Raise your hand if you feel like you’re occupying a different consciousness compared to a year ago.  I do.  When large disruptions in the external environment happen, it triggers shifts in consciousness to reassess reality. That’s what happened in the past year. And we’re going to see a lot of such disruptions in coming years. That’s a reason why I think we’re on the verge of a quantum leap in consciousness evolution. Yesterday as I was trying to process / integrate the shifts that have...
Published 05/31/21
There’s a high correlation between pain and growth. Not because the former necessarily leads to the latter. But because growth often requires resistance and pressure. It’s the resistance and pressure you find against the status quo that instigates openings for growth. From a certain perspective, whatever pain or suffering you’re going through is a gold mine-- a rich source for your personal transformation towards a higher potential.  Yet I’m sure you’d agree that suffering is neither...
Published 07/23/19
In this episode I'll tell you about some changes coming to the SoI that I'm very excited about. If you've been following this soundcast for a while, make sure to listen to the end. Subscribe to THE SCHOOL OF INTUITION (BASIC EDITION) on Soundwise
Published 05/04/19
“I feel like I’ve grown so much internally and spiritually, but my external environment stays the same. Why? Don’t they say ‘As within, so without’?”  “I have so much potential. But I don’t feel I’m realizing my potential. What am I not doing right?” These are some of the questions I get asked regularly, about the relationship between spiritual growth and worldly attainment.  It’s one thing to talk about “potentials” as a general term, it’s another to know what they are, specifically, for...
Published 04/22/19
Many times listeners ask me, “How do I trust my destiny?” Other variations on the theme: How do I trust the bigger plan? How do I know the Universe has my back? How do I stop freaking out when things don’t go my way? You get the idea. Sometimes your mind puts forward a question that is actually no question at all. But simply a diversion trick to resist change. Because if you keep asking “how…?”, then you don’t need to make any change until you get the right answers / tools / shortcuts / tips...
Published 04/01/19
I had a friend who was the busiest woman in the world. Everytime I talk to her, she was inevitably on her way to doing something important, an appointment, a meeting, an event… She was incredibly productive, and also never had any time.  You’d think someone like that probably accomplishes a lot in their day and makes a great impact in the world. But not quite. She was not particularly happy with either her career or her life. She’d be complaining about certain struggles. Then a year went by...
Published 03/18/19
Archetypes are emblems of human development paths. They are shared aspects of our collective hero’s journey.  Knowing about your archetypes can bring great awareness to your own path of growth. It also helps you properly acknowledge how far you’ve come and shed light on your highest destiny. At times of setbacks and uncertainty, it reminds you to remain patient and grounded. One of the archetypes so many of my listeners share is the Conscious Empath. In episode 61 of the School of...
Published 02/18/19
99 percent of humans, 99 percent of time, live in the “dimension of phenomena”, where it’s all about thoughts, emotions, energies, and stories, and consciousness manifests as very sophisticatedly programmed intelligence.  Yet at some point in your life in the dimension of phenomena, the question emerged: “Is this all there is to life?” For many people that was the beginning of their spiritual journey. And that question was basically your intuition telling you that the dimension most humans...
Published 02/10/19
After episode 57, where I talked about my new year’s resolution to follow my authentic inspiration as my only guidance for action for the next 12 months, I got some questions from the listeners of SoI-- “How do you tell if you’re “following your inspiration” or are just being irresponsible and let your impulse rule the day?” “But one needs planning and discipline to succeed at anything. If you just go where the wind blows, wouldn’t life be total chaos?” And also, “What do I follow if my...
Published 02/04/19
Most approaches that claim to help with stress cure the symptoms, not the cause. That’s why they are called “stress management”-- they make your stress and anxiety more manageable, but they don’t make them go away. Earlier this week I had to have a sit-down talk with myself because I was feeling overwhelmed. So I channeled the Source to explore my own stress. The result was some illuminating messages that I want to share with you. In Episode 58 of the School of Intuition, I talk about the...
Published 01/27/19
You’ve probably been told growing up that being intelligent and hardworking is how you’d go places in life.  Yet oftentimes you see people with similar backgrounds and similar amounts of talent, drive, and work ethic, yet the end results of their lives are drastically different. Why? The answer, like reality itself, is complicated. But here’s one important piece of the puzzle: What you choose to “work” on have a huge impact on where you end up. Most people spend most of the time doing...
Published 01/17/19
New year’s resolutions are notorious for their lack of stickiness. But this one is different. Recently I’ve been called to push my own evolution to the next phase, to deepen my commitment to living an authentic life even more.  I was called to sign a “contract” with the Universe: for the next 12 months, I’m going to do, and ONLY do those things that I genuinely feel inspired to do, with no questions asked. Now that may not seem like a big deal. But the key word here is “only”. Most...
Published 01/13/19
There is a simple ritual I call “prophetic listening” that I’ve been doing for several years now, usually around the beginning of the year. It’s helped me build forward momentum in my life, align myself with my highest destiny, and enable me to focus on what are truly important for the 12 months ahead.  In Episode 56 of The School of Intuition, I’m going to tell you how to do this practice. It’s super easy and fun, yet can be incredibly powerful to get you start your year on the right foot....
Published 01/02/19
You’ve probably been told growing up that being intelligent and hardworking is how you’d go places in life.  Yet oftentimes you see people with similar backgrounds and similar amounts of talent, drive, and work ethic, yet the end results of their lives are drastically different. Why? The answer, like reality itself, is complicated. But here’s one important piece of the puzzle: What you choose to “work” on have a huge impact on where you end up. Most people spend most of the time doing...
Published 12/10/18
A caterpillar walks into a therapist’s office.  “I’m depressed,” he says to the therapist. “Because you know what the problem of my life is? No wings. I have no f*****g wings, man! Can you fix that? How can I get me some butterfly wings?” If the caterpillar were your friend, as the wise person you are, you’d probably try to talk some sense into it. You’d probably say, “Sweetheart, you don’t become a butterfly by sticking a couple wings onto yourself. That’s not how it works. But don’t...
Published 12/02/18
The month of November has been a month of consciousness evolution, with many people on this evolutionary path, including some in our empathic badass tribe, experiencing an intensified period of internal shift.  If you’ve been feeling extra lack of concentration, spacey, unproductive, forgetful, emotional, or exhausted in the past few weeks, don’t be alarmed. Your system is doing some heavy-lifting in the background to advance your own evolution right now. Give yourself some space, would...
Published 11/25/18
It took me almost six freaking years to get my PhD. It was an experience like watching the paint dry every day. I woke up. I worked. I went to bed. No applause. No flowers. No pat on the back.  At the time most of my college friends had gotten nice professional jobs and an adult lifestyle, while I still lived on teaching assistance stipend and sheepishly called myself a grad student.  Midway through the six years, I had some academic and personal setbacks that seemed devastating at the...
Published 11/04/18
Last week I spent a few days in California with an amazing group of women entrepreneurs, who were kicking ass and doing cool things in the world.  I had to leave the group early on Wednesday afternoon, to catch a plane to another event that would be happening in Chicago the next day. But once I got to the airport I realized that my flight was delayed by 2 hours. Bummer. But not irredeemable.  Yet 30 minutes later, the flight was delayed...again…by another 2 hours.  At that point I was...
Published 10/28/18
When I was 10 years old, one day I was alone at home and discovered--to my horror--a large family of cockroaches in the kitchen cupboard. It was an emergency situation. I wasn’t sure what disturbed the roaches. But when I opened the cupboard, hundreds of them jumped out at me from nowhere. An army of dark force.  I was grossed out and scared to death. My heart pounding and my hands shaking, I grabbed a bottle of insecticide and sprayed the whole kitchen with it. The kitchen was so filled...
Published 10/08/18
I recently started learning Spanish, listening to a Pimsleur language tape when I’m driving. The tap follows a learning methodology called “spaced repetition”, which is supposedly a fastest and most efficient way to learn a foreign language. You’re asked to repeat the same Spanish phrases out loud, again and again. And every once in a while, you’re asked to remember the phrase and say the words out loud at timed intervals. The problem? It was so boring!  By the 12th time I was asked to...
Published 09/29/18
Most people are bored easily. But have you ever wondered what boredom actually is? The ego needs frequent external stimuli to affirm its own existence. When the ego is threatened by the lack of stimuli, most people label it ‘boredom’. What many of us do not realize is that in the name of alleviating “boredom” and satisfying the ego’s constant demand for distraction, half of your life energy is spent transitioning from one task to another, leaving you feeling ungrounded, unfulfilled, and...
Published 09/22/18
When life present you with challenging people and situations, do you automatically start wondering what the hell is wrong with you, or what spiritual performance you need to deliver to avoid “attracting” such bad luck into your sphere? If so, stop.  When the Universe is repeatedly throwing challenging situations at you that are of similar nature, it’s for one reason and one reason only-- to help you heal from past traumas and reconnect with your true nature. A traumatic event early in life...
Published 09/15/18
Many spiritual people have this subtly misguided belief, which says if you’re sufficiently enlightened and your “vibration” is high enough, things should go your way-- the Universe should shower you with flowers, miracles and synchronicities, and angels should sing your name to eternity. On the other hand, if s**t happens, that must mean you’re unconscious and somehow misaligned with the higher order. That belief should probably be ranked among the top 3 all-time most-unhelpful spiritual...
Published 09/08/18