In today’s episode, I want to dig into a topic that has been coming up a lot in conversations I’ve been having with sooo many ladies lately: the unnecessary pressure and judgment from others regarding your nutrition and fitness choices. This is something that fires me UP; I’ve dealt with this often myself throughout my fitness journey, so you better believe this one is going to be spicy! Unfortunately, judgment from others will always be there, but I want to tackle this subject as it relates ...
Published 06/11/24
Published 06/11/24
I’m fresh from celebrating my 43rd birthday + my daughter's graduation and party; honestly, there were sooo many celebrations during the month of May! It has been a LOT, and I’m finally coming down from the ‘high’ of all of it. Even with everything that’s been going on in my world lately, I’ve learned that it’s STILL possible to make progress toward (or at the very least, maintain) your fitness goals! I thought this episode would be the perfect time to address a couple of questions I received...
Published 06/04/24
Today is a pretty special day - it’s my 43rd birthday!! After a pretty fun (but also VERY chaotic) last couple of weeks celebrating my daughter’s high school graduation and grad party, I hope to be somewhere relaxing, and enjoying some peace and quiet on my birthday.You could say life has been pretty overwhelming for me lately, and I’ve been hearing that from many of my clients and other ladies as well. For today’s episode, I really want to share some very real talk when it comes to your heal...
Published 05/28/24
I don’t know about you, but the month of May has been pretty crazy, and has flown by! Between Mother’s Day, my wedding anniversary, my birthday, and other special occasions (like my daughter's high school graduation), it’s a fun month I always look forward to. I also know this can be a challenging time of year as kids are finishing up school, and everyone is transitioning to summer..which also means you may feel like you won’t be able to stay on track with your fitness goals. I used to feel t...
Published 05/21/24
Send us a Text Message.Today’s episode topic isn’t necessarily groundbreaking information, or anything you’ve never heard before, but..it’s pretty damn important! When it comes to your health and fitness, intentionality is KEY. While it’s a pretty basic concept, too often, we ‘unintentionally’ drift into unhealthy habits (or habits we weren't setting out to create). We don’t usually realize this has happened, but it can feel really difficult to get back to being intentional with our workouts,...
Published 05/14/24
Send us a Text Message.Today’s episode is covering a VERY requested topic I’ve gotten lately - the smart scale!I personally use the RENPHO Smart Scale, and I absolutely love it! I highly encourage my clients to get a smart scale, because it tracks SO much more than a typical scale that just gives you your body weight. The smart scale provides some pretty fascinating data when it comes to health metrics, but I promise to keep the information I’m sharing here simple and digestible (no BS like a...
Published 05/07/24
Send us a Text Message.I’ve been noticing a common theme when working with my clients lately - it’s also something that I’ve experienced myself, and have come to realize I’m really good at doing. The ability to be able to pivot, and really embrace more flexibility on my fitness journey in a way that feels authentic to me has helped me SO much - it’s kind of my specialty. I’ve been at this for over 15 years now, so you could say I’ve had to pivot a time (or two) along the way! I’m current...
Published 04/30/24
Send us a Text Message.Have you ever felt like the scale is basically your worst enemy when it comes to your health and fitness??I hear often from the ladies I work with that they’re either weighing themselves daily and are super fixated on the results, or they’re never stepping foot on the scale and want to steer clear of it all together. Either way, the scale still seems to control SO much of how we feel about ourselves and our overall health. This is something I've personally struggled wit...
Published 04/23/24
Send us a Text Message. I will say this forever....consistency is the key to getting the healthy, fit body you want. Patience plays a big part as well. I started my Spring cut a few weeks ago and it has been a SLOW progress. In years past I would have gotten very discouraged and went to drastic measures to lose a few pounds. This year I am proud of my mindset and ability to show up despite not seeing changes on the scale. I have been reminded of the importance of consistency during this...
Published 04/16/24
Send us a Text Message. Whether you are just curious about my journey from hairstylist to Beachbody coach to full time personal trainer or if you would like to help others in the fitness field, this podcast is a little sample of what my timeline and career journey looks like. It was hard to decide which parts to share and what would best help you understand my journey the most... so in true Kristy fashion I share a little of everything! Starting as a Beachbody coach and transitioning into...
Published 04/09/24
The entire point of unf*cking your fitness is to think about things differently, in a way that actually works, so you can stop the diet cycle you are stuck in. Do you "burn off" calories you've eaten? Do you do extra cardio so you can eat more? Earn your food? Do you obsess over macros and calories? I used to do those things too! The good news is you can redefine your relationship with fitness and food! Imagine appreciating each calorie not as something to burn off on the treadmill but as...
Published 04/02/24
This episode is a great conversation about how to approach the topic of health and fitness with your kids. I get asked about this commonly and I feel like I can't give that advice since I don't know your kids. So instead, lets have a conversation about things to take into consideration when deciding how you want to handle to topic of food in your home. I started lifting weights (little weights 😆) when my kids were 2  and 6 months old... that was 15 years ago. I have lived through my own...
Published 03/26/24
This episode is full of tough love and truth bombs! I think you will really enjoy and appreciate my thoughts on this topic "No one is coming to save you." You will walk away feeling motivated! You have to take control. That is a scary thing to hear when you don't know what steps to take and don't have the confidence it takes to get sh*t done. I know, I've been there. I get real about the consequences of the broken promises we make to ourselves and how they silently chip away at our...
Published 03/19/24
Carbs have been demonized for far too long, and it's time to set the record straight. We have made so much progress in the health and fitness space with weight lifting and overall treating our bodies better... but the fear of carbs is still alive and well and it needs to stop. I would love to help you realize you can have a healthy mindset around carbs and that YOU can be in control. Carbs come in different forms: oatmeal, rice, bread, fruit, veggies and oreos. YOU can choose what you would...
Published 03/12/24
I have felt bombarded on social media lately with ads of products promising to improve my face, my body, my digestion, my sleep (and just about everything else... and honestly... I'm sick of it. It makes me feel like I can't get away from the pressure of buying something or looking a certain way.  Social media in general has become overwhelming lately and the constant feeling of needing to look, shop and workout the way someone else does and it has me feeling irritated.  Please join me in...
Published 03/05/24
Every season in my 15 year fitness journey has been a lesson in determination and grit...a test to see if I would quit or keep going! This current season is proving to be the same. This episode is about my current personal struggles as well as my mindset to get through it. There is always something that could be in our way if we let it... life, family, health issues, self sabotage. There are always reasons and excuses why we can't get started: I'm too busy, I'm too old, I'm too overweight....
Published 02/27/24
The title pretty much says it all! "THIS SH*T IS NOT OPTIONAL". I see so many people approaching health and fitness with an optional mentality...  When it's gets hard, you quit. When it's time consuming, you quitWhen it feels uncomfortable, you quitWhen you are not motivated, you quitIf it "doesn't work for you", you quit A lot of things in life are not optional... health and fitness should be one of those things. From the moment I realized this was a life-long journey I decided to never...
Published 02/20/24
Most of the ways I see other people approaching macros do not work for me. For example: Have you ever found yourself knee-deep in tupperware during a weekend meal prep marathon, only to end up with food that you don't even want by Wednesday? Yeah, me too.. and I hated it.   I needed to figure out how to make macro tracking work for ME! I started learning about macros at the same time I learned to budget (which I talk a lot about in this episode). I saw success through being perfect with...
Published 02/13/24
Do you get stuck wondering why it feels like you never get any closer to making progress or reaching your goals?  Sometimes you even feel like you are working hard but you still quit or get stuck!? Things always happen to cause setbacks in your progress?? There are 4 traits, mindsets, attitudes that I have noticed in myself and my clients over the years that cause this feeling of being stuck. In this episode I am sorting through them with you so you can easily identify if these are what it...
Published 02/06/24
I'm dishing out some real talk about those New Year's resolutions. You know, those promises we all make to ourselves as the previous year fades away? Well, it's time to check in. Are you still working hard toward your goals? Have you already given up? I am somewhere in between, and if you are too... this episode is for you! I'm sharing my personal insights on why a January slow start isn't just okay—it's actually pretty smart. (If I do say so myself!!) What happens when the excitement of...
Published 01/30/24
I am answering some common questions about workouts in this episode. How to create a workout routine and schedule. How and when to incorporate cardio and rest days. What lifting gear I use.The best equipment to have in your home gym... and more!  I really enjoy getting questions from you and being able to give you my thoughts on these topics! I hope you enjoy this episode!    How to work with me: FIT CLUB is a monthly membership with workouts designed to take the guesswork out of your...
Published 01/23/24
This episode covers two important topics: The mindset you need to see success with macros and the correct way to find your calorie/macro goals. If you approach macros from a place of restriction you are doing yourself a disservice. Macros are the way you fuel your body for longevity and true health, it's not a quick fix. I help my clients view macros differently and this episode will help you too!  Knowing how to set up your macro targets is a common struggle and I wanted to be sure to...
Published 01/16/24
The 75 Hard Challenge - The 75 Day Tactical Guide to Winning the War with Yourself. I get a lot of questions about this program: whether or not I have done it, if I think it's a good program, do I recommend it, etc? So... let's talk about it! In this episode I lay it all out there. As you already know, I believe in a lifestyle change. I do not teach restriction, excessive cardio or short term results but I think my thoughts on this challenge will surprise some of you!   How to work with...
Published 01/09/24
This is the first episode of 2024 and it's going to start your year off in a great way! We're talking about the 4 things you need to do to creating a strategy that aligns with your body's needs and your goals so you can feel confident in your journey. The strategy I lay out in this episode is a crucial part to seeing results. 1. Gain the knowledge 2. Make the choice 3. Have a strategy 4. Commit I go into detail about each topic and explain WHY each is so important in completing. Most...
Published 01/02/24