Distractions Have we become too distracted with the things around us in this world? Have cell phone screens taken the place of a beautiful landscape, has making money taken the place of making peace with one another in this world in which we live? These questions go deep to the quick of each and every one of our lives, and calls us all to self examination and inevitable change.
Published 06/16/20
HOW THE SPIRIT WORLD INTERACTS WITH US Many people think that heaven is some far-off place, where God and the other good spirits of the light are almost oblivious and indifferent to what's happening in our Earthly lives. But the truth of the matter is, the spirit world is interacting with us all of the time. In this episode we will talk about some of the ways in which spirit interacts with us, that we may not even be aware of!
Published 06/12/20
Trials In this episode, we will try to answer one of the most asked questions in religion and philosophy: why is there suffering in life? With everything that is happening in our world right now, it might behoove us all to have a little perspective into this age-old mystery.
Published 06/10/20
Welcome To The World Beyond: Origins We all have a story of origin. We have all been influenced by people and events that have steered our lives in certain directions. But with all of the distractions and responsibilities that we must deal with in a day, are we missing the biggest origin story of all?
Published 06/08/20
THE FINAL, FAREWELL EPISODE Thank you all for listening over the years, this will be the final farewell episode of the spirit side podcast. And it contains an important message we all need to ponder from here on out. Much love and God bless all.
Published 05/31/20
THE TRAGIC MURDER OF GEORGE FLOYD George Floyd was an African American man who lived in Minneapolis Minnesota. He was arrested by police, who said he was intoxicated, violent and resisting arrest; although there is no evidence to substantiate these claims. He was cuffed, placed face down on the ground where an officer proceeded to put his knee in the back of George's neck and inevitably suffocate him to death. Why was this horrific event allowed to happen, and what could it mean for the...
Published 05/29/20
IS WEARING A MEDICAL MASK A POLITICAL STATEMENT? As people become more and more divided; it seems that even simple and courteous actions have become things that set us at odds with one another. The latest trend to register on the scale a political divisiveness is whether or not we should wear a face mask in public during the pandemic. Are we taking things too far?
Published 05/27/20
ARE INTERDIMENSIONAL BEINGS VISITING EARTH? With the issue of the Coronavirus pandemic, and economic troubles for many; we have been keeping our attention fixed on the events of this world. But just above our heads, in our skies, something strange is happening. Many are asking, are we being visited by aliens or some strange interdimensional beings? Link to article: https://worldmysteries.online/declassified-fbi-document-claims-multidimensional-beings-are-visiting-earth/
Published 05/25/20
SUICIDE & DESPAIR DURING THE PANDEMIC During the covid-19 breakout, there have been reports of many people falling into depression, despair and even committing suicide. Domestic violence has been on the rise, and many individuals have been quoted as saying, that they cannot even stand to be around their families in the same house. In this episode, we will take a look at some of the mental and spiritual, underlying factors that may be contributing to these states of mind.
Published 05/20/20
The spirit of the body Snatcher talks about how we have become a cookie cutter society; where everybody is divided up into their own little groups and they all look, act, dress and speak all in the same manner. But what will be the dire consequences of this follower mentality if we keep marching to the sound of someone else's drum, and not think for ourselves?
Published 05/18/20
THE TRUTH ABOUT THE GLOBAL CONSPIRACIES With all of the panic, upheaval, misinformation and rabid conspiracy theories flooding the internet right now, what is the truth about the global conspiracies? Video Link: Would some truthers be a detriment during an actual crisis? - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xduri7RNMNw&t=1788s Video Link: Case in point, some truthers are absolutely insane! - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XmWsVktXBOs&t=149s
Published 05/12/20
ARE THE UNITED STATES ELECTIONS FIXED? When we, here in the United States, go to the voting booths; are we just going through the motions in a dog and pony show? Does our vote really count, or are we just wasting our time? Are there powers behind the scenes that know exactly who they want to occupy the Presidency in each and every election? Some people say yes, others disagree. In this episode we'll talk about the looming question, are the United States elections fixed?
Published 05/06/20
THE GREAT CORONA-HOAX There are many people who believe that the coronavirus is a gigantic hoax that is being foisted upon us by the Deep state. But, what if there is an even a greater hoax being perpetuated beneath the surface?
Published 05/04/20
HAS THE WORLD BECOME TOO RADICALIZED? The world has become very divided over the last couple of decades. Everyone is so intolerant of everyone else who may have a different ideology or opinion than themselves. But why is this happening? Even during a pandemic, People cannot stand together for a common good.
Published 05/01/20
In today's show, I will be sharing an episode from my other podcast, The Mystic Fire: this episode will discuss end time prophecies and some of the strange notions that we have about them today
Published 04/29/20
Published 04/29/20
Throughout the ages, people have always had beliefs and suspicions that there were malevolent shapeshifters among us. Beings that looked like us, acted like us, but they were not us. There was something sinister from another realm or world, and their only aim was to deceive and destroy the human race. In this episode of The Spirit Side, we will discuss the idea of evil shapeshifters in our midst.
Published 04/27/20
PREPARE FOR THE NEW NORMAL: MORE SURVEILLANCE LESS PRIVACY A lot of people are speculating on what our world will look like after the Covid - 19 crisis. The conspiracy theories are many, but one fact of truth is, we could start looking a lot like a surveillance state!
Published 04/24/20
MARTIAL LAW IS IMMINENT! In this episode of The Spirit Side, join host, Paul James Caiden as he has a very honest, heartfelt discussion with the listener about some very dire things that could be on our horizon. This podcast is a must listen to anyone who is concerned about the future of America and the world! MARTIAL LAW IS IMMINENT! In this episode of The Spirit Side, join host, Paul James Caiden as he has a very honest, heartfelt discussion with the listener about some very dire...
Published 04/22/20
FORCED VACCINATIONS, GOVERNMENT TAKEOVERS AND PROPHECY The cryptic voices of our time, are telling us that the signs of the end have begun. And soon, there will be forced vaccines for all of humanity, hostile government takeovers and the establishment of the New world order. Will we soon begin to see the book of Revelation unfold right before our eyes?
Published 04/20/20
IS THE SEASONAL FLU MORE DEADLY THAN COVID-19? Description: Many are saying that the seasonal flu is more deadly than Covid-19. There is even a mathematical model to prove this point. But is there a major flaw in that mathematical model that those who propagated are not seeing?
Published 04/18/20
ARE YOU PROTESTING THE LOCKDOWN? After nearly a month of the quarantine life, people are becoming angry and frustrated. Local economies are suffering, and many claim that the lockdown is unconstitutional! Yet, some protest and say that we are looking to reopen the country too soon? Which side of the argument do you agree with?
Published 04/17/20
Donald Trump, King Of The World With everything that is happening in the world today, are we slowly returning to the emperor worship of the Roman Empire? WARNING: This podcast contains a serious rant with a plethora of swearing!
Published 04/15/20
Throughout the ages, many have speculated on the imminent end time events; and that sinister figure known as, the Antichrist! Who is he, where will he come from and is he in our midst right now? In this episode of The Spirit Side, we will discuss the many theories, speculations and theories about the infamous son of Satan!
Published 04/10/20
ARE YOU A SHEEP BEING LED TO THE SLAUGHTER? It seems these days everyone is following someone. It's almost as if the world has been divided up between various cults of personality. Yet, all of these various followers point to one another and criticized vehemently. But the big question is, no matter how right you think you are, are you a sheep being led to the slaughter?
Published 04/08/20