Thank you everyone! Take care of yourselves.
Published 11/30/20
Published 11/30/20
The best offense is a great defense.
Published 11/30/20
This is the first of the last three episodes of this podcast. Today, I tackle a listener question. How does a supervisor deal with toxic staff?
Published 11/02/20
“Each person has inside them an enormous capability and creative power which they’ve probably never begun to imagine. We must start working toward that to bring that forth.” Dr. Ron Dalrymple Dr. Ron Dalrymple is a licensed psychologist, author and filmmaker with a special interest in the higher, seldom understood powers of the mind. He has written four books using his research to motivate individuals to achieve greatness by utilizing the power within themselves. All four books...
Published 07/27/20
“We all from one time or another, find ourselves in some type of toxic relationship. There should be no dishonor in that it happens. We don't always know the person. I think you dishonor yourself when you know, and you can do better and you don't do better.” Tamuri Richardson Tamuri Richardson is an expert Motivational Speaker, She is a Speaking Presenter for NAMI (National Alliance on Mental Illness) with the goal to help fight the stigmas of Mental Illness, shes an award...
Published 07/20/20
“I wasted most of my 20’s and 30’s looking for love in all the wrong places, until eventually I hit rock bottom. All the love I so desperately wanted from someone else was already inside me." I discovered who I REALLY was and what was truly important to me; I learned how to love AND like myself; I mastered the art of setting boundaries; I improved my communication skills dramatically; And I gained a TON of self confidence in the...
Published 07/13/20
“Sometimes when we're trying to be in motion and make things happen in our life, if we don't have the clarity, we can't see it.”  Quinn Barret Quinn Barrett is an author and speaker who teaches people how to meditate in fun and unconventional ways. Her mission is to help people live life in balance with simple methods, which can be used at any time, anywhere. She is the creator of BusyLife Meditation and Intuition Daily, a new conscious, interactive meditation practice. Quinn...
Published 07/06/20
In today's episode, I discuss 3 tips to focus on reinventing yourself. Highlights include * Pivoting vs. starting from scratch * Examples of people who have changed their career path even in the face of economic crises * Creating challenges for yourself
Published 07/02/20
“…If we release that energetic hold that we have on someone, everything can shift. The way we perceive them shifts. Their actions might shift. Our reaction to them might shift. We're left with love and forgiveness, and sometimes even a sense of gratitude that they helped awaken something in ourselves that we didn't want to look at.” Royce Morales Royce Morales is a renowned spiritual teacher who has been teaching breakthrough, core, self-discovery work for decades.  Her...
Published 06/29/20
What type of content do you want to hear more of?  Send me an email with a suggestion or question and I will cover your topic. [email protected] I am open for coaching in the summer.  Need some insight from an objective 3rd party?  Click on the link to schedule a call.   https://bit.ly/2X5dDTq
Published 06/25/20
“Maybe it's time for you to look at yourself and value yourself and honor yourself and keep them on a really short leash.” Dr. Rita Louise In today’s episode, Dr. Rita opens up about growing up in with a narcissist mother and how she gained control over her life. A survivor or childhood abuse, Dr. Rita Louise has emerged as a gifted empath and talented clairvoyant medical intuitive.  She is a Naturopathic physician and the founder of the Institute Of Applied Energetics...
Published 06/22/20
In today's episode, I tackle a listener's email about pain and loss after a relationship ends. How does one deal with the pain of abandonment and not feeling good enough? How does one start to move on? Check out this episode to find out. What type of content do you want to hear more of?  Send me an email with a suggestion or question and I will cover your topic. [email protected] I am open for coaching in the summer.  Need some insight from an objective...
Published 06/18/20
“The very best thing that you can do is to understand that and to do everything you can to start to be the whole and complete person that you were intended to be.” Sarah tells the story of how close she came to taking her life* in October 2010. Childhood bullying at school had left her so self-conscious that she couldn’t bear to live any longer. All of the negative self-beliefs she had were reinforced in her narcissistic marriage. A split-second decision*changed her. mind, and...
Published 06/15/20
Setting healthy boundaries can do wonders to help you deal with difficult people.  What does it mean to set boundaries exactly?   In today’s episode, I give 3 practical steps to setting boundaries as part of your self-care regimen.   What type of content do you want to hear more of?  Send me an email with a suggestion or question and I will cover your topic. [email protected] I am open for coaching in the summer.  Need some insight from an objective 3rd...
Published 06/10/20
“Instead of us feeling ashamed of ourselves or guilt with where we are emotionally and mentally during this time, it's all right. It's fine to be there. Wherever you are, wherever you go, there you are.” Asha Tarry is a certified life coach and licensed psychotherapist. As a treating provider, Asha has the experience and skill to transform lives. The work she provides as a life coach to individuals, couples, groups, and small business entrepreneurs is based in the philosophy...
Published 06/08/20
If this is your first time listening, then welcome.  Given what’s been happening in the world and currently in many US cities, there is a need for calm and reason.  Today’s episode marks the first in a series of episodes focusing on self-care.  We start off with helping you achieve freedom from excessive worrying.   What type of content do you want to hear more of?  Send me an email with a suggestion or question and I will cover your...
Published 06/03/20
“Unless you can look at all of those blocks and self-sabotaging blocks…they're just going to keep reappearing down the line.” Su Orosa Su Orosa is a mental health and wellness coach, who gives women the tools they need to manage their inner critic and put a stop to self-sabotaging behaviours. Providing her clients with a compassionate, safe space to really open up, Su encourages introspection and helps her clients to start living the lives they were always meant to...
Published 06/01/20
Parents are often our first experiences with human contact. In an ideal setting, they are there to nurture and protect us. What happens when that dynamic is twisted into a power struggle? In today's episode, we examine common signs of dysfunction and ways to put yourself on the path to healing and taking back your power. These tips can apply to just about any toxic relationship, but we are specifically talking about toxic parents. CommonSigns: * Belittling or...
Published 05/27/20
“Don't wait to be with people that you love.”  Christina Flach Christina Flach is the CEO, a makeup guru, a widow, a substance awareness advocate, a fashion commentator, a mom to four living children, and one who died. She lives with these titles, but she's defined by one word, grace. Christina openly shares her story of success and heartache to provide inspiration to others and to save lives through sepsis awareness advocacy. Highlights of this episode include: *...
Published 05/25/20
“Learning how to go inside yourself, find what's in there, and learn how to make all the processes in your life support you, and you will be happy.”  Faust Ruggiero People more often go to see a psychologist when things are falling apart. The success rate on this can go two ways: your willingness to do the work and the skills of your psychologist. Faust A. Ruggiero’s professional career spans almost 40 years, and is diversified and compelling, as it has consistently...
Published 05/18/20
In today’s episode we will examine 5 steps for simplifying your life.  Don’t let the simplicity fool you.  These are powerful steps to gain a semblance of control in today’s hectic society.
Published 05/12/20
Books have been written and courses have been developed on the topic of mental toughness. What does mental toughness mean exactly? Ask 10 different people and you will get 10 different answers. In today’s episode, Dr. Shayla gives two principles for building up your mental toughness muscles. Is it tough? Of course, but the result is a calm, centered life.
Published 05/04/20
In today's episode, we cover two basic principles of self-care. These can be applied to just about any situation.
Published 04/17/20
“When a resolute young fellow steps up to the great bully, the world, and takes him boldly by the beard, he is often surprised to find it comes off in his hand, and that it was only tied on to scare away the timid adventurers.” Ralph Waldo Emerson How do you deal with intimidation and prejudice in a work environment? Dr. Williams has 3 points to dealing with the situation head on.
Published 04/01/20