The 75 Hard Challenge - The 75 Day Tactical Guide to Winning the War with Yourself. I get a lot of questions about this program: whether or not I have done it, if I think it's a good program, do I recommend it, etc? So... let's talk about it! In this episode I lay it all out there. As you already know, I believe in a lifestyle change. I do not teach restriction, excessive cardio or short term results but I think my thoughts on this challenge will surprise some of you!   How to work with...
Published 01/09/24
This is the first episode of 2024 and it's going to start your year off in a great way! We're talking about the 4 things you need to do to creating a strategy that aligns with your body's needs and your goals so you can feel confident in your journey. The strategy I lay out in this episode is a crucial part to seeing results. 1. Gain the knowledge 2. Make the choice 3. Have a strategy 4. Commit I go into detail about each topic and explain WHY each is so important in completing. Most...
Published 01/02/24
Let's chat about the current most popular fitness trends I am seeing all over Instagram! I can't get on social media for any amount of time without seeing something claiming to get rid of the "mom pooch" or "snatch your waist" or release trauma in my body. And as you can imagine.... it drives me crazy. These posts and videos are most commonly created to gain views or mislead you into believing you need what they are selling ... NOT to actually help you. The marketing can be tricky! They...
Published 12/26/23
I believe that you do have to understand and track macros to really have success in your health and fitness journey. I don't know if I have ever said that in such a firm way before (since it's not going to match everyone's opinion) but F-it.... it's the truth.  I am going to stand by my opinion here. To have confidence in anything you have to understand it ... your fitness journey is no exception. I truly believe that you cannot Intermittent Fast, Keto (or insert any other diet) your way to...
Published 12/19/23
I know how exhausting, overwhelming and stressful this time of year (...or any time of year if we are being honest) is. Which is exactly why you need to hear this episode!  There is a way to navigate these stressors without letting it completely derail your health and fitness journey or your mental health. This episode revolves around stress in its many forms and its impact on our overall well-being. I’ll be sharing not just my insights, but also my personal experiences with stress, its...
Published 12/12/23
It sounds a bit cheesy to say "macros and workouts changed my life" but, honestly, they did. When I really took the time to look back on my journey from the restrictive and obsessive lifestyle I was living to what I went through to get to the freedom based fitness lifestyle I currently live ... I was shocked at how much different I am now. How different my life is now.  I no longer view food as restrictive. I no longer view workouts as punishment. I am no longer obsessed with my food,...
Published 12/05/23
Are you struggling to reset after indulging in the holiday yumminess? A lof of my clients are too! You are probably feeling disappointed that you ate more than you told yourself you would or you missed more workouts than you planned.  I know it’s easy to fall into the guilt trap, feeling the need to compensate for that extra slice of pie by doubling up on workouts or severely cutting calories.  I can tell you from experience that it not the best way to "get back on track". Punishing...
Published 11/28/23
Are you tired of feeling stress and guilt about enjoying the holidays? Overthinking every party and every meal? Thinking you have messed up and lost all of the progress you made?   I've been there and am truly thankful for the time I have put into my mindset, macros and workouts so that I don't have to think this way anymore. I didn't want this episode to be your basic advice that every personal trainer shares on social media. Instead, this episode will equip you with practical tips to...
Published 11/21/23
I remember feeling like fitness was something I would never be able to fit into my life... not long term anyway.  I felt like I was constantly giving up things I loved or rearranging my entire life to meal plan, meal prep and workout. It seemed impossible to do it all. I eventually realized that I needed to do it my way and make it fit into my life, not the other way around. One-size-fit's-all fitness plans were not working for me.  I needed something I could actually stick to, that I...
Published 11/14/23
Sometimes it's hard to know whether you should hit the gym or hit snooze when you are feeling under the weather. Sickness is something I used to struggle with in my fitness journey and since I have been sick for going on 7 days ... I decided to get real in this episode about how I have navigated these last few days to hopefully give you permission to navigate in a similar way when you are sick. Being able to listen to and understand your body is vital when you are sick. Your body needs to...
Published 11/07/23
Have you ever felt stuck in your fitness journey? Wondering why you're not seeing results despite all your hard work? Feel like you should be seeing changes faster than you are? Well... in this episode I am going to change the way you think about plateaus! Instead of seeing them as a frustrating roadblock, I am here to help you embrace them as an essential part of your progress. Remember, consistency is key, and your body needs a break sometimes to focus on other jobs besides shedding fat and...
Published 10/31/23
I know it's frustrating not to know the exact steps to take when starting a fitness program. Do you start with nutrition? Do you start with workouts? Do you jump in and do it all at the same time? In this episode I talk about exactly what I would do if I had to start my journey all over again! I remember the feeling of having no idea where to start. I also remember trying to do it all at once and feeling like I was going to hard and couldn't maintain that pace. I feel confident that if I...
Published 10/24/23
Have you ever felt overwhelmed by the thought of jumping back into routine after a trip or vacation? You're not alone. In this episode I chat about my reality of juggling responsibilities while attending my best friend's out of town wedding and my own struggles of getting back on track with my routine.  I'll share the real struggles of managing a family, a job, and other commitments while attempting to stay on track. I get real about  the mental load that comes with traveling and the...
Published 10/17/23
Are you struggling to find a balance between staying consistent with your fitness routine while also understanding and listening to your body's needs? You're not alone! I talk about the importance of consistency...I also talk about being able to listen to and honor what your body is telling you. But what if they seem contradicting? How do we do both? I know how hard it can be to find a balance. This episode is all about how you can achieve your fitness goals without falling into the trap of...
Published 10/10/23
It's time to talk about the reality of our fitness journeys.  Have you ever found yourself feeling lost in the comparison and self-doubt... feeling like you should have lost more weight or that you should be further along than you are? The key is to separate yourself from the outcome and instead be sure to focus on the daily habits. I am talking to you as your coach in this episode, chatting about the cycle of comparison and the pressure of unrealistic timelines (that we usually set on...
Published 10/03/23
I know protein is not a topic most people get excited about.... but I do. This episode is all about the importance of consuming enough protein and I think you will have a new outlook on the topic after listening to this episode. Getting enough protein in your diet can be a struggle. I want to help you make it simple and even more than that I want to let you know WHY protein is so important. Protein is a major building block of our body. Protein fuels our bodies, aids in cell repair,...
Published 09/26/23
Do you ever get caught wondering if your fitness journey will ever feel like a lifestyle? What would that look like for you?  Will it ever feel easy to hit your protein goal? Will working out ever become a habit? I know my clients struggle with this and I thought you might too. I have been on my fitness journey for almost 15 years and if I am good at one thing... it's making fitness a lifestyle! Creating a sustainable fitness lifestyle is more than just about losing weight or gaining...
Published 09/19/23
I am sure you have heard of calorie and carb cycling and have probably wondered if it is beneficial for your health and/or weight loss journey. In this episode I will be explaining my honest thoughts on both topics. The truth is these methods might not be the best approach for you if your goal is to look good, feel good, and enjoy food freedom. I view carb and calorie cycling as something that is unnecessary and something to further confuse you in your journey. Yes, most things in the...
Published 09/12/23
What if the only thing holding you back from achieving your fitness goals was your mindset and the fact that you keep giving up? Would you be willing to change that? Here are some questions to ask yourself: Do you rely on motivation to keep you going? Do you want to quit when the results don't come fast enough? Do you struggle to stay consistent? Do you show up even when you don't want to? Are you showing up as the person you want to be? Are you hitting your macros? Truth bomb... those...
Published 09/05/23
Progressive overload is a pretty popular term in the online space these days and I want to give you my thoughts about it. Instead of it being another thing you have to try to navigate, I would like to help you understand what it means and whether or not it is something that you need to implement into your workouts.  I do not recommend progressive overload be a focus for everyone in a workout program, sometimes it can do more harm than good. It is important to get consistent with your routine...
Published 08/29/23
Are you ready for some real talk about fitness and life? This episode covers 11 topics that I really want you to know my thoughts on. Everything from carbs to confidence, from feeling sexy to saying "f**k no" to things that don't align with you. I get many messages with reoccurring themes and today I complied them to set the record straight. In this episode, we'll talk about carbs and rest days being not only good... but necessary. We will chat about societal standards and the freedom to...
Published 08/22/23
In this episode I'm going to shed light on some technical aspects that I often find my clients questioning. We'll be reviewing the importance of rest times during your workouts, the role pre-workout meals play, and the best approach to stretching before and after your sessions. Remember, while these aspects are very important, nothing beats consistency, macro tracking, hydration, sleep, and regular exercise when it comes to achieving your fitness goals. Now, imagine this: you're at the gym,...
Published 08/15/23
Have you ever focused so hard on the number on the scale dropping...assuming that's where you will find happiness? Do you tend to associate a toned body with confidence and an overweight body with lack of it? You're definitely not alone! In this episode I am talking about how to attain true happiness in your fitness journey... and it goes beyond body shapes and sizes. We are going to debunk the myth of equating fitness with happiness, proving that it's not about having the perfect body, but...
Published 08/08/23
Ever felt overwhelmed by the fitness industry's flashy images, constant product sales and unrealistic expectations? I've been there, and I'm here to tell you, there's a better way. Let me take you on a journey where I learned to tune out the noise and built my dream body, all while juggling the roles of a mom, wife, and business owner. The secret to my success? A four-step process I'm about to lay out for you.  I'll share my own experiences with this process, how I cut the BS and how I make...
Published 08/01/23
I get a little spicy in this episode!  I have been on my own fitness journey for 14 years and I have heard it all. So many comments and opinions on my body, the way I eat, the goals I have... all of it. When I first started I thought everyone would be proud, want to join me and get fit too! Or at least be supportive... and I was wrong! It turns out people make fun of things they don't understand or are not willing to work for. (Ope... READ THAT AGAIN) If you are on your own fitness journey...
Published 07/25/23