Join your host Libby as she shares how you can start living in abundance of money when you’re in flow with your truth. You’ll learn how money actually is spiritual, how your intentions with money determine if money is “good” or not and how you can start listening to your heart and soul to be in the abundant flow of the universe…. Note… this episode was recorded in 2019
Published 06/30/21
Published 06/30/21
What's in a name? Hear some behind-the-scenes of my journey and beliefs on this,  why I decided to change my name after 2.5years of marriage and some things you may not know about my engagement and journey into marriage and divine union. I also share some pointers around decision making, and what I truly stand for in marriage, women's empowerment and sovereignty. Tag me as you listen @libbyrobertson_global
Published 06/30/21
What do business, manifestation, money, relationships, healing, leadership, wellness and living your dream life ALL have in common? SPIRITUALITY - the core ingredient for true success in ALL areas of life. Join your host Libby for a welcoming, thought provoking conversation to inspire, motivate and support YOU in living your best life - however that may look to you.  I share my intentions for this podcast and WHY spirituality is the hottest topic of them all.... ESPECIALLY when it comes to...
Published 05/20/21
Join your host Libby as she shares an unconventional part of how she runs her life and business. If you’re feeling alone or stuck in your soul mission and purpose, this episode aims to bring insight, hope and awareness to what’s really available to you when you open your heart and mind to receive guidance and support you might’ve otherwise dismissed. Shamanic journeying (a form of meditation and energy work) has changed every aspect of my life and business and is a foundational part of how I...
Published 05/26/20
Join Libby as she talks with Mikayla Jai, a Luxury Manifestation Coach who leads the rich & ridiculous to a life of automatic manifestation. In this conversation, Libby and Mikayla talk about all things, from living a completely different life to what society has set out for you, to manifesting your wildest dreams, and the Quantum Field which can help align you with your souls' path and unlimited possibilities! You can check her out at www.mikaylajai.com, or on FB & IG @themikaylajai!! 
Published 05/14/20
Join Libby as she speaks with Shakti Sanja Avramovic, founder of the Shakti brand, Dharma coach, Astrologer, Poetess, Author and multi-dimensional creator, where they talk about unlocking the female creatress within to create beautifully powerful brands and helping women unlock their spiritual potential to step fully into their divine power! You're going to want to listen to this episode of purely incredible inspiration and POWER!! Be sure to head to Sanja's websites at www.shaktibrand.com,...
Published 05/14/20
In this episode, TEDx speaker, coach, multi-6 figure entrepreneur and leader of Conscious Boss shares her insights into creating a life of contribution, positive impact and personal success. She shares about her journey in overcoming some of life's deepest challenges such as grief and dysfunctional eating, to living a life of play, joy, connection, personal peace and freedom, and true success and wealth. Emily shares about the deep "knowing" you have within, and how she started following her...
Published 05/14/20
Why I’m so motivated to make a difference in the world. Authentic, raw and real, why Rockbottom saved my life and how it’s the driving force behind why I do what I do now.
Published 01/27/20
Bringing through this transmission from Hawaii as an important reminder of how POWERFUL, UNSTOPPABLE & LOVED you truly are. Shine bright, divine one. You’re here to create magic in the world. Here’s how. I love you! Libby XO
Published 12/14/19
Join Author, Motivational Speaker, Lifestyle Influencer & all round amazing woman: Simone Anderson. Following on from the Women’s Refuge charity event early in 2019, Simone shares with us again her powerful story of weight loss, and all that she GAINED in the process. We talk about the importance of gratitude, self love and remaining in alignment with your true essence, regardless of success. Simone shares her wisdom and sheds light on the fundamentals of happiness and graces us with many...
Published 11/20/19
Men need empowerment too. The rise of the feminine is for collective healing, not further separation. What happens when one person in a relationship is delving more into personal development and their own personal journey, and the other person isn't quite 'there' yet? In this episode (adapted from Facebook conversations) I delve into the importance maintaining a vibration of love in order to overcome anything in a relationship!
Published 10/28/19
In this episode (adapted from Facebook) I delve into how can you begin to create influence within those around you, and how you can create the MASSIVE impact that you were born to create!
Published 10/28/19
In this episode (adapted from Facebook) I delve into the powerful techniques I use that just saw me have a $10k cash week, overcome my fear of flying & manifest awesome things into reality - and how you can do it too!!
Published 10/28/19
In this episode, Libby interviews the absolutely beautiful soul that is Amy Masters. Amy is a Clairvoyant and Self-Discovery facilitator, Yoga instructor, registered nurse and Reiki practitioner who has a huge focus on New Age Spirituality and holistic healing! Originally from New Zealand, we chat about New Age Spirituality, and also the importance of maintaining a high-vibe as a mum for the sake of our children! Edits: Amy Masters NEW instagram handle is amy_masters_ Website:...
Published 08/14/19
This positive affirmation and meditation style episode has been channeled by Libby & her spiritual guides with so much love, compassion and support for you and your deepest connection to yourself and your soul. Enjoy x
Published 08/12/19
In this episode, Libby interviews the incredible Sierra Morningstar Blue who shares her story of her journey which all began when she manifested a Near Death Experience, which inadvertently lead to her own spiritual awakening and ascension! We also talk about the importance of maintaining a high vibration, the secrets to manifestation and the art of surrendering to what the universe has in store for you!
Published 08/06/19
Join Dane and Libby as Dane shares his journey to a conscious life. He shares how he overcame mental health issues after a brain injury that changed his life forever, and about creating happiness and fulfilment from within. He shares the importance of male friendships, how to remove layers preventing us from reaching our potential, and an insight into our marriage!!! Combining fun and joy while discussing deep issues, this an episode to bring connection and unlocking your power within.
Published 07/16/19
In this episode, TEDx speaker, coach, multi-6 figure entrepreneur and leader of Conscious Boss shares her insights into creating a life of contribution, positive impact and personal success. She shares about her journey in overcoming some of life's deepest challenges such as grief and dysfunctional eating, to living a life of play, joy, connection, personal peace and freedom, and true success and wealth. Emily shares about the deep "knowing" you have within, and how she started following her...
Published 07/11/19
After a small break from podcasting, Libby takes you through a behind-the-scenes of soul biz, scaling, and what it actually takes to show up as a leader for your soul purpose business.
Published 07/11/19
Join Brittany Kate Hill, cofounder of Wellness Centre in Houston, Texas USA as we talk all things manifestation, self belief, trusting in the Universe and following your dreams. Brittany also opens up about her real life challenges and obstacles and how she overcame them to become the woman she knew she could be. Find inspiration and motivation hearing how Brittany left her career as a hairdresser and followed her heart to start her dream, and how it’s truly possible for anyone to do the same.
Published 02/11/19
Join your host as she shares about how her alcoholism started from a young age and clouded her ability to connect with her truth. Her journey of going deep and discovering her purpose has allowed her to own her potential and power as she teaches others how to do the same. This real and raw episode will inspire you to embody your higher self, step into your soul purpose and release the layers keeping you from getting there. You’ll be guided to understanding how to access your higher self, as...
Published 01/04/19
In this conversation with Eternal Optimist, Entrepreneur, Intuitive Business Coach and Holistic Nutritionist, Viola Hug shares how she is now living the life she dreamed of as a young girl, and how it’s possible for anyone to do the same. Viola’s expertise in mindset, self belief and drive are a true inspiration and example of how anyone can overcome life’s obstacles through their mindset and sheer determination. Viola shares how it’s truly possible to start living your dream life &...
Published 12/28/18
Discussing how living in abundance of money first requires an abundance of love for ourselves
Published 12/17/18
Learn how to create a solid spiritual foundation, become more present in your daily life for less anxiety and depression, and connect with your true self.
Published 12/17/18