Wouldn't it be nice if there was a perfect solution for every teen problem out there? There actually is! I am teaching you this week on the podcast how to find the perfect answer to your own individual problems. You have everything you need right now to solve your problems in the best way possible. Need more help? Visit: https://www.theteenlifeschool.com/
Published 04/10/24
Published 04/10/24
People say words—and sometimes those words can be hurtful. On the podcast this week I talk about how to handle what people say, and what you fear people MIGHT say. Letting go of the words people say brings freedom and control. Check out The Teen Life School at https://www.theteenlifeschool.com/
Published 03/07/24
Who wants to make a mistake? Making a mistake never feels good. We go to great lengths to avoid making mistakes and the discomfort associated with them. This week on the podcast I am talking all about how to make mistakes and what to do when they happen- because they will! https://www.theteenlifeschool.com/
Published 02/08/24
How do you know when it is time to let go and move on? Some things in life we are forced to let go of and some things we get to choose to move on from. Letting go of the parts of your life that weigh you down leads to new opportunities and creates space for growth. Letting go can be hard especially if you are unsure about the timing. This week I talk about how to decide if it's the right time to let go. https://www.theteenlifeschool.com/
Published 01/10/24
There has been endless research on how relationships affect our happiness, whether for good or bad. In this episode I talk about how getting into the habit of creating good relationships can directly influence our happiness level and mental health. How can you create better relationships in your life so that you can make sure you feel supported and loved? https://www.theteenlifeschool.com/
Published 12/20/23
Episode four of our Happiness Habits series for teens! In this episode we are talking about how exercise makes us happier and how to incorporate exercise into your life. Even if you don't like exercising, there is something for everyone to help them be happier.https://www.theteenlifeschool.com/
Published 12/13/23
What makes teens happy? In this Happiness Habits Series I am exploring what happy teens do to stay happy. In this episode I talk about what having a purpose actually means and how to find purpose for yourself. For help with teen anxiety check out: https://www.theteenlifeschool.com/
Published 12/07/23
What makes teens happy? Happiness found in nature can finally be explained by science. New research and studies are showing that teens who spend time outside in nature are happier. In this episode I talk about what nature does to the human brain and how to get the benefits from being outside in your teen years. https://www.theteenlifeschool.com/
Published 11/28/23
Everyone wants to be be happy and feel good. What are the things that happy teens have in common? In this series we are talking about what makes teens happy. Gratitude does not come easily for many teens but there are ways that we can learn to be grateful and increase our happiness. https://www.theteenlifeschool.com/
Published 11/23/23
Most humans feel funny having a list of things that they love about themselves because it feels conceited. Loving yourself is very different from conceit! Happy people know what they love about themselves and are always finding new things about themselves that they are proud of. For help with teen anxiety visit: https://www.theteenlifeschool.com/
Published 11/16/23
Who are you comparing yourself to? Who are you letting influence your happiness? Who you compare yourself to will directly impact your level of happiness. In this episode, I talk about how teens can gain awareness around their comparison habits and decide who they let influence them. Check out my website here: https://www.theteenlifeschool.com/
Published 11/09/23
Do you ever find yourself asking the question WHAT'S THE POINT? This week on the podcast Sidekick to Hero app creator Joey Mascio is on the podcast to help teens answer this question. Finding meaning in the things we do creates mentally healthier and happier teens. For a 10% off discount on the Sidekick to Hero app use code SAMI. Check out the mental health app for teens that is changing the world! http://www.sidekicktohero.com/ Check out Sami's website here: https://www.theteenlifeschool.com/
Published 10/30/23
Teen author Quincy Kadin is on the podcast talking about her ongoing battle with mental illness and anxiety. Quincy talks about how her anxiety affected her and the tools and strategies that have helped her take back control of her life. Quincy has written a children's book titled Frankies Fishy Feelings to help others through their anxious moments and help them realize that everyone has a little bit of anxiousness inside them. Check out her book at:...
Published 10/23/23
If you live with humans, then you know that entails arguments and disagreements. When family arguments arise, it doesn't make home the happiest place to be. Fortunately, there are some things you can do to help lessen and lower the occurrences of family arguments. This week I share with you my top three things teens can do to help lessen disagreements in the home. https://www.theteenlifeschool.com/
Published 10/18/23
Disney star Alyson Stoner joins me on the podcast this week to talk about their own personal journey with anxiety and what they are doing now to help youth overcome anxiety and mental health struggles. Behind the scenes, Alyson suffered from a variety of health conditions that affected every area of their life. Their personal healing journey led them to their truest passion, studying the mind-body connection and creating tools alongside experts that help people heal and empower...
Published 10/10/23
Teenage friendships can be challenging. Many teens think they are alone when it comes to friendship challenges, but in reality ALL teens go through similar struggles when it comes to friends. Brooke Romney is on the podcast this week to talk all about friendship struggles every teen experiences and what really is true when it comes to managing relationships in the teen years. Brooke's Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/brookeromneywrites/ 52 Modern Manners for...
Published 10/02/23
We all have pain that we carry that we are afraid to share with others. There's a common misconception that sharing our burdens in the teen years makes us weak or uncool. Keeping your biggest struggles to yourself is not a sign of strength, nor is sharing your biggest struggles a sign of weakness. This week on the podcast I talk about the most common hidden pains that teens are experiencing and what to do with them. For help with teen anxiety...
Published 09/27/23
I'm so excited to have Coach Bre on the podcast again. This time she is helping parents help their teens. As parents, having a teen athlete can be a difficult relationship to navigate and cause concern and worry about whether or not we are saying and doing the right things. We all want to raise confident teens and support our teens the best way we can in the endeavors they chose. Coach Bre walks us through some great skills and tools we can use as parents when it comes to helping our teens be...
Published 09/20/23
When you are feeling horrible, or stuck in a rut it can be hard to climb out. On this podcast episode I talk about ways to overcome negative emotion by helping others. Each of us have talents, time, and energy that can help others AND help ourselves feel happier. Creating pleasure in your brain when you feel horrible is a lot easier than you think! https://www.theteenlifeschool.com/
Published 09/12/23
Back to school time can be very busy and feel overwhelming with everything all coming at you at the same time! This week on the podcast I talk about how to overcome back to school overwhelm. Let's get feeling excited about that to do list! https://www.theteenlifeschool.com/
Published 09/06/23
What is self harm? What does it mean when a teen self harms? Why do teens engage in self harm? Is self harm the same as being suicidal? I answer these questions and more on the podcast this week. Understanding what self harm is all about is the first step to getting the appropriate help when it comes to managing the urge to self harm. https://www.theteenlifeschool.com/ https://www.crisistextline.org/help-for-self-harm/https://www.chconline.org/resourcelibrary/selfharm/
Published 08/29/23
It's tryout season! Tryouts cause a lot of anxiety and nervousness. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced competitor, tryouts can make everyone nervous. This week on the podcast I talk about three things you can do to help with nervousness when it comes to trying out for things. On the fence about whether or not to even try out? I give some advice on that too. Find help with teen anxiety here: https://www.theteenlifeschool.com/
Published 08/23/23
Our brains often create rules for ourselves that we are unaware of. The rules that we have for ourselves can create happiness for us or lead us to be miserable. What rules do you have for yourself that are making you anxious and miserable? Let's identify the rules in your life that are not helping you and get rid of them. Help with teen anxiety: https://view.flodesk.com/pages/6318fbccb62cbe7a648d95e2 Website: https://www.theteenlifeschool.com/
Published 08/16/23
Whether you are heading back to school or transitioning to college, new beginnings can be stressful and cause anxieties. On the podcast this week I share five tips about how you can be mentally strong as you head into a new school year. Need help with teen anxiety? Visit: https://www.theteenlifeschool.com/
Published 08/08/23