It's Time to Get Holy Is the path to spirituality sitting cross-legged on a windy mountaintop, miserably chewing on stale bread and gagging on sips of murky water? Nope. Not by us. Hashem has blessed us with a world full of delicious gashmius, and it’s there for your enjoyment. Mmm. But there’s one crucial caveat that can’t be ignored. You need to know how to use pleasure without turning it into a gigantic, yellow-fanged monster that will dominate your thoughts and actions every waking...
Published 05/08/24
Published 05/08/24
Session One: The Descent into Slavery  We know that contemplating the events of Yetzias Mitzrayim is central to our avodas Hashem. Recognizing that this house has a Master, and internalizing our knowledge that Hashem exists, is the very purpose of our life in this world. It is therefore our holy obligation to learn as much as we can about Pesach and gain a detailed understanding of the events that transpired. In the first session of Living Through the Makos, Rabbi Shafier explains how Klal...
Published 04/18/24
Shiurim on shmiras haloshon aren’t popular. Like exercise or keeping healthy, most think 'yep. I know this. Shouldn’t do it. Not sure I need to listen to a whole shiur about it...' Unfortunately, the parameters of lashon hara are not what you think. Just like eating treif or being mechalel Shabbos, it is one hundred percent forbidden. And it’s easy to see why- we all have stuff in our history that we wouldn’t want ‘out there’.  But there’s more: it’s relatively easy to stop talking lashon...
Published 04/08/24
Listen to the Parsha In Depth Shmuz, Parshas Shemini
Published 04/01/24
Hashem wants marriages to flourish. So why is it so hard?😫 Even the smartest of couples don’t realize how dangerous mistakes are to their marriage. And unfortunately, guidance on shalom bayis is needed today more than ever before. The Ten Dumb Mistakes That Very Smart Couples Make is a complete system for creating a successful marriage. Available in Jewish bookstores and on www.TheShmuz.com, it gives both young and experienced couples a new level of understanding of what makes a marriage...
Published 01/14/24
Rabbi, I know I should want Moshiach to come…but the truth is…I’m not sure. What’s in it for me? Listen now to Rabbi Shafier’s surprising response 
Published 01/05/24
Scary thought: Many people don’t become a fraction of what they could be 
Published 01/03/24
Let’s face it…some people just have it easier than others. Why is that? 
Published 01/03/24
Emunah and Bitachon: Do You Understand the Difference? Do you believe in Hashem, but sometimes feel that He’s out to get you? Then you have emunah, but lack bitachon. You see, it’s not enough to simply recognize that Hashem runs the world. As frum Jews, we are also meant to internalize that Hashem is directly involved in our own lives and knows what is best for us. Too many of our problems in bitachon stem from the fact that we think we know better than G-d. Too often we assume we know the...
Published 01/02/24
Most of our difficulties in emunah stem from this common error.This clip is from *The Shmuz on the Parsha: Parshas Shemos*. You can watch the full version here: https://bit.ly/3yEmDQB  
Published 01/02/24
Every smart young couple starts their marriage with the same dreams, goals and ideals. They’re 💯% sure that they will live in married bliss forever 🥰 Until they aren’t. Until the bickering, fighting and loneliness become second nature and they are left wondering where they went wrong 😭 If only they had read The Ten Dumb Mistakes Very Smart Couples Make. Filled with practical advice and straight-talking techniques, it’s the ultimate must-read for every new home 🏠 The Ten Dumb Mistakes That...
Published 01/02/24
‘Hashem Loves Me’ is a nice sentiment…how am I meant to actually believe it when things are tough? This clip is taken from *The Shmuz on the Parsha: Parshas Shemos*. You can watch the full version here: https://bit.ly/3yEmDQB  
Published 01/02/24
There’s no protectezia in the world to come. No short cuts, no excuses. There is only one criteria for judgement: how much of YOU did you become? This clip is taken from *The Shmuz on the Parsha: Parshas Vayechi, A Ben Olam Haba*. You can watch the full version here: https://vimeo.com/382927076 Have an amazing Shabbos! 
Published 12/29/23
This is one of those big-deal concepts that, if you stop to think about it, can straight-up change your life. Prepared to think deeply? Listen to this. 
Published 12/28/23
There are many proofs for the Torah…but what does your heart tell you? 
Published 12/27/23
This short reminder may be just what you need to hear right now. 
Published 12/26/23
Imagine for one moment what life would be like if you had a clear vision of olam haba. Wouldn’t you feel rich? Just picture it. Every mitzvah that you do, every kind word that you say, would appear in front of you, a precious diamond to keep forever. It would certainly change your perspective, wouldn’t it? The topic of what it means to be a ‘ben olam haba’ is discussed in this week’s Shmuz on the Parsha. Listen now and transform your Shabbos. 
Published 12/25/23
Every smart young couple starts their marriage with the same dreams, goals and ideals. They’re 💯% sure that they will live in married bliss forever 🥰 Until they aren’t. Until the bickering, fighting and loneliness become second nature and they are left wondering where they went wrong 😭 If only they had read The Ten Dumb Mistakes Very Smart Couples Make. Filled with practical advice and straight-talking techniques, it’s the ultimate must-read for every new home 🏠 The Ten Dumb Mistakes That...
Published 12/25/23
Imagine for one moment what life would be like if you had a clear vision of olam haba. Wouldn’t you feel rich? This clip is taken from The Shmuz on the Parsha: Parshas Vayechi, A Ben Olam Haba. You can watch the full version here: https://vimeo.com/382927076 
Published 12/25/23
Aahhh Shabbos…aside from being a day of yom menucha did you ever wonder WHY Hashem wants us to spend 1/7th of our life in this way? Watch now for a beautiful quick vort for your Shabbos table! 
Published 12/22/23
Imagine if you succeeded in all of your self-development goals…your body, your middos, your thoughts, your actions- completely under control. What would life look like? Rabbi Shafier’s answer may surprise you. 
Published 12/21/23