Steve Schmidt used to offer candidates some advice before they headed into the debate arena and it was the same words the astronaut Alan Shepard was caught saying before blasting into space: "Dear Lord, please don’t let me f@#* this up." Biden should utter that prayer before Thursday's debate and he should hit Trump hard. Plus, all of Trump's endorsements lost their races this week except Lauren Boebert, who recently apologized for her sexual behavior at a "Beetlejuice" performance. What does...
Published 06/26/24
Debbie Mucarsel-Powell was the first South American-born immigrant elected to Congress when she became a member of the House of Representatives. Now, she’s running for senate and trying to oust the incumbent Rick Scott. Mucarsel-Powell is a Democrat and says Florida isn’t as Red as the headlines suggest. *** Donate & learn more: www.debbieforflorida.com To become a The Warning Premium Member and listen to the show 48 hours early with access to premium content visit:...
Published 06/25/24
Published 06/25/24
Steve Schmidt marks two years of the WARNING. While it has become a cliché to say that the election ahead is the most important of our lifetime, so long as democracy remains one election away from extinction in America, it will be true. Make no mistake, that isn’t hyperbole. We are one election away from ending the evolving American revolution. To become a The Warning Premium Member and listen to the show 48 hours early with access to premium content visit:...
Published 06/25/24
Trump Vice President hopeful and South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem appeared on "Meet the Press" this weekend. Why is she still being talked about like a credible Republican? Even though she said Trump should pick a woman as a running mate, only men are on his short list. When Noem shared her story of shooting her puppy, she also ruined her shot at becoming Vice President. Steve Schmidt explains. *** To become a The Warning Premium Member and listen to the show 48 hours early with access to...
Published 06/24/24
Baseball great Reggie Jackson shared a powerful story about racism in the early days of his baseball career. He said that what he experienced "he wouldn't wish it on anybody." Steve Schmidt, a huge Reggie Jackson fan, reacts to his message. He says it's a warning - because the racist, sad world that he experienced isn't too far in our history. *** To become a The Warning Premium Member and listen to the show 48 hours early with access to premium content visit:...
Published 06/21/24
Steve Schmidt gives some advice to the Biden Campaign one week before the CNN Debate between President Biden and Donald Trump: emasculate Trump. Biden needs to remind Trump that he's the laughingstock in the eyes of the world's leaders. He needs to emasculate him, humiliate him, denigrate him, laugh at him, belittle him. He needs to be ready for a fight. *** To become a The Warning Premium Member and listen to the show 48 hours early with access to premium content visit:...
Published 06/20/24
At a recent Trump rally, the crowd erupted into "Send Them Back" chants. Steve Schmidt poses a question: when does that chant become more violent? And will Donald Trump act on those words if he's re-elected? He has told us he will. "Scumbaggery is his rocket fuel" and all you need is anger, rage, and stupidity if you want to advance politically. *** To become a The Warning Premium Member and listen to the show 48 hours early with access to premium content visit:...
Published 06/19/24
Steve Schmidt takes down the billionaire who shared questionable videos of President Joe Biden. He says that Donald Trump is the one who the world sees as weak. "Our national cancer is Trump. Our decay is Trump. Our threat is Trump. And that's something that even the dumbest amongst us ought to be seeing." *** To become a The Warning Premium Member and listen to the show 48 hours early with access to premium content visit: https://thewarning.supercast.com/ Subscribe for more and follow me...
Published 06/18/24
The Biden campaign released a new attack ad against Donald Trump and it falls flat. Steve Schmidt explains that they need to understand what they're up against... and that they need to hit the convicted felon a lot harder if they want to win re-election in November. To become a The Warning Premium Member and listen to the show 48 hours early with access to premium content visit: https://thewarning.supercast.com/ Subscribe for more and follow me here: Substack:...
Published 06/17/24
Happy Flag Day! Ironically, it’s also Donald Trump’s birthday. On this day, let’s remember that he does not own the flag. Though he and MAGA have co-opted some of these flags, and turned them into weapons of violence, they belong to us. The American Flag is a unifying symbol that stands opposite the MAGA flag. Steve Schmidt explains. Happy Flag Day. *** To become a The Warning Premium Member and listen to the show 48 hours early with access to premium content visit:...
Published 06/14/24
Former President and now convicted felon Donald Trump returns to Washington. He'll be on Capitol Hill for the first time since January 6th. And he's meeting with Republican lawmakers who subscribe to his MAGA movement. They are strategizing on ways to continue to amass power and they are a threat to America. Steve Schmidt explains what's at stake and why it must be stopped. *** To become a The Warning Premium Member and listen to the show 48 hours early with access to premium content visit:...
Published 06/13/24
The controversial remarks by Justice Samuel Alito, caught on tape, show a level of corruption that's unprecedented. He is unfit to serve on the Supreme Court. His presence, along with Justice Clarence Thomas's corruption, is a threat to the American judiciary and to democracy. They are radicalized by the political MAGA... and if Trump is re-elected, he will work with them to make sure their vision of an extremist America is carried through. Steve Schmidt explains. *** To become a The...
Published 06/12/24
Activist and documentary maker Lauren Windsor secretly recorded damning and incredible remarks from Justice Samuel Alito and his wife. They come after the couple has been linked to a number of controversies tying them to MAGA and the radical right. Steve Schmidt, who led Alito's confirmation hearings during the Bush administration, explains why he's unfit for the Supreme Court. "Autocracy has come to the Supreme Court. It's wearing judicial robes." *** To become a The Warning Premium Member...
Published 06/11/24
At a rally in Las Vegas, Trump continued his practice of spewing lies. This time, he said he never offended veterans. We know that's not true. And he's saying the January 6th insurrectionists were protestors and treated like hostages. Steve Schmidt warns about this dangerous rhetoric. *** To become a The Warning Premium Member and listen to the show 48 hours early with access to premium content visit: https://thewarning.supercast.com/ Subscribe for more and follow me here: Substack:...
Published 06/11/24
Former President & convicted felon Donald Trump sat down with TV personality Dr. Phil. The conversation was two celebrity fraudsters sitting together, role playing. One, a pretend therapist, the other, an aggrieved former president who lost an election but can't handle it psychologically. Maybe Dr. Phil should have talked about that. Steve Schmidt RIPS the interview apart. *** To become a The Warning Premium Member and listen to the show 48 hours early with access to premium content...
Published 06/07/24
Steve Schmidt reacts to President Joe Biden's speech from the 80th anniversary memorial of D-Day at Normandy beach. He compares it to the speech given by Ronald Reagan 40 years ago. Though the two men are from different parties, their message remains the same. *** To become a The Warning Premium Member and listen to the show 48 hours early with access to premium content visit: https://thewarning.supercast.com/ Subscribe for more and follow me here: Substack:...
Published 06/06/24
Steve Schmidt speaks with David Moscrop, a Canadian writer and political theorist, about how the international sphere sees the rematch between Trump and Biden in 2024. They discuss a potential second term of Donald Trump - and what it might mean for his political enemies. To become a The Warning Premium Member and listen to the show 48 hours early with access to premium content visit: https://thewarning.supercast.com/ Subscribe for more and follow me here: Substack:...
Published 06/05/24
Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene attacked Dr. Anthony Fauci at a Congressional hearing this week. The attack was rooted in falsehoods and riddled with offenses. Steve Schmidt explains why she's a threat to democracy and represents our "national suicide." *** To become a The Warning Premium Member and listen to the show 48 hours early with access to premium content visit: https://thewarning.supercast.com/ Subscribe for more and follow me here: Substack:...
Published 06/04/24
After President Donald Trump's felony convictions, TV journalists failed to push back on lies being spread by Republicans. Steve Schmidt speaks about how Americans are misled by the media leading to a crisis in journalism. *** To become a The Warning Premium Member and listen to the show 48 hours early with access to premium content visit: https://thewarning.supercast.com/ Subscribe for more and follow me here: Substack: https://steveschmidt.substack.com/subscribe Twitter:...
Published 06/03/24
Donald Trump gave a rambling, incoherent press conference the day after being convicted of 34 charges. It was filled with threats of revenge and retribution. Steve Schmidt says we must take these at face value. *** To become a The Warning Premium Member and listen to the show 48 hours early with access to premium content visit: https://thewarning.supercast.com/ Subscribe for more and follow me here: Substack: https://steveschmidt.substack.com/subscribe Twitter:...
Published 05/31/24
"No one is above the law," says Steve Schmidt, former Republican campaign manager who joined the Democratic party to stand against Donald Trump. He speaks on the historic day when Trump is found guilty on 34 counts by a jury of his peers. He also explains what it means for the Republican party: "We will see an abdication of all standards by the former party of values, the Republican party." *** To become a The Warning Premium Member and listen to the show 48 hours early with access to...
Published 05/30/24
There are red flags starting to fly high over the Biden campaign headquarters. What does it mean that Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are campaigning together in Philadelphia, a deep-blue area? Steve Schmidt joins Scripps News to explain. *** To become a The Warning Premium Member and listen to the show 48 hours early with access to premium content visit: https://thewarning.supercast.com/ Subscribe for more and follow me here: Substack: https://steveschmidt.substack.com/subscribe Twitter:...
Published 05/30/24
Actor Robert De Niro stumped for the Biden campaign outside of Trump's trial in New York City on Tuesday. He said that Trump is a threat to America and got into verbal spats with MAGA protestors. Steve Schmidt explains why De Niro got under Trump's skin. *** To become a The Warning Premium Member and listen to the show 48 hours early with access to premium content visit: https://thewarning.supercast.com/ Subscribe for more and follow me here: Substack:...
Published 05/29/24
Steve Schmidt slams Eric Trump over his "shallow" Memorial Day post. The son of a taker who went on to become a huge grifter knows nothing about sacrifice. It was a stupid post that shows how out of touch he and his family is - especially when it comes to Americans who gave the ultimate sacrifice. *** To become a The Warning Premium Member and listen to the show 48 hours early with access to premium content visit: https://thewarning.supercast.com/ Subscribe for more and follow me...
Published 05/28/24