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The USC Center on Philanthropy and Public Policy
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What are the enabling conditions that are paving the way for turnaround in Detroit and other cities? What is required to sustain the arc of growth as cities stabilize and achieve work towards a new equilibrium? Moderator Carol Coletta Senior Fellow, The Kresge Foundation Panelists Jill...
Published 05/05/16
What are some of the specific strategies and organizational structures that have emerged in Detroit to address planning, entrepreneurship and the creative economy, and how do they relate to approaches and practices found in other cities? Moderator Wendy Jackson Interim Co-Managing Director,...
Published 05/05/16
What are some of the specific strategies and organizational structures that have emerged in Detroit to address planning, entrepreneurship and the creative economy, and how do they relate to approaches and practices found in other cities? Economic Development Michael Forsyth Motor City Match...
Published 05/05/16
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