Sharing Deuteronomy 4-9. I usually don't share outside of prayer and closure. But, today's reading reminded me of why America was founded and where it is.  Lord help us all.  Support the show (https://www.facebook.com/TheStateVersusMe/)
Published 05/02/22
Published 05/02/22
Heavenly Father please he who is listening to your word as you have blessed the one reading your word. Continue to soften hearts and make breakthrough changes in the lives of those who seek you. Support the show (https://www.facebook.com/TheStateVersusMe/)
Published 05/01/22
As I read the last couple versus in this boom of Numbers  I am reminded that God doesn't care if we can say everyword properly in the bible. He cares that we spend time basking in the word.  Lord bless he who reads and hears your words. Jesus is the deliverer of sinners.  Support the show (https://www.facebook.com/TheStateVersusMe/)
Published 04/06/22
Lord thank you for not holding us to sacrifices for atonement. Thank you for your continuous love, mercy, and grace through the blood of Jesus Christ. Thank you for showing us that those who lean on you you can defeat the greatest enemy. Thank you Father for allowing us life through your word. Amen. Support the show (https://www.facebook.com/TheStateVersusMe/)
Published 03/11/22
May the Lord bless he who listens to His words. May He soften the hearts of those who desire to gain more of His understanding and let go of their own. Lord bless Ukraine as you blessed the Israelites. Let them know they are not alone, but in your company and under your protection.  Support the show (https://www.facebook.com/TheStateVersusMe/)
Published 03/09/22
Lord let us learn about your wrath, and you anger from the old Testament. By understanding how you use to strike those that rebelled against you, can we truly appreciate the love you have shown us in the new Testament.  Support the show (https://www.facebook.com/TheStateVersusMe/)
Published 02/09/22
Reading Numbers can be difficult if you don't have patience for repetition. But know that the consistency, and fairness in the amount each person brings for offerings if the same. God displays a sense of fairness which many people living on this earth now can't comprehend.  When you read beyond a point of comfort because of your dedication to God, He is pleased and there for you find favor. Every word in the Bible is important in finding what you seek. Never limit yourself by not reading the...
Published 01/18/22
Dear Lord please bless those who listen to your words today and always.  Support the show (https://www.facebook.com/TheStateVersusMe/)
Published 01/11/22
In tonight's reading the Lord sets the laws for atonement over sickness, and uncleanness. As I read I realized that the Lord even made Aaron sacrifice a bullock for his own atonement, and for his household. Even though there was no mention of Aaron sinning he was also required to seek atonement for himself. This helps me realize that even God selected imperfect people to do his Holy work and stand in the gap for the people.  Support the show (https://www.facebook.com/TheStateVersusMe/)
Published 12/07/21
Starting the 3rd book of Moses Leviticus. Let us thank the Lord that we no longer have to shed the blood of living creatures to seek atonement for our sins. This chapter will remind us of the sacrifices made to atone and how Aaron and his sons were the intermediaries for forgiveness. This chapter will help us understand why Jesus Christ is the lamb of God. His blood shed was the ultimate sacrifice. Let us continue reading the word to find out salvation by feeding our spirit. Support the show...
Published 12/06/21
Lord although of the reading is repetitive, may you provide us discipline and dedication to read through it. May the words shared bring peace, love, and mercy on those who are listening.  Support the show (https://www.facebook.com/TheStateVersusMe/)
Published 11/11/21
May the lord soften your heart to hear his word, and gain wisdom and understanding from them.  Support the show (https://www.facebook.com/TheStateVersusMe/)
Published 10/23/21
May your doorway be cover by the blood of the lamb if you believe. May the Lord our God find favor in your home if you believe. May His mercy, grace, and forgiveness fill your life abundantly. If you believe Jesus is the living God.  Support the show (https://www.facebook.com/TheStateVersusMe/)
Published 10/11/21
A small intro reflecting on the last recorded reading that was done. Moving into the second book of the Old Testament Exodus Chapters 1-9. Support the show (https://www.facebook.com/TheStateVersusMe/)
Published 10/06/21
Reading the last chapters of Genesis. Remember stay with Gof and he will lead the way. He is who brings you to the path for which you are destined.  Support the show (https://www.facebook.com/TheStateVersusMe/)
Published 08/20/21
It's been a while since my last post. For those that have heard the last couple recording from the beginning of the Bible. I apologize if you have been waiting for more. I was doubting my worthiness. But today i had a sign that if you believe then you are worthy. God  forgives. Don't fall into doubt because of the opinions of others. Lean on the relationship you establish with God, and thank him for catching you when you fall. Praise Jesus. Support the show...
Published 07/31/21
Reading from KJV Genesis 27-32
Published 09/28/20
Reading from KJV Genesis 20-26
Published 09/21/20
Reading from KJV Genesis 9-19
Published 09/14/20
Word for word from the beginning. King James Version.
Published 09/06/20
Scripture readings where the word speaks on pardon.
Published 05/12/20
Scripture reading for the Forgiveness of God. .
Published 05/03/20
Of all the pain, focusing on the only thing that matters.
Published 04/28/20
Quick vent session to decompress.
Published 02/21/20