Understanding Running Workout Shorthand
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Hey Running Friends, If you have ever looked at a workout and were confused about what it was telling you to do, you are not alone! I remember seeing workouts when I started doing speed work that seemed like another language to me. As a coach, I try to remember that the things I just know now had me in the dark many times while I learned about running. Those things are what I aim to make clear for those of you who are just starting to run. Today I am going over some "shorthand" that you may see online for workouts.  This episode may be one that you need to actually have a piece of paper for, so if you are used to listening on the run go ahead and absorb it and then re-listen with the show notes. The workouts I go over in the episode are: 2 mi EZ/8x100m @5k w 200m rec/1 mi CD 6mi EZ/2x8 sec hill sprints 3x400m @3k pace 5 min WU/10x1min run/1 min walk/5 min CD 2x6 min/5 min/4 min/3 min/2 min/ 1 min @10k-1500m pace with 90 sec rec/2 min walk between sets Resources from the Episode: Blog Posts from The Wrinkled Runner- Explaining Different Running Workouts YouTube Videos from The Wrinkled Runner- Incorporating Different Running Workouts Podcast Episodes from The Wrinkled Runner- Running Workouts Content from Other Sources: Runners World Pace Calculator Heart Rate Zone Calculator - keep in mind using your age and the usual formula for this may not be accurate. Listen to the podcast episode and refer to the show notes about Heart Rate to find out how to find your actual max heart rate (and pay attention to the warnings about trying to find out as well...if you are just starting out, I suggest you use age and then as you get more data and run more you will be able to run the tests to find your real max. Always talk to your doctor before trying anything that is going to raise your heart rate). Website Recommendations: This weeks website- Runners Shorthand from The Wrinkled Runner Last  weeks website- Jeff Galloway's 10k Training -  stay consistent by moving on to the next level after your couch to 5k You can find my additional Wrinkled Runner outlets over at the YouTube channel and at wrinkledrunner.com. Sign up over on the blog for the once-a-month newsletter and you’ll get links to everything I’ve been doing between the podcast, blog, and YouTube. If you live in the Buffalo, NY area and would like information on utilizing a running coach, check out what I can do for you here. If you have any running-related questions, please send an email to [email protected]…I answer every one. 
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