent and natural substances, each boasting remarkable medicinal properties for better health and wellbeing.  Discover the nutritional treasure trove within these bee products, rich in polyphenols, antioxidants, vitamins,...
Published 03/26/24
Join us for an exploration into cutting-edge discoveries in longevity and anti-aging. Discover how science not only slows down aging but also offers the potential for reversal. We'll dive into the importance of telomeres, sirtuins, focusing on sirtuin 6, and how they promote longevity. We'll also discuss the challenges our cells face from oxidative stress to environmental toxins, and find out actionable steps to support your body against aging effects. From diet tips to managing stress,...
Published 03/12/24
Join Dr. Odell as he explores methylene blue, a powerhouse compound with a myriad of health benefits. From its origins as a medical imaging dye to its extraordinary therapeutic potential, discover how methylene blue has the potential to advance modern medicine. Explore its pivotal role in combating pathogens, treating memory disorders, and addressing neurodegenerative conditions such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases. Additionally, learn about its promising applications in...
Published 02/27/24
Join Dr. Odell as he explores the nutritional wonders of various sea vegetables and provides practical tips for incorporating them into your meals. Dr. Odell will cover a range of common sea vegetables, such as nori, dulce, kelp, ma kombu, wakame, arame, hijiki, umibudo, chlorella, and spirulina.  Discover the numerous benefits of adding sea vegetables to your diet, including their richness in vitamins A, C, and K; minerals such as calcium, magnesium, and iron; omega-3 fatty acids; iodine;...
Published 02/13/24
In today's insightful episode, join Dr. Odell as he shares his essential remedies for a well-stocked medicine cabinet from a bioregulatory medicine perspective.  Dr. Odell's focus spans a spectrum of health concerns, offering valuable recommendations for pain relief, allergy relief, combating cold and flu, maintaining digestive health, caring for your eyes and ears, exploring effective sleep aids, and ensuring a well-prepared first aid arsenal.  Tune in to discover the secrets of Dr....
Published 01/30/24
Dive into this episode with Dr. Odell as he unravels the mysteries of the often-overlooked hormone, melatonin. Discover the details of who is most at risk of having lower levels, the intricate process of its production in the body, and its multifaceted functions that extend beyond the sleep-wake cycle.  But that's not all – brace yourself for the surprising potential disruptor lurking in our daily routines, threatening our natural melatonin production. It's not what you might expect, and Dr....
Published 01/16/24
In this episode, Dr. Odell emphasizes the crucial role of cholesterol in the human body while questioning the precision of current cholesterol measurement methods for assessing cardiovascular risks. He argues that the real concern regarding cardiovascular health arises when the cholesterol molecule becomes oxidized and corrupted. Instead of the current cholesterol measurement methods, he proposes using enhanced biomarker tests, which are better predictors of cardiovascular issues.  Dr....
Published 01/02/24
In this episode, join Dr. James O'Dell for an in-depth analysis of the challenges in obtaining all essential vitamins and minerals from modern diets. Delve into the differences between synthetic vitamins and whole food concentrates, and gain insights into identifying synthetic vitamins to avoid. Explore the pros and cons of synthetic vitamins and minerals, and learn how to effectively supplement these for optimal health. Tune in for a comprehensive understanding of this critical aspect of...
Published 12/19/23
Join Dr. Odell for a quick dive into the alarming rise of seed oils in our diets. The once balanced omega-6 to omega-3 ratio of 1 to 1 has now shifted to a concerning 20-to-1, linked to health conditions like heart disease, cancer, diabetes, and more. Discover the structural differences between saturated and unsaturated fats, the pitfalls of seed oils, and their impact on your well-being. Dr. Odell wraps up with actionable tips on avoiding toxic seed oils for a healthier you!  
Published 12/05/23
In this episode, Dr. Odell takes us on a fascinating journey into the realm of liver health, shedding light on the pervasive presence of toxins that can wreak havoc on our bodies. Explore how toxins contribute to functional liver impairment, fatty liver disease, and weight gain, while unraveling the mystery of the liver's detoxification pathways, the essential processes which eliminate harmful substances. Lastly, discover foods and supplements to support optimal liver performance and overall...
Published 11/21/23
Join Dr. James Odell as he explores the world of microplastics and their impact on our health. In this informative and eye-opening podcast, Dr. Odell delves into the various pathways through which microplastics infiltrate our bodies, shedding light on the alarming consequences of their presence. Discover practical strategies to shield yourself from this plastic invasion as Dr. Odell guides you through ways to minimize your toxic exposure. Learn how simple changes in your life can make a...
Published 11/07/23
Join Dr. James Odell as he unlocks the secrets to optimizing your memory and cognitive performance. In this podcast, discover strategies to overcome memory challenges and enhance your cognitive abilities for better adaptation and regulation in our fast-paced world. Learn about cognitive enhancers like herbs, fats, vitamins, and supplements, and gain valuable everyday tips for peak brain function. Tune in and empower your mind for success in our complex lives.
Published 10/24/23
Dr. James Odell explores the captivating realm of psychedelic plants and fungi that have been utilized for spiritual ceremonies and medicinally by indigenous peoples across millennia on nearly every continent. These natural, non-addictive, low-medical-risk psychedelic plants possess therapeutic potential for addressing addiction, depression, and anxiety, while also facilitating self-reflection, spiritual growth, and the development of healthier behavioral patterns. Join Dr. Odell and his...
Published 10/10/23
Join us as Dr. Odell delves into the detrimental immunological effects of the COVID-19 shot, specifically Vaccine Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (VAIDS) in children, alarming increases in turbo cancers, and rises in all-cause mortality rates. He references pathologists and other scientists and offers hypotheses on how the inoculations may be causing immune system dysregulations. Lastly, he lists supplements you can take to mitigate the detrimental effects of these inoculations.
Published 09/26/23
Dr. James Odell sheds light on the deception that has circulated during the COVID-19 pandemic. He also delves into the concerns related to mask-wearing, illuminates the numerous safety issues surrounding COVID-19 vaccinations, and offers suggestions for detoxifying after receiving the vaccine. If you're seeking an authentic account of the pandemic's events, this episode is a must-listen!  
Published 09/12/23
Dr. Sharon Stills interviews Dr. Lee Merritt, a medical rebel with an impressive background in medicine and policy, about her extensive research on the pandemic, the lies that were told, her theories on what really happened, and her hope for the future. You wouldn’t want to miss this informative interview!
Published 08/29/23
Dr. Sharon Stills interviews Dr. Monisha Bhanote, an integrative medicine lifestyle physician, functional culinary medicine chef, and nutrigenomics biohacker about nutritional strategies to nourish your cells for preventing disease and promoting good health! Learn what simple changes you can make to start nourishing your cells today!
Published 08/15/23
Dr. Sharon Stills interviews Dr. Gregory Kelly, a naturopathic physician (ND) and author of the book, Shape Shift, about optimizing brain functioning in a variety of ways with neuroscience strategies. Learn how to easily recharge your brain, find out what essential nutrients your brain needs, discover how to improve your focus, hear how your gut influences your brain health, and so much more! This podcast is a fascinating resource for anyone interested in enhancing their cognitive fitness and...
Published 08/01/23
Dr. Sharon Stills interviews Andreanna Rainville (“Nurse Andi”), RN, NC, Scientific Advisor about a cutting-edge technology: using DNA sequencing to analyze genetic differences that we, as consumers, can take action to address. Nurse Andi is the scientific advisor for SNIP Nutrigenomics, and she explains how her company empowers people to take control of their health through personalized medicine. SNIP Nutrigenomics analyzes DNA for common mutations; creates actionable, personalized genetic...
Published 07/18/23
Dr. Sharon Stills interviews Dirk Yow, an expert in “the process of intestinal detoxification” about the importance of detoxifying the body of environmental and dietary toxins through the process of Precision Intestinal Oxidative Hydrotoning (PIOH). PIOHis a specialized type of colon hydrotherapy, which hydrates the body, drains the colon of toxins, and supplements the body with oxygen. Find out more about this technique for reaching and maintaining optimal health!
Published 07/04/23
Dr. Sharon Stills interviews Sylvie Beljanski, author of "Winning the War on Cancer: The Epic Journey Towards a Natural Cure," about The Beljanski Foundation's scientifically researched-based approach to treating cancer. Sylvie has continued her father, Dr. Mirko Beljanski's, legacy of integrative cancer research with botanicals found in nature. There are five botanicals that are making a difference in the fight against cancer, and in this podcast, you'll discover what these amazing...
Published 06/20/23
Dr. Sharon Stills interviews Doctor Fascia, Bryan Geier, DC, about fascia's important role in the body, including providing structure and support for our muscles and organs. However, new insights have uncovered another interesting function of fascia that is just as important. Listen to find out what other vital role fascia plays in our wellbeing - and what ancient cultures have known all along!
Published 06/06/23
Dr. Sharon Stills interviews David​​ Berceli, PhD, creator​​ of the Tension and​​ Trauma Release​​ Exercises (TRE), to​​ discuss how​​ TRE works to​​ release stress​​ and trauma from​​ the body through​​ simple exercises​​ that bring balance​​ to the nervous​​ system. But even more importantly, he shares how to do this simple and easy technique in minutes!
Published 05/23/23