When we're passionate about a side hustle, business idea, project — we're tempted to quit our jobs completely. Today, I talk about common resistance to working a day job and a side hustle.
Published 06/04/22
Published 06/04/22
Would you rather WIN a million dollars or CREATE a million dollars? 
Published 06/04/22
Intangible results are things like joy, freedom, confidence, love, inspiration. Tangible results are things like money, career, relationship, house. Today I talk about how the two go hand in hand.
Published 06/04/22
I do not subscribe to a "hard" lifestyle. My life continues to get easier and easier. Today, I share exactly how I went from struggling in my twenties to creating a life of ease and freedom.
Published 06/04/22
Please stop looking at other people to feel good about yourself and where you're headed. YOU have access to good-feeling energy + CONFIDENCE right now. Learn the tools and USE them!
Published 06/04/22
Feeling stuck in your life? Do you have thoughts like: "I can't leave. I don't know what to do. I've tried everything. I don't know how." Watch today's video!
Published 06/04/22
Law of Attraction! Manifestation lag time is the time in between our thoughts becoming a reality. How to "cope" and keep on believing even when there's little to no evidence to prove your desires true.
Published 06/04/22
Identifying what we no longer want or like is STEP ONE of the creation process. Great! But, don't stay stuck in the pool of discontent and lack. Instead, shift your energy, focus and attention beyond your current reality to create new results.
Published 06/04/22
If you want to successfully achieve your goals, you must train your brain for the long-game. That means celebrating your progress through and through until you achieve the results you desire. If you struggle to enjoy the journey and are attached to the "finish line," this is a must-see video!
Published 06/04/22
Learning the hard way is sometimes necessary for our own growth, but many times it's optional. Today, I share what "learning the hard way" really looks like so that you can notice when you're wasting time, energy and focus in the wrong places.
Published 06/04/22
How to fall in love with the JOURNEY of achieving your goals! If you're impatient for the finish line, you're doing it wrong. When you learn to love the creation PROCESS, it's not only more fun, but you actually reach your desired results!
Published 06/03/22
Are you hustling toward your goals? Hating the process and coming up short? Today, I talk about WHY the hustle doesn't work long-term. The difference between the hustle mentality and strong work ethic. What the hustle is telling you! When hustling is HEALTHY.
Published 06/03/22
We are witnessing a vastly different timetable on the marriage and baby front in the 21st Century. Today, I talk about: 1. WHY we're moving slower. 2. Where I currently stand in the pool 3. Outside judgement + opinions 4. Pressures, timetables and unfulfilled desires 5. The power of acceptance, intention and trust!
Published 06/03/22
Are you a self-help junkie? Do you feed your brain with books, experts, podcasts, videos, etc? BUT you aren't seeing results in your life? You can't seem to get it to "work" for you? Watch today's video!
Published 06/03/22
Waiting until things get really BAD to make a change! It’s when we’ve outgrown a situation, but stick it out anyway until the PAIN becomes too much to bear. It doesn't have to be that way!
Published 06/03/22
We are so quick to sell ourselves on WHY we can’t have what we want. It’s like being a prosecutor at our own trial. But if we can sell ourselves on why we can’t do something or create something, that means we can also sell ourselves on why we can.
Published 06/03/22
Skills are important and valuable. But notice when you're overindulging in "educational material" to AVOID doing the scary thing OR racking up credentials to PROVE your worth. This is a slippery slope and one that can result in you spending lots of time and money on sh*t that doesn't matter!
Published 06/03/22
When we grasp onto the THOUGHTS: I don't know. I don’t know what to do. I don’t know what I want. I don’t know how. I don’t know the answer! We spend our time overthinking and indulging in CONFUSION instead of actually gaining the clarity we crave. Watch today's video to learn what to do right now!
Published 06/03/22
Evolving our results means evolving our THOUGHTS about WHO we are and what we deserve. It is the only solution to rising up from the BS we CLAIM that we’re fed up with.
Published 06/03/22
You don’t need to have a crystal-clear vision of what you want, where you’re headed or HOW to get there. You just need to know it’s worth exploring. You just need to know that YOU are WORTH IT.
Published 06/03/22
Published 06/03/22
Published 06/03/22
Published 06/03/22
Published 06/03/22