God made sex for procreation and pleasure. It was His idea, and He called it good. God desires for His people to have healthy sex lives built inside marriages through companionship, covenant, and the mingling of souls.
Published 04/28/24
Published 04/28/24
Friendship is the lost art of Christian marriage. There isn’t a greater love than someone laying down their life for a friend. In John 15, Christ gives us a unique command, calls us to a new kind of relationship, and demonstrates the greatest form of love.
Published 04/21/24
Marriage is an imperfect picture of Christ and His Church. Wives are to respect and encourage their husbands and husbands are to love and build up their wives. The woman does it imperfectly as the church does it imperfectly. And the husband has no chance compared to the perfect love of Jesus Christ.
Published 04/14/24
From the beginning, God’s design for human union came through the partnership and picture of marriage. Through the subordination of their own desires, the man and woman image Christ to each other and push back the darkness in the culture at large.
Published 04/07/24
In defiance of death, Christ rose from the grave and imparted life to all who believe. He has reanimated our hearts with abundant life, fullness of joy, and pleasures forevermore.
Published 03/31/24
God loves everybody. He can save anybody. He can use everybody. He is always working, and you can trust Him. Jesus longs to meet you, use you for His glory, and bless you beyond measure.
Published 03/24/24
We are fully known and fully loved by our God. He calls us His children, priests, heirs, friends, His workmanship, and the chosen citizens of heaven. In full knowledge of our best and worst moments, God pours out His love on us and calls us saints.
Published 03/17/24
The Word of the Lord is sweeter than honey and more precious than gold. If any of us lacks wisdom, His Word says to ask for it, and He will give. Whoever hears His words and does them belongs to God and builds their house on the Rock.
Published 03/10/24
The current state of our building project is a great picture of the believer’s life. Exciting progress is evident, but it still looks a little busted up. But we are sold out to the legacy we leave, knowing He who began this great work is faithful to complete it. Whether physical venues of worship...
Published 03/03/24
Christ, the Great High Priest, sat down with the Father because He finished the work of sacrifice forever. So we lift our eyes to Him. We remember our story is a part of the greater story and we run, laying aside sin and lesser loves for His glory.
Published 02/27/24
Our long journey home to the Father is an ever-expanding love and allegiance to Him. We give all of life for all of life—our actions, thoughts, money, relationships, careers, and even our imaginations—for the sake of God’s mission. We exist to love God, love people, and make disciples of Jesus Ch...
Published 02/19/24
We live in a moment of history that is outraged, anxious, and divided. There are cultural, political, and spiritual realities at play that are unique to our moment. God has placed us at this point in His story; what will we do? How will we respond?
Published 02/14/24
Three stories are unfolding: your story, our story, and The Story. God has uniquely wired you and called you to a specific place and time so that you might take part in this grand story of creation, fall, redemption, and restoration.
Published 02/04/24
Published 01/29/24
The lineage of Jesus shows us that His kingdom would be unlike any other. Through Christ, the dividing wall of hostility was torn down. We once retreated to the safety of homogeny. But Christ has brought together people from every tribe, tongue, and nation into a blessed unity.
Published 01/23/24
He, the Author and Sustainer of life, made us in His image. Humans, regardless of ethnicity, health, wealth, age, abilities, and place in history are equal in their value and honor as image bearers. May we be a community of life illuminating the darkness for the Glory of God and our joy.
Published 01/17/24
Christ is the door to freedom. He is the good shepherd, finding His own and guiding them through the door. Those who came before Him were thieves and liars. They peddled false gospels and murderous ideologies. Christ arrived with protection and care. He offered a clear way, a steadfast truth, and...
Published 01/07/24
The cycle of self-improvement and failure persists because we cannot save ourselves. The salvation we need is outside our grasp unless we are reaching for Jesus.
Published 12/31/23
The Creator of all things condescended and put on flesh. He came not for our condemnation but for our salvation. He, the pervasive light, has pierced the darkness, and the darkness will not overcome Him.
Published 12/24/23
Happiness and joy are not the same. Happiness can be snatched away in a moment, but joy has a resilience that withstands the hurt and disappointment of the world. We remember God’s good works, bring to Him our heart’s desires, and embrace His future hope which leads to a deepening of joy.
Published 12/17/23
We pray for the things that we love. The night Jesus was arrested, He prayed to the Father for His disciples in front of Him, and those who would come after—us. Christ’s glorious love broke into our loveless world, drawing us in that we might go out and love gloriously.
Published 12/12/23
We find in the reign of Christ a limitless expansion of His influence and the establishment of peace with no end. In Him, we receive wonderful counsel, a strong defense, and an end to spiritual oppression.
Published 12/03/23
Christmas as a commercial holiday always overpromises and under-delivers, leaving us unfulfilled. But Christmas remembered as the mercy of God sending His Son for us stirs in the believer a robust and renewed hope. So we place the anchor of our hope in this, that Jesus sees us in our lowly, fragi...
Published 11/26/23
The parable of the prodigal son has a natural focus on the son who leaves, lives recklessly, and returns. But many of us live out our faith like the older brother—living at home, with the Father, yet refusing to enter into joy. The younger brother chased the desires of his stomach and found himse...
Published 11/19/23