It can be very fun to work with our gifts. To explore how we can recognize our ability to see, hear, feel, taste, and smell things that bring information that should be unexplainable. Yet it distinctly tells us a story. My guest this week, Eboni Banks,  discovered a very rare psychic ability when she found that when she laid hands on people in her work as a healer, she could pick up on various experiences, information, & impressions. Eboni's main spiritual gift is called Clairtangency,...
Published 03/27/24
Happy Full Moon Lunar Eclipse In Libra! It is officially Eclipse season and it is bound to pack a punch for many of us. This Lunar Eclipse today (if you're watching on this episode's release date, Monday March 25th) is trined by Pluto at 1 degree. I'm no astrologer yet I understand it means that this Moon is asking us to look at the things we don't want to see in regards to our relationships and desires. Often what we want the most is what we have the deepest fears around. Sometimes...
Published 03/25/24
Happy Friday! And welcome to Aries Season! It's time to celebrate because we've escaped the 8 Swords of Self Entrapment, hurray! And now we begin the work of navigating the World being mindful of how we're responding to our environments, situations & people. And also beginning to choose what we will & will not tolerate in terms of the jobs, living situations, relationships, friendships, colleagues and otherwise in our life that are proving to be unhealthy for us. On this Identify...
Published 03/22/24
My guest this week, Raven Scott, has been a wonderful friend & fantastic mentor to me for over a year. Raven is a is a podcaster, author and Trauma informed Human Design Reader. We connected while working with the wonderful Podcasting coaches at Get More Listeners and she a pivotal guide in helping me find my audience with Women Waken. Raven saw her own phenomenal success with the podcast, The Empath & The Narcissist. Raven bravely started this podcast to speak about her experience of...
Published 03/20/24
Spring has arrived! (In the Northern Hemisphere) Or Fall for my lovely Southern Hemisphere folks. Either way, we have come to the time of equal hours of daylight and night. Balance. New life, emergence, blossoming, sunshine, awakening are all themes of Spring yet lets not forget the significance of honoring balance at the time of the sacred Equinox. Stepping into the bright, longer days of Spring can be energizing yet we want to be mindful not to race in too quickly. The theme from this...
Published 03/18/24
We did it ya'll! Made it to the final 8th Sword of the 8 Swords of Self Entrapment. I feel pretty excited about it. What did everyone think of this series, would you like to see more like it? I enjoyed it and the opportunity it provided to hit on what I feel is so pivotal to this year of 2024, BREAKING FREE & Reclamation. Now is the time to move out of doubt, old patterns, & and stories and it all begins with releasing the Past. On this Identify & Heal solo episode I'm pulling...
Published 03/15/24
It often takes diving head first into all the sticky, messy, & unhealthy means of coping in life to gain spiritual understandings & reach a state of enlightenment. How else would you realize how backwards it is to harm yourself in order to feel better? And if it's backwards, then what would it be to live in a forward manner? This is all to say that life can lead us to bizarre and unthinkable circumstances before we find our peace. My guest this week, Rae Leonard, shares the most...
Published 03/13/24
Happy Super New Moon in Pisces! I know, it happened on the 10th yet I'm recording this on the day of the Moon and feeling into that Pisces energy as well as the end of the year/wrapping things up energy. We do find ourselves at this Moon in the last sign of the Zodiac year. Pisces allows some space for swimming in the potential and exploring possibilities before we head into fired up Aries season ready to take charge and make moves as we leap into Spring and the new Zodiac year. On this...
Published 03/11/24
We've made it to the 7th Sword of Self Entrapment and NO, it's not a repeat. The 1st Sword was Self Doubt, the down trodden cousin of today's Sword, the Sword of Self Criticism. While Self Doubt may feel like an eeyore, woe-is-me mentality, Self Criticism feels like a cruel & unkind commentator who's only purposing is to scare you into believing you're not enough. Where does this voice come from and why is it such a prominent affliction for Humanity? On today's Identify & Heal solo...
Published 03/08/24
More & more Spiritual Women (including myself!) are feeling the pull to follow their passion & pursue entrepreneurship. And what a beautiful & exciting path that is. However, it isn't the easiest one. And as with most things, it is the getting started that is the hardest part. That's where my guest this week, Jenna Harrison, comes in. Jenna is a reformed over-analyzer turned top ranked business coach, podcast host, and founder of The Uncommon Way, where women build their...
Published 03/06/24
The Animal Kingdom is a glorious gift to humanity. Animals seem to serve as beautiful messengers to humans of unconditional love, kindness, & companionship. Of course this may not seem to be the case with all animals considering so many are wild and known to be dangerous. Yet if you watch any nature documentary you'll see the beautiful and actually very Divine Feminine qualities that animals exhibit. Yes they can be violent yet they honor balance and coexist respectfully with the lands...
Published 03/04/24
I recorded this episode on Leap day 2024! Perfect day to speak about leaping into the Unknown. I'm including this as one of the swords of self entrapment because of the the two fold way that the Unknown keeps us bound, both emotionally & in situations in our lives. People will often remain stuck in jobs, relationships, communities, friendships, & lifestyles because their afraid that there might not be something better out there if they leave. And others will fall into a sense of...
Published 03/01/24
It's a remarkable feat to make a movie. There is a WHOLE lotta work that goes into that process. My out-of-this-World guest this week, Dana Kippel, not only made a movie she also wrote the script and starred in it!  And to add extra points... it's spiritually, esoteric, and healing based. Heck ya. It's also a lot of fun & thought-provoking so really, you just need to see Dana's awesome movie, Reflect. Dana is a Director, Writer, Actor, and Producer living in Los Angeles, CA. She infuses...
Published 02/28/24
As we come out of the energy of this past weekend's Virgo Full Moon there might be a sense that it's time to clean house. Time to get organized, clear out clutter, and evaluate how we want to invest out time. Virgo's are good at getting down to business and finding efficient paths towards a task. Virgo's also can be over analytical & have a critical eye. With that being said, you may find yourself feeling ready for an overhaul of your environment & schedule while also bombarded by...
Published 02/26/24
Here comes Sword 5 and it's a deep one... Shame. The heaviness of Shame lies in the fact that it is truly insidious & creates fear in us at a cellular level. The fear that there is something inherently wrong with us, that we are bad, and that it's only a matter of time before everyone finds out. Shame can also be spurned from things that happen to us which feel too terrible and unacceptable that we can never let anyone know. We keep them buried deep inside with the resulting shame of...
Published 02/23/24
It can be helpful to have a guidebook as we travel along our spiritual path. Especially to those newly embarking on the path, a few pointers and insights can be helpful. My guest this week, author Edit B Kiss, went ahead and wrote that guidebook for you. This book is a guide for all the individuals who feel a calling to become a lightworker but do not know where to start. Edit's book offers practical tools to your journey and key elements that you need to implement to make the process easier....
Published 02/21/24
Hello Dear Listeners, If you follow me on Instagram you may already know that two weeks ago my computer crashed. It was Thursday night so I wasn't able to release my Friday episode on the 9th or any since then. I finally got a new computer late last week & I'm happy to be back & recording again! This is just a little update & storytelling with a side of Divine Feminine encouragement & inspiration for your week. I took this Divine Feminine intervention as an opportunity to...
Published 02/19/24
Making the choice to walk the path of the Awakened Heart could be the mantra for Women Waken. Yet it's not mine to claim. My beautiful guest this week, Jennifer Spor, is the host of The Path Of The Awakened Heart Podcast and she joins us to share what that path means to her. All I can think is, how beautiful is it going to be as more and more of us do decided to walk that path and let our true, authentic, unfiltered, radiant selves been seen?! Jennifer gives us an idea of what that will...
Published 02/07/24
Inspired by what (fortunately) turned out to be just a funny yet stressful incident this past week, I wanted to talk about having awareness of our energy levels. it can benefit us greatly not to push our limits with what we take on or pack into our schedules if we aim to maintain our health, wellbeing, and stamina. Yet that can be challenging when things are picking up speed and we want to try to do it all. Most of us have experienced that crash and burn when we ride the full steam ahead mode...
Published 02/05/24
Happy February Everyone! How is 2024 treating you so far? We're on to the 4th Sword as I continue the 8 Swords of self-entrapment series. My choice for this week is the sword of Comparison. Comparing myself to others has been a long fought battle in my life and felt like a mental prison for many years that I couldn't break out from. I know I'm not alone as I've heard so many friends, clients, colleagues and really most people will echo the same struggle especially now in the age of social...
Published 02/02/24
There are certain experiences in life which very few people ever experience. One of which is reaching the top of their chosen field or finding elite status in sports or entertainment. Even more rare is when gaining high levels of achievement, notoriety, or fame bring us to a Spiritual redirection. My guest this week is one of those rarities. Bret Lockett is a transformative love and relationship coach, renowned speaker, and entrepreneur dedicated to guiding individuals to deep intimacy and...
Published 01/31/24
It's always a blessing to have people come into your life to share their gifts with you. My dear friend Corry MacDonald (corrymacdonald.com) offered to do an Angel Channeling session with me this past week and WOW was it ever incredible. The experience  gave an extra push in my perspective shift. As humans can get so caught up in our stories about the role people play in our lives and how we believe people feel about us. We forget we have no way to know what's really true in another's heart....
Published 01/29/24
It seems that it has become a chronic condition of most Humans to lack real love & acceptance of themselves and to know their full 100% value and worth. There are many reasons why this has become the case, the number one being that we don't know who we really are. It's time to remember, to reclaim our true power & abilities, and to end the negative self concepts once and for all. On this Identify & Heal solo episode I take hold of the 3rd Sword of Self Entrapment; Lack of Self...
Published 01/26/24
There is momentum building around Women's yearning for reclamation. Reclaiming their voices, bodies, Feminine power, wombs, and glorious pussies. My guest this week, Hayley Ebersole, is the Woman who is invigorating the conversation around this uprising and holding space for those who feel ready to begin. As an ancestral medicine keeper who synergizes transformational coaching, yoga and earth based rituals she supports soulful, high achieving women to deprogram self judgement and emotional...
Published 01/24/24
A true sense of Serenity is akin to the Divine. To know peace. To feel a wave of calmness fill your body. This reminds us of what resides at the center of each of us. The eye of the storm within that, regardless of the illusion of distress and chaos in our lives, keeps perfectly still and peaceful. We often don't feel a sense of serenity in our lives as we've complicated things so much here on this planet. Overwhelming ourselves into believing there is so much we need to be safe and serene....
Published 01/22/24