Question for you: What’s your business vibe? Who are you attracting? What message are you conveying? The answers to these questions all come down to your brand identity. One of the very first things we do as business owners is create a visual representation of our business. And that’s one of the most important decisions because it helps create your business vibe. So today, we’re going to go over the questions you need to ask to discover this vibe, AKA your brand identity. Create Your Niche...
Published 05/01/24
Published 05/01/24
Does it feel like an uphill battle to get paying clients? Not sure how you’re supposed to get these clients when your social media posts aren’t getting any engagement and your following isn’t growing? Today, we’re taking social media out of the equation entirely, going back to basics, and breaking down all the other avenues you can use to get clients in your coaching programs, packages, and courses quickly, so you don’t have to stress about what to post or what the algorithm is doing that day...
Published 04/24/24
There’s a trend going around Instagram right now called, “The Instagram is fake” trend where business owners and influencers are getting vulnerable and sharing what’s really going on for them behind the scenes—the secret thoughts, fears, and beliefs they have that Instagram doesn’t show. After seeing quite a few of these posts in my feed the past few weeks, I’ve noticed some commonalities in what really goes through the minds of successful business owners. So today, I’m sharing the key...
Published 04/17/24
If there’s one thing I see lacking in new business owners across the board, females in particular, it’s confidence. Whether it’s not believing in their capabilities to run a business or not feeling sure in their ability to help the people they want to help, one thing’s for sure…it’s keeping them from their business dreams. In this episode, I’ll go over 5 things you can do to build confidence in your business so you can put yourself out there, show up for your clients, and create the success...
Published 04/10/24
Building your program is a major milestone in your business and something to celebrate in itself. But now, it’s time to invite people in and make sales, AKA host your beta launch. In this episode, I’ll walk you through the exact steps to follow for your program's beta launch and the common ingredients I see people missing from their launch that leave them disappointed, doubting their program, and questioning their business…when really it’s just because they need to tweak their launch...
Published 03/27/24
Ever wondered what it’s REALLY like to create a program from start to finish? Sure, it seems so easy for everyone else, but when you think about the process yourself, it’s confusing, overwhelming, and seems like it would take forever. Well today, I’m taking you behind the scenes of the past few months in my business while creating my newest program from start to finish or, as I like to call it brainstorm to beta launch, I’m breaking down what I worked on, when, and for how long, so you can...
Published 03/20/24
One of the biggest questions that comes up when my clients are putting together a paid offer is, “Will someone buy this?” Which to some degree also begs the question, “What if nobody buys this?” Both of which are real questions you should be considering in your business. After all, you definitely do not want to spend the time and energy putting together an offer that no one actually wants and doesn’t bring in any income for you. So, in this episode, I’m breaking down all of the tips, tricks,...
Published 03/13/24
I think we can all agree that building a business is a rollercoaster ride of emotions. And sometimes, that rollercoaster ride can make it seem like the idea of giving up on your business dreams is the easiest and best option for you. And, guess what, sometimes it IS the right thing to do. So, how do you know when you should give up on your business dreams and when you should keep moving forward? I’ll give you the key signs to look for in this episode. +++ Are you building YOUR flow business?...
Published 03/06/24
Does it ever seem like there are SO many people doing what you do that it feels impossible to get noticed, let alone build a thriving business in such a crowded space? With the rapid growth of the online coaching space, it often can feel like there are just TOO many people all trying to do something similar for you to really be able to stand out, share your message, and attract the right people to your work. Well, Today is the day all that changes. Because in this episode, I’m sharing the 3...
Published 02/28/24
The word copywriting alone is an anxiety trigger for too many coaches, practitioners, experts, solopreneurs, and small business owners. But wait, it doesn’t have to be this way! And really, shouldn't be. Because you literally can't afford to shy away from writing copy for your business because good copy is essential to getting clients and making sales. In this episode, I'm sharing 3 simple hacks you can do TODAY to turn your copywriting skills to pro-level so clients find YOU instead of you...
Published 02/21/24
It doesn’t take more than a 10 second scroll on Instagram or Facebook before you run into an ad promoting something…and it’s something you kinda actually want and need. Social media ads are everywhere and for good reason…they work. For us coaches, practitioners, and experts, they help get your work in front of the right people—the people that want and need your help. That’s powerful stuff, especially in a world where organic visibility is becoming harder and harder by the day. So today, I’m...
Published 02/07/24
Social media is a hot topic for a lot of business owners, and for good reason. Some love it, most don’t love it, and everyone’s trying to figure out how to use it to grow their business, Many times, when the topic of social media comes up, it comes with a lot of heaviness, frustration, disappointment, and confusion. No longer is it just an app to share photos and stories. For many, it’s a source of stress and resistance. In this episode, I’m going to share the 5 ways I changed my relationship...
Published 01/31/24
We’ve all heard about the glorious benefits of making “passive income.” Making sales while you sleep, are on vacation, or playing with your kids. It sounds almost too good to be true in our chronically overworked, underpaid world. Except real people are doing it with their businesses, and it IS totally possible for you. But there’s more to the story with passive income that not enough people talk about. In this episode, I’m going to break down the truth about passive income. Messaging Magic...
Published 01/24/24
Take a peek into my world and what it's like running an online business while protecting my time, space, and energy as an introvert. I'll take you through a typical week in my life and business—what I spend my time on, how much I work, when and how I work, how I make money, when I make money, etc... This is to show you what’s possible but also to show you HOW possible it is for you. You can have a simple, low-key, thriving business. Aligned Launch Lab Waitlist -...
Published 01/17/24
 We’re approaching that time of year! The time where everyone creates resolutions and goals for the new year ahead filled with hope and promise that things will finally come together over the next 365 days. On Unstuck Entrepreneur, we’re going to do something different. Yes, goals are important for your business and you should be thinking of your goals for the next year. But before you do that, you need to create your vision for the year ahead that will guide your goal-making process. We’ll...
Published 01/03/24
Let’s talk about the fear of failure. It’s the biggest fear out there for entrepreneurs. In fact, I think it's the most common reason that most businesses never even get off the ground.  In this episode, I talk about getting over the fear of failure and the inner work required to see it for what it *really* is. I also share my 4 best tips you can do today to move through your fear and focus on your success.  “Failure is part of the process, it’s part of having a business… just think of it as...
Published 12/20/23
For the past 5 years, I’ve had over 20 streams of income in my online business, with all but one of them being "passive." To say I am a BIG fan of this business model is a complete understatement. And it’s interesting to me because I don’t see enough business owners taking advantage of all the income opportunities at their fingertips. I’m here to change that! In this episode, I’m going to take you behind the scenes of my business, share more about each one of these income streams, and give...
Published 12/13/23
There’s one big marketing mistake that I see a lot of wellness business owners making that they don’t even realize they’re making. And If you’re someone who’s making this mistake, it’s easily costing you clients, sales and income. With just one simple shift, you can solve this problem, save your marketing materials, and quickly start making more sales, attracting a bigger audience, and connecting deeper with your people. Let’s find out if you’re making this big marketing mistake and how you...
Published 12/06/23
So, you’re ready to take content creation seriously in your business and get new eyes on your work. But then, you sit down to create and…nothing. You feel blocked, not knowing what to say in your content that will actually move the needle in your business. It feels like there should be some sort of organization and strategy involved, but if so, you don’t have it. Has this scenario ever happened to you? Chances are…if you’ve ever tried to create meaningful content for your business…it’s crept...
Published 11/28/23
I know business-building can feel overwhelming. I know the to-do list can get so long that it stops you from ever getting started. I know it can seem like getting clients and building an audience is almost impossible these days. But, it doesn't have to be that way. In this episode, I’ll share the 7 simple action items you can take right now to start and grow a profitable wellness business without working more hours or adding more stress. “I just started putting myself out there. I made...
Published 11/22/23
Struggling to grow your email list despite offering valuable freebies? You're not alone! Today, we discuss the complexities of enticing people to sign up for your list and the art of creating irresistible freebies. We delve into the nitty-gritty of the process, discussing what it takes to get your freebie in front of the right eyes, and how to keep it there. But creating a compelling freebie is only half the battle. Promotion is key, and this episode reveals the magic formula of repetition...
Published 11/15/23
Ahhh, that business to-do list. The plan you have in place to make it all happen. Seems easy enough to just work through that list and have your dream business in no time. So then, why can't you stick to that plan? On today's listener question episode, we're talking about the possible barriers to your business-building action plan, including a VERY important one...self-doubt. You don't *actually* think it's possible for yourself. So when it comes time to take real action, all kinds of blocks...
Published 11/08/23
Today, we're talking with my friend and fellow online business boss, Stephanie Dodier, about her journey from a corporate executive to a nutrition coach, and then to a successful online entrepreneur. Stephanie's "safe" corporate job was anything but, and a major wake-up call led to her drop it all and take a big leap of faith to start the business she now operates today. Drawing from her personal battle with weight for a quarter of a century, Stephanie's mission is to guide others to heal...
Published 11/01/23
Ever felt the weight of "the shoulds" dictating your next business move? Me too. In this episode, I'm sharing my personal experiences and struggles of feeling pressured to conform to business trends to finally attain a flow business. The road to success isn't paved with 'shoulds'; instead, it's about moving from resistance to alignment. We'll dig deep into the fears that often drive our decisions and differentiate between what is truly essential and what is a perceived 'should'. Together,...
Published 10/25/23