One of the most common questions I get is "How long will it take me to get to my goal?"Well, this answer obviously depends on how consistent you are, your execution, and how advanced your goal is - but there are other factors to realize too in order to have realistic expectations to avoid setting yourself up for FEELING like you're failing.In this episode I outline how much time you should expect for it to take to see progress, both initially, and if you want to actually keep the weight off f...
Published 06/20/24
Published 06/20/24
If you were to Google "How do I speed up my metabolism?" one of the very first things you'll see is to "drink more water".But does drinking more water really boost your metabolism?And if I does, will that have a noticeable impact on your fat loss progress?Well in this episode I'll be breaking it down for you - and not by just what a generic google website says, but from what the research says.Please leave a 5 star review if you enjoyed the podcast and be sure to join our Free Facebook Group t...
Published 06/17/24
A couple of weeks ago I published an episode talking about why if your goal is to change your body composition and/or achieve fat loss, manipulating your calories is the most important variable to focus on.But are calories ALL that matter? Does it matter if you're hitting your calories, or even calories and protein with protein shakes and candy vs. eating stereotypical "whole foods" to hit those targets?In this episode I'm diving into the multiple reasons why the types of foods you eat CAN st...
Published 06/13/24
One of the biggest struggles I see people face after starting their fat loss or fitness journeys is falling into the trap of comparing their progress to others.This can lead to frustration, second guessing whether or not you're on the right path when you actually might be, and eventually either giving up completely or making a drastic change in order to "catch up" to the other person you're comparing yourself to.In this episode I cover why comparing yourself to others is not only one of the w...
Published 06/10/24
A question I get all the time is "how many days a week should I be working out to make the most progress?"And the truth is, the answer is "it depends" like most things with health and fitness.BUT, there are some things to consider like how many days you can actually commit to, how you're structuring your workouts and diving your exercises up, etc.In this episode I cover all of that, and show you exactly how to set up your workout routine whether you're ready to commit to 2, 3, 4, or 5 days in...
Published 06/06/24
One of the biggest issues I see in people's fat loss journey's is them "missing the forest for the trees", AKA focusing on minor details when it comes to nutrition and workout, while ignoring the factors that impact results the most.In this episode I dive into why knowing and manipulating how many calories you're eating will make the biggest impact on your results and what most people get wrong about tracking calories.Please leave a 5 star review if you enjoyed the podcast and be sure to join...
Published 06/03/24
In this episode I dive into how to "fix" your diet and your progress after a weekend of over-eating, especially over the holiday weekend.I cover the mindset you should have after a weekend of over-eating and how to approach your diet and/or workouts after a weekend like this.I also talk about the "secret" to making sure these weekends don't end up ruining your results long term.Please leave a 5 star review if you enjoyed the podcast and be sure to join our Free Facebook Group through the link...
Published 05/30/24
In this episode I sit down with my good friend and fellow dietitian Cat Grimes for part 2 and dive into more of the training / workout side of how to get the best results in your fitness / fat loss journey.We talk about how long of rest periods you should be taking in between sets, how to actually progressively overload in the gym, and my key tips for long term fat loss and keeping it off for life.Please leave a 5 star review if you enjoyed the podcast and be sure to join our Free Facebook Gr...
Published 05/28/24
In this episode I sit down with my good friend and fellow dietitian Cat Grimes on her own podcast to discuss some of the biggest misconceptions women I talk to end up having about fat loss.We also talk about the power of tracking your food and how while it might feel like extra work in the beginning, it actually can help create even more freedom within your at loss journey.Please leave a 5 star review if you enjoyed the podcast and be sure to join our Free Facebook Group through the link belo...
Published 05/23/24
One of the biggest struggles I see from people attempting to lose fat is that they second guess everything they do.This is in part because you might not be an expert in fat loss and might be unsure that what you're doing is actually the right thing.But it also is likely because with fat loss, there's a ton of delayed gratification and "lag time" between your actions and the result you're actually trying to achieve.In this episode I dive how this issue manifests within your fitness journey, an...
Published 05/16/24
A 'metabolic phenotype' is a term used to describe where your total energy expenditure (aka how many calories you burn) lies in comparison to how many calories we would predict you'd burn based on a set of equations given your height, weight, age, activity level, etc.Some people can be described as having a "thrifty" metabolic phenotype, where others may have more of a "spendthrift" phenotype. Depending on where you fall in regards to these categories, it can have an impact on how hard o...
Published 05/13/24
There's a time and place to put your goals on to the side if you're going through a rough time in your life.On the other hand, there's a time and place to push through and check off the boxes to see results despite how you're feeling or what you're going through in the present moment.The greatest stories never came from those who didn't have to overcome struggle to get to their destination. If you're going through a hard time in life and struggling to do the things you need to do to see ...
Published 05/09/24
In this episode I talk about the drastic differences between either gaining or losing a pound of fat vs. a pound of muscle.I dive into the calorie/energy content of each of these types of tissues in the body, and how losing one vs. the other when you start a diet can make an enormous difference in the number on the scale.I also cover why if you're seeing huge changes on the scale week to week, then you probably aren't losing as much body fat as you think, and a number of strategies to ensure ...
Published 05/06/24
In this episode I talk about the struggles my parents had with their health and how it's impacted the way I view my own health and the health of my clients. I dive into how watching them battle obesity, diabetes, heart disease, etc throughout the years before their deaths made me realize that the greatest gift you can give your kids isn't money or expensive gifts, but instead its your own health.I also talk about how becoming a parent has changed the way I look at my own health for the f...
Published 05/02/24
Today's episode is Part 2 of a Q&A interview I did on The Not Your Quick Fix Podcast with my good friend Kara Goss.In this episode we dive into whether or not diet soda is actually worse for you than regular soda, what are "net carbs" and should you track them, what causes cellulite and how to get rid of it, and is intermittent fasting effective for losing weight?Please leave a 5 star review if you enjoyed the podcast and be sure to join our Free Facebook Group through the link below for ...
Published 04/29/24
Today's episode is Part 1 of a Q&A interview I did on The Not Your Quick Fix Podcast with my good friend Kara Goss.In this episode we dive into whether or not you need to eat smaller, more frequent meals to "boost" your metabolism, what is a realistic amount of muscle to gain per year, why do some people lose weight when they increase their calories through reverse dieting, and how metabolic phenotypes can affect how your body responds to fat loss phases.Please leave a 5 star review if yo...
Published 04/22/24
Today's episode is a continuation of Episode 130, where I initially talked about how doing low calorie or extreme diets can actually make us GAIN body fat in the long run, and cause us to deal with negative symptoms of such as our metabolism slowing down, poor sleep, worse mood, extreme hunger, etc - AKA metabolic adaptation. In today's episode, I'm diving into how you can reverse these symptoms of metabolic adaptation if you're currently experiencing them, as well as how to approach your...
Published 04/15/24
In this episode I sit down with one of my incredible 1:1 clients, Jackie Swisher, and talk about her journey over the past 10 months of losing 50 pounds. We talk about how she was able to lose weight this time without feeling stricter, without having to do tons of high intensity cardio, and without having to give up her favorite foods - even Taco Bell. We also dive into some misconceptions and fear she had before starting her journey, and how overcoming that and taking the leap anyway...
Published 04/11/24
You've probably heard that crash diets or extremely restrictive diets are bad for long term progress. But did you know that not only do you often gain the weight back from them, but they also make us gain MORE fat back in the long run. In this episode I'm taking a deep dive into the psychological and physiological reasons as to why this happens, and why every time you diet and gain the weight back you're digging yourself into a deeper whole to pull yourself out of. Please leave a 5 star...
Published 04/08/24
In this week's episode I sit down with my good friend and fellow Registered Dietitian Paige Myers.  In this episode we dive into Paige's journey over recent years of intentionally gaining 30 pounds in order to continuing to build the body she wants.  We dive into how quickly you should be seeing weight gain on the scale if you're intentionally trying to build muscle, the mental battles of accepting a higher number on the scale especially if you're a woman, and how she approached this...
Published 04/01/24
Everyone is always looking for tips on "how to stay motivated" in their weight loss or fitness journeys. In response to that, you've probably heard fitness influencers telling you that instead of relying on motivation, use "discipline" instead. Well in this episode, I'm going to talk about something else that can get you through those rough times when going to the gym or following your nutrition plan feels like the last thing you want to do. And in my opinion, it's MUCH more powerful than...
Published 03/25/24
If you scroll on social media at all or google "tips to lose weight" you've probably at some point been told to start tracking your calories and/or macros. But is tracking your food on a daily basis REALLY necessary? Can you make the progress you want in this day and age WITHOUT having to track the food you eat in an app like myftinesspal? In this episode I give my honest take on this, explain why or why not tracking your food might be necessary for you, and how to go about it to see the...
Published 03/18/24
In this week's episode I sit down with my good friend and fellow Registered Dietitian & CPT, Kara Goss. In this episode we dive into Kara's hormonal birth control journey, including the struggles she faced with fat loss while transitioning off of birth control, how she initially had to be okay with gaining weight before her body was ready to respond to fat loss, and how she navigated this mentally in order to fully trust in the process to get her body to where it is now. We also dive...
Published 03/11/24
One of the most common issues I see, especially in women that I work with, is that they tend to UNDER eat for the goals that they have. They want to tone up, shape their body, while also losing fat - but because of their low calorie intake their body ends up working against them for these goals. In this episode I go over common signs you're probably experiencing if you are under-eating, how to know for sure, and how to fix it. Please leave a 5 star review if you enjoyed the podcast and be...
Published 03/04/24