Serotonin is a brain chemical (neurotransmitter) that influences your mood and sleep. 95% of it is produced in your gut from the food that you eat. So why is there an epidemic of Anxiety and Depression and why are they linked? This week's episode simplifies all of this and provides proved strategies to improve your gut health. I'm so excited to be taking enrolments for my brand new online group program - The Anxiety Taming Method! Click the link to check it out now -...
Published 09/25/19
Our increasingly stressful lives are coinciding with a rise in gut health issues and in this week’s podcast I’ll be talking about how stress impacts the lining of our intestines which can lead to anxiety, food intolerances and gut symptoms. I’ve just launched my transformational group program, The Anxiety Transformation Method. A 12 week online program fully facilitated by me to provide accountability and support. Check it out here - http://bit.ly/TameAnxiety1
Published 09/18/19
Research shows that women are more likely to experience burnout than men, and not for reasons that you might think. In this podcast I review the current research about burnout and provide some solutions to beat it.
Published 09/11/19
Did you know that women are twice as likely to be diagnosed with an anxiety disorder than men and three times more likely when we’re in our forties as we lead up to menopause? This podcast digs into the reasons for this (and they’re probably not what you think!). As women, we need to be armed with knowledge to support our physical and mental health throughout all the different life stages we naturally go through. I hope you enjoy this women’s health focussed episode.
Published 09/03/19
This week I interview the gorgeous Roxy Aila as she shares her mental health journey. Roxy is a Brisbane based yoga teacher and shares Corporate and Community yoga. She is passionate about creating accessible and supportive yoga classes that empower students mentally, physically and emotionally. Roxy volunteers at community events as a public speaker to break the stigma that surrounds mental illness and highlights tips to build mental health and resilience.
Published 08/27/19
In Part 2 of this 3 part series on Stress, Fatigue and Anxiety I’m focussing on fatigue. There are multiple causes of fatigue and I’m touching on just a few in this episode. My purpose in bringing these episodes to you is to help you identify signs of this in your own body and motivate you to take action to prevent this going on for long periods. Fee free to leave me a review if you’re finding this useful.
Published 08/21/19
As you know by now, I’m passionate about helping people to understand the effects of stress on their health and wellbeing. I’m breaking down the elements of how stress affects your body over the next few weeks and this week I’m focussing on what happens on a biochemical level in your body when you’re stressed for long periods of time. Cortisol is an extremely important hormone that’s a key part of your stress response and this episode explains how this hormone works and how you can spot...
Published 08/14/19
I’ve recently been inspired to restart my gratitude practice as neuroscientists have shown that having a formal gratitude practice makes you happier! Who doesn’t want more happiness in their lives?! In this podcast I explore different types of gratitude practices that are simple and can be easily integrated into your daily life. Imagine setting up a daily gratitude practice with your children - how amazing to raise kids who have developed an appreciation for all the little things in life. ...
Published 08/06/19
Ok, so this might seem pretty ‘woo’ to some of you but I urge you to stick with this episode as I delve into the science behind using mantra to reduce stress and anxiety. Mantras are either single words or short phrases that are repeated over and again to help relax the mind. It’s so easy and with the mantras I suggest in this podcast, you can actually use these to change your mindset about how you view yourself in a very positive way.
Published 07/31/19
This week I’m excited to have a special guest on the show! Lauren Joyce is the world's top sex, love and relationship coach and founder of The Magnetic Woman. She helps leaders, influencers and visionaries tap into and embrace their feminine radiance, feel confidently sexy and create passionate conscious partnerships. Lauren and I have a juicy conversation about being a woman in our modern lives and how we can be in our feminine energy in the workplace as well as our relationships at home...
Published 07/23/19
This week I conclude a 2 part series on IBS which is a really common presentation in my Wellness Clinic. Many of my clients have had this for YEARS and either not done anything about it or have been told there's nothing that can be done. I'm here to tell you that there's loads of different ways to manage the symptoms AND the syndrome and I can't wait to share them with you. If you or someone you know has IBS, this is a must listen to series.
Published 07/17/19
This week I start a 2 part series on IBS which is a really common presentation in my Wellness Clinic. Many of my clients have had this for YEARS and either not done anything about it or have been told there's nothing that can be done. I'm here to tell you that there's loads of different ways to manage the symptoms AND the syndrome and I can't wait to share them with you. If you or someone you know has IBS, this is a must listen to series.
Published 07/10/19
The Wellness Glow Livestream - Say Goodbye to Stress and Fatigue and Hello to Radiant Health is an event I hosted in May 2019 where I brought together 3 other women in the wellness field to discuss practical ways women can manage stress and fatigue in their lives. This event ran for 3 hours and I’ve had many requests to put it on the podcast in smaller chunks as the original piece is so long! This week I’m bringing you Jessi Mendez, ERYT500 Sacred Feminine Alchemist & Wild Woman and Lead...
Published 07/01/19
The Wellness Glow Livestream - Say Goodbye to Stress and Fatigue and Hello to Radiant Health is an event I hosted in May 2019 where I brought together 3 other women in the wellness field to discuss practical ways women can manage stress and fatigue in their lives. This event ran for 3 hours and I’ve had many requests to put it on the podcast in smaller chunks as the original piece is so long! This week I’m bringing you my own presentation. You’ll hear me referring to my slides and to the...
Published 06/26/19
This week I’m bringing you Suzanne Taylor-King, a certified holistic life and business coach, positive psychology practitioner, author, speaker and total comedian. This is the recording from The Wellness Glow Livestream - Say Goodbye to Stress and Fatigue and Hello to Radiant Health. Please enjoy :)
Published 06/19/19
The Wellness Glow Livestream - Say Goodbye to Stress and Fatigue and Hello to Radiant Health is an event I hosted in May 2019 where I brought together 3 other women in the wellness field to discuss practical ways women can manage stress and fatigue in their lives. This event ran for 3 hours and I’ve had many requests to put it on the podcast in smaller chunks as the original piece is so long! This week I’m bringing you Nicky Skinner, a Registered Nurse and qualified accredited Nutrition,...
Published 06/12/19
This week’s episode focusses on three conditions involving wheat/gluten - Coeliac Disease, Non-Coeliac Gluten Sensitivity and true wheat allergy. Whether or not we should be eating gluten can be quite a controversial topic and I use this week’s episode to clarify what these conditions are and what you need to do about it if you think you have one of these.
Published 05/22/19
Join me and Mindset Expert Eunice Chan - Eunice helps women to live fully in abundance by radically shifting their limiting beliefs and inhibiting thoughts so that they can be unstoppable in uncovering new opportunities without getting in their own way. Learn her 4 Step Plan to get started on overcoming your health and life challenges Discover practical strategies to get out of overwhelm and just get started on making amazing lifestyle changes to support your health and wellbeing. See how...
Published 05/15/19
This week I take your questions and I’ve had a couple of interesting ones this week! Propolis - what is it and what does it do? You’ll know once you listen to this. And CBD Oil - what’s all the fuss about? Check this one out…
Published 05/08/19
In Part 2 of my 2-part series on Allergies I’m discussing Food Allergies and Intolerances which actually affect around 20% of adults in Western countries. Did you know that gut healing protocols can actually help reduce allergies and food intolerances? In this episode I discuss how you might be able to identify and treat food intolerances and allergies.
Published 05/01/19
ANZAC Day (25 April) is a very special holiday for me and I’m dedicating this episode to our military. I’m fortunate that one of my roles as a meditation teacher is to work with the Australian Army teaching therapeutic meditation to injured soldiers. In this episode of The Wellness Glow I talk about PTSD - did you know that 12% of the population will suffer from this at some stage - I was amazed at that figure! It can happen to any of us and I’m going to outline why and what you can do about it.
Published 04/24/19
When you think of Hay Fever and Asthma, I bet you don't think of gut health as being important to consider - am I right? This week I'm talking about why gut health is a key factor in these alllergic reactions and how improving gut health can help reduce the severity and frequency of these.
Published 04/17/19
Every month I answer your questions on holistic health and wellness so please feel free to message me on social media or through my contact form to ask your questions. This week I answer questions on Women’s Health issues. Enjoy x
Published 04/10/19
When I worked in conventional medicine Leaky Gut wasn't recognised, but now it has a medical name - Increased Intestinal Permeability. In this episode of The Wellness Glow I'm outlining everything you need to know about it.
Published 04/03/19
Last week I talked about the Stress Response and the Relaxation Response and how the gut is impacted by this. This week I explain the gut microbiome and how stress impacts this - the Microbiota-Gut-Brain axis. I break this down into easy to understand language so that you can understand why it's important to manage your stress and look after your gut.
Published 03/27/19