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Ezra Balsam
The Sydney Kollel All Shiurim Podcast
Your one-stop-shop for Shiurim on Halacha, Hashkafa, Parsha, and Gemora. This podcast features all recorded Shiurim from the Sydney Kollel.
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Ratings & Reviews
Practical and Great Energy!
I live the clear way they lay out the learning with everything sourced and well thought out. The learning sets me on fire and gives me a massive spike in my day! 🙏🙏
Earlbal via Apple Podcasts · Australia · 03/14/24
Recent Episodes
- The 3 requirements for how the story should be said - The reason for the Mitzvah -Should one person say the Haggadah or every man for himself?
Published 04/21/24
- Why is this the most “overlooked” Mitvah of Pesach? - The argument of the Rishonim on the source of this Mitzvah. - The purpose of this Mitzvah - The 3 key differences between the daily Mitzvah of “remembering” leaving Mitzrayim and “telling over” the story of leaving Mitzrayim.
Published 04/19/24
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