Published 12/29/21
NASA is working fast to set the foundation for the open acknowledgment of alien life. The agency has hired 24 theologians to take part in a program at the Center for Theological Inquiry and Princeton University. This comes on the heels of the Department of Defence's new AOIMSG program to catalog and investigate UAP's and the launch of NASA's James Web Telescope on Christmas. This telescope, according to one report, may "change the way we look at the universe and maybe what is written in...
Published 12/29/21
The angel of death is flapping his ominous wings over humanity. From the vampirism, eugenics, and human trafficking carried out by those like Jeffrey Epstein and Peter Nygard, to the increasing hysterics of adherents to the cult of scientism casting themselves deeper and deeper into a black abyss. Those conjuring this angel of suffering are practicing the blackest magic and reciting their ceremonies from their book of shadows. Summoning the "umbrarum" or shadow for power requires a releasing...
Published 12/28/21
Canceled flights on Christmas Eve, virtual church service, bank closures, less abundance, and threats against family members to be an experiment or stay home, has effectively turned the energy of Christmas into a dystopian unholy day. Meanwhile, smash and grab jobs continue at major retail stores that supported months of violence justified as peaceful protests. One would think that if the goal of these Christmas thieves was to feed and clothe themselves they would instead smash and grab at a...
Published 12/25/21
Finally, we are at a point where the grand unified theory of conspiracy, the paranormal, the unidentified, and the unexplained, unfolds in one terrifying and all inspiring realization. It doesn’t take the new Matrix film to remind fans of the plot. During the war with the machines, the sky was darkened to prevent the initial machines from obtaining their energy. As a response, the machines began to farm, cultivate, and exploit the energy of the human as a battery to power their systems. But...
Published 12/24/21
It’s beginning to look a lot like the official disclosure of UFOs is nothing but a money pit, a political tool, and a psychological weapon. Overnight, academia and government have acknowledged in part what has been mocked for decades. Why? Credible, and incredible, cases of UFOs go back to the second world war and far before. The evidence is not confined to a few TicTac‘s. But a new narrative has been formed. It just may be possible to convince the public that an invisible alien force exists...
Published 12/23/21
Just in time for Christmas some government officials have taken drastic action to curb the spread of a vague disease by specifically terrifying the public and hoping to coerce compliance in the shut down of society. These actions have for two straight years accomplished what many religious-minded have been worried about: the canceling of Christmas. Some may call it the war on Christmas but the anti-religious simply deny that claim. Whatever the case, the true war is being waged on culture....
Published 12/22/21
For many Americans Christmas has seemingly been canceled. The excuse? An obscure amount of people did not do their due diligence in following vague mitigation procedures. Now Krampus has arrived early to prevent family gatherings, feasting, general celebration, and gift giving. More people seem to be afraid of what their relatives might transmit to them than they are about what they may receive as a present. Instead of seeing a joyous face, folks in California and New York will be seeing...
Published 12/20/21
Ryan Gable returns with a new studio and takes calls from listeners while focusing on show developments and providing a different perspective on recent extreme weather.
Published 12/18/21
Jordan Maxwell will join the broadcast once again to discuss the etymological origin of our language and how it traps our perception. From birth to bank, words control our views more than guns. Jordan will also detail some of his past and divulge what he knows of “the secret teachings.”
Published 12/03/21
Scientists have just discovered the first signs of what they believe to be neutrinos, fundamental particles that form the base of material reality. The word contains tri, and trio. From the Holy Trinity of the male, female, and child - the alchemical union and marriage - to the aspects of life involving birth, growth, and decay, three is a cornerstone for esoteric understanding just as the neutrinos may be the cornerstone for material understanding. Letters, words, symbols, and the like, are...
Published 12/01/21
Myself and colleague Clyde Lewis (Ground Zero) will take you from the ouija board with Dr Hell Door to the Anti-Christ and the technocratic state that will serve H.I.M. Along the way, we will examine predictive programming, the rise of the New Jerusalem, and the last days of a new variant.
Published 11/30/21
From foraging and hunting to domestic agriculture, man has come a long way. Now man sits in his home ordering prepared foods, meals ready to eat, and groceries from the tap of a button. Soon all of these convenient options will be catered with drones and autonomous vehicles rather than humans. In the process of this technological progressive evolution, the soul has been separated from man alongside his relationship to food and soil. This Thanksgiving we serve you the Robot Turkey, a new kind...
Published 11/25/21
Propaganda is the cornerstone of virtually all media and entertainment now. Chaos is organized by the artificial molding of our minds, the forming of our tastes, and the suggestibility of what becomes our ideas. Virtually nothing is left untouched by those with no ethical concern for lying, cheating, manipulating, obscuring facts, etc. Their greatest achievement is the continued conquest of the mind.
Published 11/24/21
The Kennedy Assassination records are something akin to the UAP report of the U.S. Federal Government. We were told again this year that those records are to remain sealed for National Security reasons. Even without this information, media finds it appropriate to mock anyone questioning the Warren Commission. This policy is directly from a CIA dispatch dated 1967, intended for “countering and discredit the claims of conspiracy theorists” as part of a plan to prevent any “Criticism of the...
Published 11/23/21
Right before Halloween, on October 29th, we had a private Ouija board session where we spoke to an energy named Dr. Hell Door. For some, you may remember the name from a handful of episodes of Ground Zero with our friend Clyde Lewis. Dr. Heldor told me and my fianceé, who did not know anything about this character, about the antichrist, the end of days, and one thing in particular that we should fear. I only found out later that Clyde had planned to do a "hell door" show that very Friday, but...
Published 11/19/21
There has been a concerted effort through economic recovery packages and the almost $2 trillion infrastructure bill to squeeze out legal authority for the IRS to monitor individual bank accounts for income over $10,000 a year. It is estimated that this program would extract $100-400 billion over the next decade. Despite claims that it targets the 1% of taxi evaders, who typically hide their money offshore, it ultimately is a bull’s-eye on poor people trying to make enough money to pay for the...
Published 11/18/21
Since the Artemis moon mission has been postponed for among other things green initiatives, there are some interesting details we can observe. Though the military, governments, and Space Agencies, mock UFOs publically, they have been secretly investigating the phenomena for decades. Likewise, official science mocks the metaphysical, yet names their missions and rockets after mythological characters. The same can be said about environmentalist 'leaders'. While owning most of the world's...
Published 11/17/21
The US Supreme Court is deciding the first major gun rights case since District of Columbia v. Heller (2008) and McDonald v. City of Chicago (2010), both of which affirmed a right to bear arms for home defense. NY Long Rifle and Pistol Association v. Buren (2020-2021) may decide that those rights extend to more public areas without the need to prove 'proper cause' to obtain a permit. A ruling against the defendant will leave New York and California scrambling to find ways to restrict access...
Published 11/16/21
Travis Scott's 2021 Astroworld Festival disaster, regardless of the cause, has been turned into a ritual chant of the events by mainstream media and called a satanic ritual by the alternative media. Festivals have famously been used to experiment with drugs and methods of psychological mind control. 'See ya on the other side' was one of the slogans from Scott's event, a theme found in Disney, Alice's Wonderland, The Wizard of Oz, and other forms of programming that confuse reality with...
Published 11/13/21
NASA's new framework for classifying life beyond earth could be the revelation so many have been waiting for, or it could be another public relations stunt. Since ghost rockets and foo fighters lit up the sky during WWII, governments took a legit interest in the phenomena. By 1953, after Projects SIGN and GRUDGE were underway, the CIA and other major government agencies devised a plan to misinform the public on the subject of the UFO/UAP. The Durant Report suggested misinforming the public on...
Published 11/12/21
It is guaranteed that when kids watch Sesame Street characters receive medical care, they have a hard time distinguishing between puppets and reality. Adults likewise have a difficult time distinguishing between mainstream and alternative news, and reality. Finding balance and reason between fiction and fantasy is terribly difficult, while critical thinking and liberty are being mocked as if they were a joke. Courts continue to uphold the US Republic, mostly, but other branches disregard...
Published 11/11/21
Climate Pledge Arena, home of the Seattle Kraken, is the new ‘Denver Airport’. Although the facility professes to represent green environmentalism, equality, health, and safety, underneath this facade is a Corporate-Banking-UN agenda plainly laid out on the arena’s website. Built around the mythological Kraken - think Cthulhu, Spectre, Hydra - the arena demands masks, proof of shot(s), and peace of mind towards the toxic chemicals, or long-term protectants, sprayed throughout the venue....
Published 11/04/21