This poem is about the experience one might go through while having Social Anxiety. 1 in 3 teens suffer from Social Anxiety, and a study from the “National Institute of Mental Health” states, “An estimated 9.1% of adolescents had social anxiety disorder.” This means 6.9 million teens in the US alone suffer from Social Anxiety.
Published 04/13/21
Mental Health Issues in America were already in the high rise Pre-Covid and now the numbers have been going up due to the restrictions and mortality rates being high. A poll ran by the Kaiser Family Foundation has shown that the number of people with mentally health issues went from 11.0% (2019) to 41.1% (2021). The is a 30.1% difference
Published 04/13/21
This poem is about a person struggling with the weight of depression. 20% of all teens in the United States experience depression and only 30% of them are being treated for it.
Published 04/13/21
This episode is a poem that expresses what someone might feel when contemplating their existence and their place in the world. Leading to thoughts of death. Statistics from “Americas Health Rankings” state from there research in 2019 “show that in the past year 18.8% of high school students seriously considered attempting suicide and 8.9% attempted suicide.”
Published 04/13/21
This episode of a poem that could express some of the feelings felt when enduring Anxiety. 1 in 3 adolescences in the United States of America suffer from anxiety that is approximately 7 million people
Published 04/13/21
This episode is a poem that expresses a lot of students feelings towards school. Multiple research studies have stated that school is one of the main stressors for students and could be one of the main roots of mental health issues in teenagers.
Published 04/13/21
This episode is a poem that discusses some stressor that teens might feel that leads them to their mental health issues. This is the multiple Social Pressures that teenagers feel in their daily lives.
Published 04/13/21
Many people in their adolescence suffer from mental health issues, but still find a way to keep a semblance of hope and normalcy while living with their darkness.
Published 04/13/21
At the beginning of my project I had a few people take a questionnaire pertaining to my mental health project, at the end of the questionnaire I asked if they had any helpful tips.
Published 04/13/21