Published 10/17/22
If I had to do it all over again, I would do a few things differently.  In today's podcast, I share three (3) things you need to consider when mapping out your next launch.
Published 10/17/22
Content is king! Content is everything. And when you start creating content, you realise that it can be exhausting, time consuming and energy draining.  Stop overthinking content creation  How can you clarify your message with your content? The idea is to figure out how you can best articulate your message and sell your offers. So you’ve got to be strategic about the type of content you put out.  Here are three things you need to make sure that it’s a success.  1. You have to...
Published 05/09/22
I recorded this episode over two months ago because my baby is well over six months old now.  But I thought I’d share this episode as I move on from sharing the BTS to now sharing more valuable and niche specific content.  Here are some key points that was discussed in this episode.  How to stay consistent with content creation.  As an entrepreneur it is very important to work in your mindset so you don’t project your limiting beliefs on your audience. Update on the frequency of...
Published 05/02/22
Today's episode is all about staying true to self, being authentic, and allowing your best self to show. I also spoke briefly about rejection and disappointments as something recently happened to me. Links: 3-Step Guide to Achieving Your Income and Revenue Goals: https://misolaadeyemo.com/3-step-guide
Published 02/07/22
How can you articulately communicate your offer to your ideal clients? They need to understand exactly how you are going to help them and you need to be able to commit to this as well. Know you! Clarify your message Engage with your people Be strategic with content marketing Stay consistent and  Offer your solution! This is how you stand out Links: 3-Step Guide to Achieving Your Income and Revenue Goals: https://misolaadeyemo.com/3-step-guide
Published 01/24/22
Today's episode is more about reflecting on the journey so far. Yesterday marked 8 years since I relocated to the UK.  Definitely feel grateful rather than resentful. I also spoke about the mindset work that needs to be done to get to the financial goals I set for myself Links: 3-Step Guide to Achieving Your Income and Revenue Goals: https://misolaadeyemo.com/3-step-guide
Published 01/22/22
If there is anyone that is qualified to tell you about the power of being part of a community, it is me. In today's episode, I talked about a 'spur of the moment' decision I made yesterday. Fingers crossed, I will be updating you soon.  Take the time today to find a community that would help you build your successful business.  Links: 3-Step Guide to Achieving Your Income and Revenue Goals: https://misolaadeyemo.com/3-step-guide
Published 01/20/22
I think it is safe to say that I coached myself in today's episode. I am currently going through a phase where I am dealing with imposter syndrome and I talked to you and talked myself through it. Links: 3-Step Guide to Achieving Your Income and Revenue Goals: https://misolaadeyemo.com/3-step-guide
Published 01/19/22
Trying to grow your business from a place of scarcity is exhausting. Today, I spoke about the effects and why you must take care of yourself first, meet your basic necessities, and then start growing your business. Links: 3-Step Guide to Achieving Your Income and Revenue Goals: https://misolaadeyemo.com/3-step-guide
Published 01/18/22
Your marketing strategy is what’s going to get you in front of your people, your audience your ideal clients  Before you even talk about using ads or having a freebie, (some might even argue with you that these are not marketing strategies, they are sales strategies but I leave that to you), let’s go right back to the beginning, the foundation  have a solid foundation. This starts with a clear message. For you to know your message clearly you would have a deep understanding of who you are...
Published 01/17/22
Today, was a good day.  I re-committed to one of my whys and my purpose And I made up my mind to be more authentic on social media and stop overthinking the whole process of content creation.  Links: 3-Step Guide to Achieving Your Income and Revenue Goals: https://misolaadeyemo.com/3-step-guide
Published 01/11/22
What you want is on the other side of consistency  Yes, consistency is key to your success and mastery comes by consistently doing one thing for a certain period of time. It’s all well and good, but there is a caveat to this. There might be multiple actually, but today, we will be covering three scenarios where you have to stop and re-evaluate your situation  You cannot continue doing the same thing and expect a different result.  At some point, it would be in your best interest to stop...
Published 01/10/22
Today was a good good day In this episode I spoke about the decision to postpone my launch date, the power of community, going back to corporate consulting and posting consistently on Instagram.  I also spoke briefly on how to ensure that your offer is irresistible and deliver value and impact while creating wealth for yourself.  Of course, I spoke about it from my perspective and how I was able to get it done, but please understand that the lesson in that segment is for you to understand...
Published 01/07/22
Being an entrepreneur and showing up consistently is not all fun and games.  There are days when you cannot see the light and there are days when they can’t tell you nofin! In today’s episode, I started the first of many where I will be documenting an audio diary of the behind-the-scenes (BTS) of me as I take my business to the 7-figure mark.  I set a goal for two years, but who’s counting?  What a great way to start this docu-series because today wasn’t a glamorous one, but it was a...
Published 01/06/22
It’s a new year, that time of the year when we reflect on the past 12 months, and set goals for the next 12 months How has this past year been for you? except worry Things to amplify in 2022: Intentional about your actions  Be flexible Live!!! You can have it all Links:  How you can set and achieve your business goals: https://misolaadeyemo.com/3-step-guide  
Published 01/03/22
What do you want 90 days, six months, or even 12 months from today?  Let today be day 0 and then consistently show up from day 1.  Now how do you plan to stay consistent because a strategy without implementation is pointless?  We outlined a few ways you can stay consistent below:  1. stay productive. What is your high-performance plan?   It could even be as simple as making sure you get your 8 hours sleep because sleep is so important you know? 2. Take aligned action and create a...
Published 12/06/21
In this episode, we talked about overwhelm and how overwhelm will hinder tour consistency.  When you fill up your plate with so much tasks, it results in overwhelm and affects consistency.  Three ways you can get over overwhelm is: 1. Simplify your processes  2. Seek help: Outsource and delegate 3. Prepare well ahead of time Above all, be kind to yourself and practice self-care 
Published 11/29/21
We are approaching that time of the year when it’s time to think, reflect, and set goals for the New Year. This episode talks about why you cannot afford to wait till January before you start executing.  I also put into perspective how subjective showing up is, so you can figure out what you need to do to get started!  First of all, is your message clear enough? I’d definitely start from there and recommend that you get started with my shine you light workshop. Shine Your Light:...
Published 11/22/21
When your message is wrong, you attract the wrong audience and in turn, you are leaving money on the table. In this episode, I highlighted three steps to clarify your message. They include: Know who you are and what you want Know your audience Know what they want This is the first step and once you know all these three, you consistently show up and communicate with them.  Your message gets clearer the more you interact with your audience.  A clear message is the first step of a solid...
Published 11/18/21
Are you trying to show up consistently and wondering why you feel so much resistance? Well, it might just be that you are not taking aligned actions.  Why do you need to start taking aligned actions?  It is part of your consistency strategy. Does your strategy align with your values? Does your strategy align with your lifestyle? Do you have clarity regarding that plan? How do you take aligned action Trust yourself! If you simply do not know what strategy to implement, hire a...
Published 11/18/21
Welcome to The Show Up Club Podcast.  This first episode is all about defining what the next level is for entrepreneurs. I also told you a short story about me, so you have an idea of who Misola is. The next level is unique to every individual because we are all at different phases of our lives and businesses.  There are five different phases in your entrepreneurial journey and they are: Starter: the very first step is to do the mindset work and believe in yourself. Sounds simple? This...
Published 11/17/21