Every smart young couple starts their marriage with the same dreams, goals and ideals. They’re 💯% sure that they will live in married bliss forever 🥰 Until they aren’t. Until the bickering, fighting and loneliness become second nature and they are left wondering where they went wrong 😭 If only they had read The Ten Dumb Mistakes Very Smart Couples Make. Filled with practical advice and straight-talking techniques, it’s the ultimate must-read for every new home 🏠 The Ten Dumb Mistakes That...
Published 12/25/23
Imagine for one moment what life would be like if you had a clear vision of olam haba. Wouldn’t you feel rich? This clip is taken from The Shmuz on the Parsha: Parshas Vayechi, A Ben Olam Haba. You can watch the full version here: https://vimeo.com/382927076 
Published 12/25/23
Aahhh Shabbos…aside from being a day of yom menucha did you ever wonder WHY Hashem wants us to spend 1/7th of our life in this way? Watch now for a beautiful quick vort for your Shabbos table! 
Published 12/22/23
Imagine if you succeeded in all of your self-development goals…your body, your middos, your thoughts, your actions- completely under control. What would life look like? Rabbi Shafier’s answer may surprise you. 
Published 12/21/23
If you don’t have this single cognition, you will spend your entire life in a state of miserable confusion. 
Published 12/20/23
If you're looking for a tried-and-tested method to get your marriage back on course, you need The Ten Dumb Mistakes Very Smart Couples Make. It will coach you on the practical techniques you need to bring a new level of intimacy and love into your marriage- without the 💰💰💰 of expensive marriage therapy.Get your copy at www.TheShmuz.com or any Jewish bookstore 👍 
Published 12/19/23
If Hashem created this world to give, why isn’t it more pleasurable? 
Published 12/18/23
In this week’s parsha we learn of Yosef’s impeccable honesty, going above his obligation as viceroy and personally overseeing each and every sale during the years of famine. Although his behavior went above and beyond, as Torah Jews we can certainly use Yosef’s yashrus as an inspiration for our own business dealings. In this shmuz, Rabbi Shafier discusses some common pitfalls that can occur when in the workplace or handling money, and has a sobering message for those that think they could...
Published 12/17/23
Everyone does it. But that doesn’t make it ok.This video was taken from The Shmuz on the Parsha on Parshas Vayigash. Watch the full Shmuz here: https://vimeo.com/381903080  
Published 12/17/23
The land of Israel is replete with miracles. In this Chanukah Shmuz, Rabbi Shafier describes in detail the incredible nissim that have occurred for us, both during the times of the Hashmonaim and in modern-day history. You may think you know the Chanukah story. But how familiar are you with the continuation of those miracles? Prepared to be astounded as Rabbi Shafier brings to life some of the little-known events that have happened during the past seventy years.  
Published 12/08/23
Does Hashem need you to save His world? This clip is taken from The Shmuz on the Parsha. Watch the full Shmuz on Parshas Vayeishiv here: https://vimeo.com/379579384 Chanukah sameach! 
Published 12/07/23
Ever noticed how an arrogant person is desperate for your approval? Why is that? 
Published 12/06/23
THERE IS NOTHING WRONG WITH YOU. OR YOUR SPOUSE. OR THE MATCH BETWEEN YOU. It’s normal to feel frustrated with your spouse It’s normal to think your spouse doesn’t get you It’s normal to wonder if you married the right one... LEARN THE 10 REALLY DUMB MISTAKES THAT SMART COUPLES MAKE AND WATCH THE MAGIC REAPPEAR! ✨Over 20,000 copies sold-makes the perfect Chanukah present! Get it in your local Jewish bookstore or www.TheShmuz.com 
Published 12/05/23
I'd love to be able to thank Hashem- just one small problem. My life stinks! 
Published 12/04/23
Think the World to Come is irrelevant to your life right now? You’re dead wrong. Uncover fresh insights and groundbreaking ideas against the backdrop of the weekly parsha. Watch the full Shmuz on Parshas Vayeishiv here: https://vimeo.com/379579384 
Published 12/03/23
Wherever you are, Hashem is there. With you. Have a wonderful Shabbos Watch the full shmuz here: https://vimeo.com/378108198 
Published 11/30/23
You’re a spiritual entity...have you said hello to your neshama today?Watch the full shmuz here: https://vimeo.com/378108198 
Published 11/29/23
Published 11/29/23
Terrible at decision making? This is for you 
Published 11/28/23
😱“Can I Ask My Wife To Lose Weight?”😱 Make sure that your marriage doesn’t succumb to the same mistakes that Rabbi Shafier has seen so many others make! Avoid these ten fundamental errors and build the most satisfying relationship imaginable 😍 The Ten Dumb Mistakes That Very Smart Couples Make is available in Jewish bookstores and at www.TheShmuz.com 
Published 11/27/23
Yaakov walked with Hashem. He achieved an enviable closeness with Ha Kodesh Baruch Hu, understanding that He is present and involved in every aspect of creation. How can we integrate this truth into our own lives? How can we speak to Hashem and really feel that He’s listening, that He’s real and right here with us? In this hands-on shmuz, Rabbi Shafier presents us with an irresistible idea on how we can reach incredible heights in our own avodas Hashem. He also gives us three actionable...
Published 11/27/23
Your eyes should be closed during Shemoneh Esrei. Want to know why? The answer will transform your davening 🕮 Uncover fresh insights and groundbreaking ideas against the backdrop of the weekly parsha. Watch the full Shmuz on Parshas Vayishlach here: https://vimeo.com/378108198 
Published 11/26/23
The Rabbi forgot his drasha and gave the listeners a lesson they’ll never forget... Uncover fresh insights and groundbreaking ideas against the backdrop of the weekly parsha. Watch the full Shmuz on ParshasVayeitzei here: https://vimeo.com/376691736  
Published 11/24/23