Hey, I literally ran home to record this one for you. I think you'll love it if you have an idea, wish or desire sitting in your back pocket. It doesn't even have to be fully formed.. it might just be the seed of something great. I hope you love it and if you do, please do me a favor and share it with a friend. x P    
Published 06/27/23
Published 06/27/23
Just had a birthday, so naturally - thought it appropriate to reevaluate my entire life. Kidding, sort of :) But here are the questions I'm using to do so. I hope they add as much clarity and value to your life as they have mine. xx P
Published 06/20/23
I recorded this episode for you if and when you're ready for a change, a leap or just a little something new. If you're someone for who that pendulum swings hard, this episode is for you. I hope you enjoy it and please share if you do. xx P
Published 05/24/23
A quick reminder today about your priorities, and how a change of environment can help you identify them.    xx P
Published 05/09/23
I recorded this quick message for you about how far we've been pulled from center, and what it means and looks like to return to it. If it resonates, please share it with 1 or 2 women in your life who might enjoy it. xx Phoebe
Published 05/02/23
I recorded this new audio for you if you're looking to turn things around in your life.. be it in a personal, professional, relational or some other area. Regardless if you're feeling like you need a full 180 change or just a simple shift towards a new goal, this episode is for you. I hope you enjoy and consider sharing with a friend or two to help support the show.
Published 04/25/23
This is my first episode released in almost a year and I can officially say that I'm BACK. Today's show is not the perfectly polished episode I'd been intending it to be, and that's what's so perfect about it. Too often, we let our perfectionism stand in the way of just getting it done.. so in an attempt to get back on the horse and lead the charge against perfectionism, here we are. I give you, my first episode back. Real and raw, and maybe even a bit unbecoming :)  
Published 04/18/23
I've heard from so many friends over the last few years that they feel they're starting to "lose" themselves so I set out to uncover what that means and how to avoid or stop it. We all get pulled off course from time to time so if you feel you're losing yourself in work, in love or somewhere else, this episode is for you.  I hope you enjoy and share this episode with the people you love most - you never know who might be suffering in silence.
Published 04/19/22
Over the last year, I've observed many people start and stop themselves.. whether that be in mainly business, health or relationships. It's not that they CAN'T, or that they don't know HOW... On this week's episode, I share what the real issue is and how to break it so REAL transformation is possible.   I hope you enjoy this conversation and find value in it. If you do, please share it with someone you care about.   
Published 04/05/22
Today, I’m talking about imposter syndrome, and a new program called 44 Light. If you’ve ever felt like a fraud or doubted your abilities, this is an episode for you. When we're pushed to our limits or out of comfort zone, we bump up against all the programming and patterning that resides in our unconscious.  Similarly, if you're feeling unhappy or insecure in your body, this is also a MUST LISTEN for you.    When you're ready, send me an email at [email protected]  We start...
Published 03/09/22
This episode is all about body issues. It’s an incredibly personal conversation, and one that I think will resonate if you’ve ever struggled with your weight (in either direction) or low self-esteem.   If this show resonates, and you're interested in the upcoming women's group, message me on Instagram (@phoebemroczek) or send an email to [email protected] and say "INTERESTED"
Published 03/03/22
Last year, I recorded an entire episode about my rejection of a timeless and popular activity. Since then, I've had a change of view and I go into detail about that on this episode. This episode is not just about what changed but rather HOW things can change, to potentially inspire you to become more intentional about what you choose to partake in, or not. Finally, if you're a successful woman in your 30s and 40s, stick around to the end. I don't often send out invites, but when I do - you...
Published 02/12/22
Why can’t we get ourselves to do the things we say we want? If you’re sitting here at the start of the year, almost a month in and you STILL haven’t done or started the thing you said you wanted, let’s talk about it. It’s NOT about willpower. It’s NOT about sitting on your meditation cushion and wishing it to happen. It’s about flipping your framing. It’s about developing a new way of looking at your goals, your life and your action plan.   This episode was specifically recorded for...
Published 02/02/22
Most people live their life by default rather than by design because it’s easy to get swept away in the mundane. Then you wake up in 5, 10 or 15 years and wonder what happened. The hard path is the intentional one. It’s the life you create, by the decisions you make everyday. It’s hard to wake up every morning and decide what kind of life you want to lead. But rather than asking for it to be easier, what if we changed our relationship to hard?  This episode paves the way for a new...
Published 01/25/22
While last year was focused on "falling in love," my theme for 2022 is circling back to a concept I came up with a few years ago... but with one important change. Often our natural inclination is to want things outside ourselves, such as money, a home, a partner, a business... But real fulfillment is created by cultivating more clarity and a deep sense of peace and acceptance within. How do you do this?  This episode will guide you through the questions inside my T3 framework to growth,...
Published 01/18/22
If you read my recent post about “Falling in Love" on Instagram or Facebook, you’ll know that for me - it’s been less about the physical weight than it has been about the emotional wait. However, the physical weight is important. And even more importantly, it’s who you unbecome and become as a person. On this episode, I talk about not just your everyday goal setting but how to follow through. And after I posted an 8-month challenge picture, I had several women ask how I did it, so stick...
Published 01/11/22
On this episode, we’re going to be talking about why the quest for happiness isn’t enough. Although we're told to pursue happiness, the formula for success or internal peace is much more involved. At the end of the show, you'll learn about a new idea to connect more collectively with your goals. Find me on Instagram to learn more: www.instagram.com/phoebemroczek  
Published 11/25/21
On today’s episode, I’m sharing some surprising lessons that I learned after and while losing 50 lbs. This episode has been a few weeks in the making and I’ve been strangely nervous to release it. This episode has less to do with losing weight than it does about who you become in the process.  Here are 8 things that might surprise you...
Published 11/18/21
After a few month hiatus, we're back! On this episode, I'm talking about the pause, and next evolution of the show. We touch on how the need for productivity can dampen creativity, what has been missing in the Unbecoming equation and what ONE question to focus your actions around. Thank you for being here and for supporting the show. Here's to the relaunch and more great episodes together!   
Published 11/11/21
Angel City Football Club has garnered the support of sports fans all over the world... and with good reason: They doing something that's never been done before. Listen to this interview with ACFC Founder, Julie Uhrman, as she talks about what it's like to create a movement from scratch, without a roadmap. This is an inspiring, action-packed interview for anyone on a mission to change the world.   *** To listen to the full episode, to become an active supporter or participant of Angel City...
Published 08/12/21
There's a new team in town. Last year, there was a massive announcement that rocked the sports world. With the news of a new team joining the NWSL (National Women’s Soccer League) came the excitement of a legendary management team that was sure to garner enthusiasm and support. The founding members comprised of not just athletes, but BIG-name celebrity actors and actresses, activists, and entrepreneurs, and to set the team even further apart, the majority of the team is owned by women. On...
Published 08/10/21
Why do some ideas get materialized and other sit on the shelves for weeks, years or even decades? Similarly, why do we not do the things we need to do in order to accelerate or improve things like our relationships, business, health? On today's episode, I'm sharing about a new revelation I had just a few weeks ago that shed light on this exact topic. I created a formula that will help you go from idea into action (hint: step 4 is the one you've probably been missing!)  ====== To learn more...
Published 07/27/21
Each week, I receive a number of questions from listeners just like you asking about various topics in life, business and spirituality. The intersection of those pieces is truly where this show shines. So today, I’m answering some of the most recent questions about health, pitching, coaching, relationships and business: * What mistake do I see people making in business right now? * How do you balance running a business, health / healing and a relationship? * What is something you once...
Published 07/20/21
We're told from the time we're young that "Practice Makes Perfect"  as though perfection should be the motivator. As we age and grow wiser, we get a more comprehensive view of what we're actually striving for, and learn about the misconception of perfection. In this bonus clip, you'll learn how to cultivate a Champion Mentality. ==== To learn more about how I can help you get clarity and better systems to scale your business, please visit: www.unbecomingpodcast.com/coaching *** To access...
Published 07/15/21