Did you miss this week's Walkthrough™? Get a brief overview by listening to Lisa Johnson Smith's "Takeaways" segment, and then go back and listen to the full show. "Takeaways" is a regular segment at the end of every Walkthrough™ episode where we recap our guest's most important and memorable ideas and tips.
Published 10/27/22
You're constantly working to win that next appointment, listing, or new client -- but without a specific strategy, it's tough to beat the competition. What works for one person, won't work for everyone. This week on The Walkthrough™, veteran real estate coach, mega agent, and author Sean Moudry shares the best sales strategies that work for your personality type.
Published 10/24/22
Did you miss this week's Walkthrough™? Get a brief overview by listening to Matt McGee's "Takeaways" segment, and then go back and listen to the full show. "Takeaways" is a regular segment at the end of every Walkthrough™ episode where we recap our guest's most important and memorable ideas and tips.
Published 10/20/22
You've heard the stories. You've seen the videos. You know your peers are generating leads and growing their business on YouTube. But something is holding you back. Maybe you don't like how you look or sound on camera. Maybe you don't know what to say or how to edit. This week on The Walkthrough™, Shaheedah Hill -- an Atlanta real estate agent with more than 100,000 YouTube followers -- has practical advice to help you conquer those fears and start making videos.
Published 10/17/22
You got into real estate partly so you could control your own schedule. Now you've got plenty of clients, and you're happy about that. But, more recently, you're working overtime just to keep up with the abundance of showings, texts, and emails, calls and training sessions. You've started to feel like you just want to keep your head above the water. What you may be experiencing is agent burnout. This week on The Walkthrough™, we talk about the signs of burnout, what you can do to feel better,...
Published 10/10/22
Did you miss this week's Walkthrough™? Get a brief overview by listening to Matt McGee's "Takeaways" segment, and then go back and listen to the full show. "Takeaways" is a regular segment at the end of every Walkthrough™ episode where we recap our guest's most important and memorable ideas and tips.
Published 10/06/22
Accountability partners. Coaching. Daily meetings. Scoreboards. Pipeline review. Accountability comes in many forms and what works for the next agent may not work for you. But this much is sure: The most successful real estate agents didn't get where they are without accountability. This week on the 100th episode of The Walkthrough™, 11 top agents and coaches share what accountability looks like in their team- and solo agent-based businesses.
Published 10/03/22
Did you miss this week's Walkthrough™? Get a brief overview by listening to Matt McGee's "Takeaways" segment, and then go back and listen to the full show. "Takeaways" is a regular segment at the end of every Walkthrough™ episode where we recap our guest's most important and memorable ideas and tips.
Published 09/29/22
You've probably heard that open houses are a waste of time. They're old-fashioned and out of style. But our guest this week would say what's REALLY old-fashioned is doing open houses that don't work. This week on The Walkthrough™, Jordan Davis shares the system that has her team fighting over which open houses they get each week. It's a system they used to close almost 50 deals last year -- about 20% of their 230 total transactions.
Published 09/26/22
Did you miss this week's Walkthrough™? Get a brief overview by listening to Matt McGee's and Lisa Johnson Smith's "Takeaways" segment, and then go back and listen to the full show. "Takeaways" is a regular segment at the end of every Walkthrough™ episode where we recap our guest's most important and memorable ideas and tips.
Published 09/22/22
You've worked with dozens, or maybe hundreds, of appraisers in your real estate career. But how well do you REALLY know what an appraiser does? This week on The Walkthrough™, veteran appraiser Jamie Owen is back to talk about what he looks for when he visits and appraises a home. Does a pool always increase a home's value? (No.) Are cracks in the driveway a problem? (Not always.) What are the more subjective aspects of appraising a home's value, and how should you approach challenging an...
Published 09/19/22
Did you miss this week's Walkthrough™? Get a brief overview by listening to Matt McGee's and Lisa Johnson Smith's "Takeaways" segment, and then go back and listen to the full show. "Takeaways" is a regular segment at the end of every Walkthrough™ episode where we recap our guest's most important and memorable ideas and tips.
Published 09/15/22
There's been a lot of tension between you and appraisers over the past two years. Home prices skyrocketed at an unprecedented pace, and appraisers have struggled to find comparable sales that justify what your buyers and sellers have agreed to. Making matters worse, there's always been a bit of mystery surrounding how appraisers do their job. This week on The Walkthrough™, Jamie Owen, a veteran appraiser in Cleveland, helps us take the mystery out of appraisals. He'll walk us step-by-step...
Published 09/12/22
Did you miss this week's Walkthrough™? Get a brief overview by listening to Matt McGee's "Takeaways" segment, and then go back and listen to the full show. "Takeaways" is a regular segment at the end of every Walkthrough™ episode where we recap our guest's most important and memorable ideas and tips.
Published 09/01/22
When Monique Walker began in real estate almost 20 years ago, she started making her calls. And she hasn't stopped since. This week on The Walkthrough™, Monique shares the prospecting system that's earning her team 15 listings every month. Because it's easy to get distracted by what's new or what's sexy in real estate, but oftentimes it's the most basic things we do that build the strongest business.
Published 08/29/22
Did you miss this week's Walkthrough™? Get a brief overview by listening to Matt McGee's "Takeaways" segment, and then go back and listen to the full show. "Takeaways" is a regular segment at the end of every Walkthrough™ episode where we recap our guest's most important and memorable ideas and tips.
Published 08/25/22
The days of putting a home on the market and watching it sell almost immediately (and for inflated prices) are coming to an end. Price reductions are on the rise in many markets. As the market changes, the way you talk to sellers about how to price their home should change, too. This week on The Walkthrough™, Aaron Novello says it's your job to help sellers understand the reality of this changing market. He'll share his exact scripts with six essential phrases you can use to help your sellers...
Published 08/22/22
Did you miss this week's Walkthrough™? Get a brief overview by listening to Matt McGee's "Takeaways" segment, and then go back and listen to the full show. "Takeaways" is a regular segment at the end of every Walkthrough™ episode where we recap our guest's most important and memorable ideas and tips.
Published 08/18/22
Does it seem like half the agents in your market do buyer seminars to build their pipeline? Here's your chance to stand out from the crowd: Seller seminars will set you apart, build your pipeline with sellers, and win more listings. This week on The Walkthrough™, Dr. Carlton Bell shares the seller seminar system he used to get 5-6 new listings per year -- listings that otherwise might have gone FSBO or to another agent. It's a unique way, he says, to "control the inventory."
Published 08/15/22
Did you miss this week's Walkthrough™? Get a brief overview by listening to Matt McGee's "Takeaways" segment, and then go back and listen to the full show. "Takeaways" is a regular segment at the end of every Walkthrough™ episode where we recap our guest's most important and memorable ideas and tips.
Published 08/11/22
If email is "dead," as many gurus say, why does the New York Times currently offer 103 different newsletters? And why did Intuit buy Mailchimp for $12 billion last year? The truth is that email newsletters are growing more popular today because they provide signal among all the noise in our busy lives. But let's face it...a lot of real estate newsletters are unreadable. This week on The Walkthrough™, host Matt McGee shares five mistakes you can fix to make your newsletter something your...
Published 08/08/22
Did you miss this week's Walkthrough™? Get a brief overview by listening to Matt McGee's "Takeaways" segment, and then go back and listen to the full show. "Takeaways" is a regular segment at the end of every Walkthrough™ episode where we recap our guest's most important and memorable ideas and tips.
Published 08/04/22
Taking over a retiring agent's business can be an instant jolt to your business...if you do it right. In his book, The Golden Handoff, Nick Krautter shares a step-by-step process for buying another agent's business without losing their clients. This week on The Walkthrough™, Nick returns to explain what should go into the contract between the two agents, and how the financial agreement works. This is part two of a two-part series.
Published 08/01/22
Did you miss this week's Walkthrough™? Get a brief overview by listening to Matt McGee's "Takeaways" segment, and then go back and listen to the full show. "Takeaways" is a regular segment at the end of every Walkthrough™ episode where we recap our guest's most important and memorable ideas and tips.
Published 07/28/22
It might be the most unique way to build your real estate business: Partner with an agent who's retiring and take over their business. Sounds pretty simple...but it's not. Nick Krautter has been on both sides of this kind of transaction, and wrote the book (The Golden Handoff) on buying and selling a real estate business. This week on The Walkthrough™, Nick shares the process for taking over another agent's business without losing their clients. This is part one of a two-part series.
Published 07/25/22