The episode tells the story of Justin Gambino, a Texas worship leader, recording artist, and songwriter whose life journey is a testament to faith and forgiveness. Raised in a devout Christian family, Justin's early passion for music led him to become a talented musician. However, in his teenage years, he succumbed to self-destructive behaviors, including addiction and legal troubles. Facing a pivotal moment in court at the age of 18, he chose redemption by opting for community service and...
Published 11/06/23
Worship Leader and The Walk Podcast had the exclusive opportunity to dive deep into the minds of the legendary Newsboys, featuring the dynamic duo of Michael Tait and Adam Agee. This candid and enlightening conversation took us on a journey through the intricate world of worship, music, and the challenges that fame brings. The Newsboys had more than just music to share; they offered a spiritual experience like no other. The Sonic Puzzle of Worship Music Our voyage begins with the enigmatic...
Published 10/30/23
Benji Cowart, a renowned Nashville songwriter, opens up about the struggles of balancing his creative profession with his spiritual journey. He candidly admits that the commercial aspects of songwriting have sometimes hindered his spiritual growth. However, he also recognizes that challenging periods can often serve as catalysts for spiritual revival. Cowart underscores the significance of seeking God's direction and embracing one's true calling in life. His insights offer valuable...
Published 10/23/23
In a heartfelt and insightful devotional, Mac Powell, a renowned worship pastor, musician, and solo Christian artist best known for being a part of the band Third Day, shared his perspective on what he considers to be his daily medicine for physical, mental, and spiritual strength.  Mac Powell centers his discussion on three pillars of daily medicine that have played a significant role in shaping his faith and sustaining him through life's challenges. The Word of God: Mac emphasizes the...
Published 10/16/23
He has sold over 50 million records over his seven decade career and has recorded more songs than any other artist in history, he’s a legendary singer, a Hollywood actor and personality, an author, a winner of countless awards, but most importantly he has been a man of faith since he was 13 and at 89 he has an abundance of wisdom that we can all learn from. On this episode of The Walk, we feature a conversation the remarkable Pat Boone. Pat Boone and Joshua Swanson discuss the importance of...
Published 10/09/23
In this conversation with Charity Gayle, she shares insights about her journey in worship music and her commitment to keeping worship sacred. Charity discusses how she was introduced to worship music through her family's deeply spiritual upbringing and her early exposure to choir and worship in church. She emphasizes the importance of worshipping in secret as a way to maintain the authenticity of worship and its significance in her life. Charity also reflects on the labels associated with...
Published 10/02/23
Tiffany Hudson of Elevation Worship uses an unlikely Bible character as an example of her “favorite worship leader.” John the Baptist isn’t necessarily remembered for his lyrical skills or musical abilities, but his heart is positioned in a posture of worship like few others written about in scripture. Tiffany’s devotional today teaches us how to posture ourselves in the same way as this great worship leader did when he fulfilled prophesy and prepared a way for the savior to come.  Key...
Published 09/25/23
Tyler Roberts of Red Rocks Worship brings our devotional today. He focuses on who you are in Christ. Knowing who you are and who you belong to will keep you focused on the Kingdom of God and not the kingdom of man. Key Takeaways: Who do you belong to? You belong to the Lord. What does that mean? Whatever God makes is “wonderful” and made with a purpose. So, you are made with a purpose and are wonderful. - - Psalm 139 You were born in His image with purpose. He has very good plans for...
Published 09/18/23
The tension between being celebrated for your gifting versus pointing the glory back to the Creator, our heavenly Father, is constant for people of faith.. On today’s episode of The Walk, our devotion is brought by a seasoned Worship Leader, songwriter, missionary, and artist, Jon Shabaglian. Jon has a word for all of us who claim to be Christ followers on just how easy it is to make God angry by abusing the gift we have been given for our own personal gain. Jon also has an interesting...
Published 09/11/23
Michael Bethany of Gateway Worship has been through a lot of transitions in his life. This episode of our devotional podcast, The Walk, starts when Michael was a boy growing up in his father's church and he heard the call to go into ministry.  Michael recently released an album called, Overflow, and it delivers a live worship experience featuring a multicultural sound of worship birthed out of Michael’s personal overflow of intimacy with God that was fostered and developed through the many...
Published 09/04/23
When the prayer of a parent for the healing of their child goes unanswered it can cause anyone to lose their faith. Chris Llewellyn from Rend Collective is our guest and he brings a devotional that shares some of his personal experiences in an honest and transparent way. During a very difficult time in Chris’s life he clung to this scripture:  2 Timothy 2:13 (NIV) …if we are faithless, he remains faithful, for he cannot disown himself. Even if we don’t have enough faith during lifes most...
Published 08/28/23
It's always incredible when a story that we've heard our entire lives turns into a story that we feel like we're hearing for the first time. As we grow in our faith and understanding of his Word, the Lord reveals more layers of truth and allows us to experience things that open up our eyes to new revelations. This story of Noah, as told from the perspective of our special guest Yancy, is one of those special stories that takes on new meaning as we are faced with challenges.  Genesis 6:9 This...
Published 08/21/23
"Beaming" in from New Zealand, one of our friends, Grant Norsworthy is our guest on this devotional episode of The Walk. From his days in Sonicflood leading I Could Sing Of Your Love Forever to an encounter with God on stage when he said, "Grant, I never asked you to sing of my Love. Instead, I asked you to be my love," Grant has a big message for all worshippers. He brings us back to the basics of what words like "worship" and "awesome" mean.  James 1:26 (NIV) Those who consider themselves...
Published 08/14/23
This special mid-week drop of The Walk is an interview with Scott Volk from Together for Israel.  Together for Israel is a non-profit ministry that exists to fulfill the biblical mandate to support those laboring in the land of Israel. We support the believers in Israel by unashamedly raising funds that specifically go to those who are laboring in the Land for the Gospel (Rom. 15:26-27). We are also a support for the Church as we bring clear Biblical teaching regarding God’s heart for...
Published 08/10/23
Everyone has an origin story and some are faced with trauma and hardship at an early age. On today’s episode of our devotional podcast, The Walk, Nathan Sheridan tells his story and it’s not an easy story to hear. He faced incredible challenges throughout his childhood, but God brought him through.  Romans 8:28-29 And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who[i] have been called according to his purpose. For those God foreknew he also predestined to be...
Published 08/07/23
Some situations are so painful that telling the story is just too hard, so the testimonies never get shared. In this episode of The Walk, Jess Loper (Chambers) shares a very personal experience that ends in redemption and healing. The strength and leadership that she displays just by being willing to share about her situation is a testament to who she is at her core; a strong, faithful, forgiving, servant of Jesus. Romans 8:28 (ESV) And we know that for those who love God all things work...
Published 07/31/23
On today's devotional podcast, we are blessed to have Seth & Nirva, artists and songwriters out of Chicago, who both bring different stories that intersect surrounding the concept of destroying strongholds and taking every thought captive.  The Bible says in 2 Corinthians 10 that we can make thoughts obey Christ.  3 For though we walk in the flesh, we are not waging war according to the flesh. 4 For the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh but have divine power to destroy...
Published 07/24/23
There are so many times we come to the Lord thinking that what we bring to him is somehow relevant or important. When, according to our guest Aaron Shust who has written some amazing worship songs like My Savior My God, our Father in heaven doesn't need anything from us, but he simply delights in us coming to him in praise and worship. There's nothing we can bring him that will change how much he loves us.  That love should show us just how WORTHY our King is of our praise. He is worthy of...
Published 07/17/23
Some Worship Leaders and songwriters have put in more time than others and therefore bring a depth of wisdom that can only be achieved through dedication. Justin Rizzo is one of those individuals. He’s an artist that writes music, movies, plays and has led thousands of hours of worship at the International House of Prayer in Kansas City. On this devotional episode, he addresses what so many of us can relate to - - insecurity around our prayers.  “I want to encourage you today to have...
Published 07/10/23
It’s no secret that some of the best songwriters pull their inspiration from personal experiences. In this episode of our devotional podcast, The Walk, once of worship’s most celebrated songwriters, Benji Cowart, shares how his son taught him a lesson that he’s carried with him his entire life. “I popped in and I'm like, ‘Hey bud.’ And he's like, ‘daddy, can you play with me?’ And I'm like, ‘sure.’ I was thinking I was gonna sit down for two minutes, hang out with him, and then move on. And...
Published 07/03/23
A true friend is not only someone who builds you up with “kisses and kindness,” but also someone who is willing to deliver hard truths that help you grow into a better person. A person more aligned with God’s vision for you. A person willing to love you by being fully honest with you. In this devotional episode of The Walk, Robbie Reider from Crossroads Church in Cincinnati, Ohio, shares an intimate look at a time in his life when his “Savior Complex” almost got in the way of God’s plan for...
Published 06/26/23
When one thinks of the heroes of worship in the Bible, who are some of the characters that come to mind? Abraham? Of course, he was a great man of faith and the first official “worshipper” in the Bible. (Genesis 22:1-19) King David? Well, he wrote most of the Psalms, which our modern Christian songwriters use to supplement their own lyrics, so that makes sense.  But what about Job? Brent McCorkle is a songwriter, composer, worship leader, editor, and film director. He recently Co-Directed...
Published 06/19/23
Psalm 40:2 (NIV) 2 He lifted me out of the slimy pit,     out of the mud and mire; he set my feet on a rock     and gave me a firm place to stand. So often in life, we must be broken before the Lord puts us back together and reveals in that brokenness his true plan for our lives. Iveth Luna is one of Contemporary Christian Music’s newcomers and she’s on a mission to point listeners to Jesus. In this episode, she talks about her call to leading worship and singing for the Lord. Her...
Published 06/12/23
There are some tests that take 40 years to turn into testimonies. In this episode of The Walk, we hear about Ryan Stevenson’s amazing mother and her 40 years of faithfulness. He also covers his perspective on God versus Jesus, which is both relevant and timely for so many of us that grew up in legalistic environments where the love of Christ was second to the discipline needed to build a relationship with a distant and unloving God. Ryan is best known for songs like Eye of the Storm, and for...
Published 06/05/23
Brett Younker may be best known as a songwriter and worship leader with Passion City Church in Atlanta, but, as you’ll hear in this outstanding devotional, he’s a church planter and most definitely a preacher. His heart for God is apparent and his challenge to all of us to open our whole hearts to God and allow the Holy Spirit to guide us through his plan for our lives is always a relevant message. Brett quotes A. W. Tozer in this episode and here is another relevant Tozer quote for this...
Published 05/29/23