In 1664 Wincanton had its very own witch trials. The combination of a witch finder and a small coven of women who could be accused came together. The Pendle Witch trials, in Lancashire, were held in 1612 and would have been in the memory of many of those involved in Wincanton.  The man who was the local judge was intent on finding demonic intent. This was someone who was looking for contact with the devil. The words recorded for the women convicted seem to reflect his ideas. These were local...
Published 06/23/21
Who would have thought an Italian clockmaker would fight for Napoleon and end up being a prisoner of war in Wincanton, Somerset? He married a Somerset girl and later had a shop in the town, after a very interesting life! When you set off to tell stories you never know where you will end up! This is the second part of Bioletti and his adventures as he fights with Napoleon in his campaigns, travelling far and wide. We thought that in the past people did not travel far but this story shows that...
Published 06/07/21
Who would have thought an Italian clockmaker would fight for Napoleon and end up being a prisoner of war in Wincanton, Somerset? He married a Somerset girl and later had a shop in the town, after a very interesting life! When you set off to tell stories you never know where you will end up! This is my interview with John Baxter, during lockdown, with the sounds of traffic and the primary school children going home. This is a great story and the book details the whole story, however, here...
Published 06/06/21
This is a very exciting new project where I will curating a series of stories that will be placed in the Somerset town of Wincanton. These are stories of Myth, Legend, Folklore and History which all link with Wincanton. I am creating a secret trail of stories which will be hidden around the town centre. The podcast will hold some of the adventures that happen as I create the stories. It will also include other voices of those who help in finding out the stories.  So this is a brief...
Published 04/22/21