In this episode, John discusses the truth behind societal norms and restrictions on self-improvement. He shares his personal experiences with social platforms' rejection of his ads promoting weight loss and challenges prevailing notions about success, body image, and ambition.  Listen in! –––––––––––––––– Also, if you have a question that you think John should address on the show; click the link below and reach out on Instagram, or leave a comment where you see this message. Music intro...
Published 10/09/23
In this episode, John challenges you to embrace the powerful concept of "Always Represent Winning." He emphasizes that how you present yourself externally reflects your internal self-worth and encourages immediate action, stressing that the transformation begins with cultivating an elite physique and extends to all areas of life. By adopting this core value and consistently embodying a winner's mentality in all aspects of life, you can unlock your star power, stand out, receive compliments,...
Published 10/02/23
In this episode, John discusses the concept of sabotage and distinguishes it from other factors that hinder success. John explores the top five reasons behind self-sabotage, including settling for "good enough," the impact of your environment, the crucial role of self-image, entitlement, and the influence of emotional states.  Listen in! –––––––––––––––– Also, if you have a question that you think John should address on the show; click the link below and reach out on Instagram, or leave a...
Published 09/11/23
In this episode, John challenges the conventional approach to fitness goals, emphasizing the importance of looking beyond weight loss. He paints a vivid picture of a multi-year fitness journey, focusing on building strength, adding muscle, and adopting a fit identity.  Listen in! –––––––––––––––– Also, if you have a question that you think John should address on the show; click the link below and reach out on Instagram, or leave a comment where you see this message. Music intro by...
Published 09/04/23
In this episode, John talks about self-belief and taking control of your destiny. John discusses four key aspects: defining a clear self-identity, leaving the past behind, disregarding external opinions, and building evidence to support your self-opinion.  Listen in! –––––––––––––––– Also, if you have a question that you think John should address on the show; click the link below and reach out on Instagram, or leave a comment where you see this message. Music intro by Kenneth Scott ...
Published 08/21/23
In this episode, John discusses the minimum effective dose approach where you train with an intense but sustainable focus on strength. He emphasizes lifelong commitment over short-term goals and aligning your fitness approach with your busy life in order to achieve elite results without unnecessary pain. Listen in! –––––––––––––––– Also, if you have a question that you think John should address on the show; click the link below and reach out on Instagram, or leave a comment where you see...
Published 08/14/23
In this episode, John challenges the idea of willpower being the key to success. He argues that your "why" power, the deep-rooted desires for greatness and achievement, is far more potent. He urges you to embrace your true ambitions unapologetically and let your innate hunger drive you to unparalleled success. Listen in! –––––––––––––––– Also, if you have a question that you think John should address on the show; click the link below and reach out on Instagram, or leave a comment where...
Published 08/07/23
In this episode, John shares a hilarious yet important story about his client's transformation and his son's friend's reaction. He challenges you to prioritize greatness over money, revealing the price tag on potential. He also motivates you to embrace your elite self, highlighting the choice between mediocrity and greatness.  Listen in! –––––––––––––––– Also, if you have a question that you think John should address on the show; click the link below and reach out on Instagram, or leave a...
Published 07/24/23
In this episode, John explores the power of attitude in achieving goals and success. He discusses the differences between an attitude of excellence and an attitude of apathy, emphasizing the importance of gratitude, focusing on the payoff, championship effort, falling in love with the process, continuous improvement, self-improvement, self-love, determination, and having a growth mindset.  Listen in! –––––––––––––––– Also, if you have a question that you think John should address on the...
Published 07/03/23
In this episode, John discusses the misconceptions about winning the fitness game and shares seven things you don't need to do to get shredded. He also talks about the challenges of expressing oneself freely on platforms like LinkedIn, and the importance of fact-checking and critical thinking in a time of information overload. Listen in! –––––––––––––––– Also, if you have a question that you think John should address on the show; click the link below and reach out on Instagram, or leave a...
Published 06/26/23
In this episode, John challenges the notion of motivation and discipline and explores the deep-rooted motives behind discipline and why people struggle to stay motivated to achieve their goals. John introduces three types of goals: me goals, we goals, and you goals, and questions societal programming that emphasizes selflessness over self-desire. He emphasizes the importance of awakening desire by developing sensory acuity through visualization, auditory cues, and kinesthetic experiences. ...
Published 06/19/23
In this episode John discusses the power of surrounding yourself with environments of excellence and eliminating those that hold you back. He emphasizes the natural performance-enhancing effects of immersing yourself in a culture of champions, pushing you to rise up and achieve your highest potential. John challenges you to identify and eliminate mediocrity in your life while seeking out and embracing environments that demand excellence.  Listen in! –––––––––––––––– Also, if you have a...
Published 06/12/23
In this episode John discusses the power of self-perception and how it shapes your reality. Drawing from Proverbs, James Allen, and Neville Goddard, he emphasizes that as you change your concept of yourself, your life transforms. He shares personal experiences and reveals the three key ways to shift your self-conception for achieving higher levels of success. Listen in! –––––––––––––––– Also, if you have a question that you think John should address on the show; click the link below and...
Published 06/05/23
In this episode John explores the psychology of motivating your spouse to be fit. He discusses the challenges couples face as physical attraction fades over time and shares insights on keeping the spark alive. John emphasizes the importance of both partners bringing their best selves, including fitness, to the relationship, while examining why couples settle for mediocrity.  Listen in! –––––––––––––––– Also, if you have a question that you think John should address on the show; click the...
Published 05/29/23
In this episode John discusses the concept of congruence and how it relates to personal freedom and the importance of being true to yourself and giving yourself permission to pursue what you truly want. John shares examples of people who struggle with congruence due to societal expectations and explains how this can hinder progress and fulfillment and emphasizes the need embrace your own desires and ambitions.  Listen in! –––––––––––––––– Also, if you have a question that you think John...
Published 05/22/23
In this episode John discusses his journey from age 20 to 44 and shares 10 powerful lessons he wishes he knew earlier. From giving oneself permission to win, trusting oneself, to standing firm in personal beliefs, he encourages you to pursue worthy goals, discipline your thoughts, and count all experiences as joy.   Listen in! –––––––––––––––– Also, if you have a question that you think John should address on the show; click the link below and reach out on Instagram, or leave a comment...
Published 05/15/23
In this episode John discusses fitness as a lifelong pursuit of potential and how to meal plan for maximum fitness results, explaining that everyone's energy balance, daily caloric total, and total daily energy expenditure needs are different. He talks about his experience creating a simple meal plan for his gym members that yielded quick results but didn't last long-term. John now focuses on forever transformations and stresses the importance of understanding how to manipulate body...
Published 05/08/23
In this episode John discusses the psychology of winning and breaks it down into five pieces. He emphasizes that winning starts and ends with your thinking and that you have to be willing to lose, persist consistently, bet on yourself, and win or learn from your mistakes. He urges you to develop a winning mindset if you want to achieve success. Listen in! –––––––––––––––– Also, if you have a question that you think John should address on the show; click the link below and reach out on...
Published 05/01/23
In this episode John discusses how delusion is the ultimate killer of progress and how we can be delusional about our abilities and self-awareness, preventing us from achieving our goals in fitness, business, and other areas of life. He also emphasizes the importance of winning the day by making small improvements every day, leading to significant progress over time. Listen in! –––––––––––––––– Also, if you have a question that you think John should address on the show; click the link...
Published 04/24/23
In this episode John discusses letting go of unnecessary challenges and villains that you have created along your journey in order to go from mediocre to an absolute savage with greater efficiency. Listen in! –––––––––––––––– Also, if you have a question that you think John should address on the show; click the link below and reach out on Instagram, or leave a comment where you see this message. Music intro by Kenneth Scott Check his music out at leaveablessing.com and on instagram...
Published 04/17/23
In this episode John is joined by Dr. D, alternative medicine biotech entrepreneur, and they discuss slowing down your aging process, increasing your performance and quality of life, and achieving world class health. Listen in! –––––––––––––––– Also, if you have a question that you think John should address on the show; click the link below and reach out on Instagram, or leave a comment where you see this message. Music intro by Kenneth Scott Check his music out at ...
Published 04/10/23
In this episode John discusses tapping into the raw reason to be elite in your fitness and getting your unconscious mind on board in order to achieve your fitness goals. Listen in! –––––––––––––––– Also, if you have a question that you think John should address on the show; click the link below and reach out on Instagram, or leave a comment where you see this message. Music intro by Kenneth Scott Check his music out at leaveablessing.com and on instagram @kscott_2
Published 04/03/23
In this episode John discusses getting off the fence and start winning in life by making up your mind with confidence and finality. Listen in! –––––––––––––––– Also, if you have a question that you think John should address on the show; click the link below and reach out on Instagram, or leave a comment where you see this message. Music intro by Kenneth Scott Check his music out at leaveablessing.com and on instagram @kscott_2
Published 03/27/23
In this episode John discusses how your lifestyle is more important than your fitness and 5 toxic habits that sabotage your fitness.  Listen in! –––––––––––––––– Also, if you have a question that you think John should address on the show; click the link below and reach out on Instagram, or leave a comment where you see this message. Music intro by Kenneth Scott Check his music out at leaveablessing.com and on instagram @kscott_2
Published 03/20/23
In this episode John discusses the power of getting into the details and measuring what you eat as well as getting equally into the details of your professional and business life. Listen in! –––––––––––––––– Also, if you have a question that you think John should address on the show; click the link below and reach out on Instagram, or leave a comment where you see this message. Music intro by Kenneth Scott Check his music out at leaveablessing.com and on instagram @kscott_2
Published 03/13/23